
The Heritage of Daniel Haston


White County, Tennessee Historical Information


1834 White County Map

Purchase 1811-1876 Tax Records
1811-1876 White County tax records
are now available on a single CD

Legends & Stories of White County
Read the 1930 unpublished thesis by Coral Williams

History of White County
Read the History of White County, TN
by Rev. Monroe Seals - Published 1935

County Formation in Acts of Tennessee - White County



"An Act to form a new county south of the counties of Wilson, Smith, Jackson and Overton."

SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, That a new county be, and is hereby established on the south and adjoining the aforesaid counties of Wilson, Smith, Jackson, and Overton, by the name of White, bounded as follows, viz:  Beginning in the late Indian boundary line, at the south west corner of said Wilson County; thence eastwardly with the said counties of Wilson, Smith, Jackson and Overton, to the west boundary of Roane County; thence southwardly with the line of said Roane County, to the south boundary line of this state; thence with the said south boundary line to the south east corner of Rutherford County; thence north with the east boundary line of Rutherford County, to the beginning aforesaid.

SECTION 2. And for the due administration of justice, BE IT ENACTED, That the first court, and all subsequent courts of the county of White, shall be held by the justices of the same, at the house of Joseph Terry, near Rock Island, until otherwise altered or provided by law; and all courts held in and for said county of White, shall be held by commission to the said justices, in the same manner, and under the same rules and restrictions, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, as are or shall be prescribed for the courts of the several counties in this state.

SECTION 3. BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the said county of White, to hold an election, at the place of holding courts in the same on the first Thursday in November next and the succeeding day, for the purpose of electing one colonel and two majors for the said county of White, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are prescribed by law in similar cases.

SECTION 4. BE IT ENACTED, That the election for company officers for the county of White shall be held at such places as the commandant of said county may think proper to appoint, which said elections shall be held on the third Saturday in December next, under the same rules, regulations, and restrictions as are prescribed in like cases.  And elections of members of the General Assembly, the governor and members of congress, shall be held at the place of holding court in said county of White, on the same days on which elections for the same purposes are authorized to be held; and the sheriff of said county of White, shall meet the sheriff of Jackson County on the succeeding Monday, at the place of holding court in said county of Jackson, and with him examine the respective polls of election for both counties, and declare the persons having the greatest number of votes duly elected, and give certificates accordingly.

SECTION 5. BE IT ENACTED, That the county of White shall, in all cases be considered a part of the district of Winchester; any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

 Passed on September 12, 1806