The Great Falls
Power House - Introduction
Oil and Gas in
the Caney Fork Basin
Oil seeps were known to some of the early
settlers. Geo. J. Stubblefield purchased oil leases from
Robert Davis in Big Bottom and others in 1865.
Geo. W. Colbert bought oil leases on Caney Fork near Cane Creek
in 1877 and also rights for a pipe line.
At least one oil well was drilled above Hodge Bridge.
A number of wells were drilled in the Collins River Valley south
of McMinnville but no flow of gas or oil of any quantity was
ever found.
When test holes were drilled for the Great Falls Dam in 1915 a
small amount of oil was discovered. There was a very small flow
of gas from a rock crevice about 300 feet below the Power House
in the late 1920's. The writer lighted it with a match on a
number of occasions. The flame was not more than 3 inches long.
Hydro-Electric Power
Burgess Falls
on Falling Water Creek - A dam was constructed at this
location to provide a reservoir |
for both a water supply
and electric power for the City of Cookeville. Its prime
purpose at this date, 1972, is to provide storage for
the water system.
Center Hill
Dam and Reservoir on the Caney Fork River at Mile
26.6 - This project was built by |
the Corps of Engineers, U.S.
Army, Nashville Office for flood control on the
Cumberland and lower rivers, generation of electric
power, and at the same time provides many recreation
facilities for Middle Tennessee. When the reservoir is
full the water is backed up to the tail-water at the
Great Falls Power House. For detailed information
on this project consult publications issued by the
Corps. [See the
map for the map of the
area where the Center Hill reservoir was later located.]
Great Falls Power
House and Dam
on the Caney Fork River - For the first chapter in the |
development of power at Great Falls see
"Bosson Mill" and for the second chapter see "Falls City
Cotton Mill." The first two developments made use of a
very small part of the water power available and that
for small mills in each case.
Back in 1898 Arthur J. Dyer of Nashville
and a founder of the Nashville Bridge Company began
reconnaissance surveys on the Caney Fork River with a
view of developing a future water supply for the City of
Nashville. It was not long before he realized the power
possibilities at Great Falls. He took an option in May
1901 [?] on the land on the north or White County side
of Great Falls. On March 13, 1902 [?] the Great Falls
Power Company was incorporated with a capital stock of
$20,000 and in May of the same year the option secured
by Mr. Dyer was purchased. Charles H. Fiske, the
engineer, Mr. Newman of Detroit who furnished the first
money, Fielding H. Yost, W.M. Goodlett, Dan E. McGugin
and Thos. G. Kittrell all played an important part in
the early development of Great Falls as a hydroelectric
Very little was done in securing riparian
rights till 1904. From that date on all the old mill
sites were purchased. Practically all of the mills
within the area of the proposed development had been
destroyed in the flood of March 1902. By 1909
considerable property had been acquired and during the
previous year the Charter was amended providing for
additional stock.
The Search for New
The early promoters now began looking about for new
capital. E.W. Clark & Company took a thirty-day
option on the property but at the end of the month a
package arrived at the depot which proved to be the
abstracts which had been returned thus dashing the hopes
of Mr. Dyer and his associates. In the meantime
the Great Falls Power Company had used the option money
to purchase additional real estate. It should be
mentioned that Mr. E.L. Tyndale of Sparta prepared the
hundreds of abstracts on the properties purchased.
They served as a wonderful source of information to the
writer on old names, roads, mills, people and other
items of historical interest.
Bylessby Company Enters the Picture
It was not
long before H.M. Bylessby & Company of Chicago took a
thirty day option but like the Clarks they did not keep
it. Still more property had been purchased with
the money received from Bylessby. The outlet
[outlook?] was
anything but bright, but it so happened that both the
Clark and Bylessby interests were interesting themselves
in the property of the Nashville Railway & Light
Company. When things looked most gloomy both companies
again asked for an option on Great Falls and it was sold
to the Bylessby Company who a short time later purchased
the controlling stock in the Great Falls Power Company.
On April 24, 1912 the Tennessee Power Company was
incorporated, which corporation purchased the Great
Falls Power Company and began buying land on a large
scale and preparing plans for the development. At
the same time surveys were started of the entire
reservoir area. Jim Baker claims to have opened up
the 300 foot chain for the first time and helped make
the first measurement with it.
The Original
Design Was Not Used
It is
interesting to note that the original plans called for a
dam 110 feet high. At the "Narrows," where the two
tunnels are now located, an open cut was to be made from
the Collins River to the Caney Fork. The water was
to be carried across the Caney Fork in a steel flume and
then in an open canal across Horseshoe Bend, a distance
of 1.5 miles. The Power House was to be located on
the right bank of the river near Sulfur Spring three
miles or more by river below the present Power House.
In so doing a total head of 235 feet would have been
available; 110 feet at the dam, 75 feet between the dam
and the present Power House and 50 feet around horseshoe
bend. Plans were made for high level bridges
across the pool and the necessary contracts secured from
the three counties involved.
Starts Work on the Project
In 1912 the
H.M. Bylessby Company put a force of 500 men in the
field and actually began construction of cofferdams and
excavation for the dam but within 30 days the Caney Fork
swept away the cofferdams and all work was suspended and
then definitely stopped.
The Bylessby Company had in the meantime made an
unsuccessful attempt to gain control of the Nashville
Railway and Light Company. E.W. Clarke & Company
succeeded. As Great Falls was worthless without a
market for the power the Bylessby people sold their
stock in the Tennessee Power Company to the Clarkes and
at the same time made a contract to construct the
transmission line from Cleveland Junction to Nashville
by way of Great Falls. The line was built in 1912
and 1913. Charlie Evans was employed in 1912 as
the first patrolman on this line. He lived at Rock
Island and walked and rode in a buggy over the line for
the next 25 years.
The First Plant Is
Things moved slowly for a few years until December
1915 when word went forth that actual construction of a
40 foot high dam was to begin immediately. Roads
were built, a camp established and work pushed rapidly.
Within a year the dam had been built, a tunnel driven
through the "Narrows" and a power house constructed of
sheet metal and one generating unit installed with a
capacity of 12,000 horsepower. R.H. Anderson or
"Cap" Anderson, as he was affectionately known to his
men, was in charge of the work. The plant was
placed in operation January 1, 1917.
Capacity Is Tripled
The name was
changed in 1922 to The Tennessee Electric Power Company,
TEPCo. The use of electricity grew rapidly and as a
result Cap. Anderson, Chief Engineer and C.E. Ayre,
General Superintendent, again built a camp, gathered a
crew and began work in the late spring of 1923. The dam
was raised 35 feet, a second tunnel was driven through
the "Narrows, a new 20,110 horsepower generating unit
was installed and the old unit increased to 15,400
horsepower, a new brick Power House erected, the
reservoir cleared, nine bridges raised and lengthened
and nine new bridges built. The work was completed in
April, 1925 but the reservoir was not filled until
October of that year.

[Note: This photo is from
Mr. Crouch's materials at TSLA in Nashville, but does
not appear in his book.]
Great Falls
- 1925
Article Associated with the Two Great Falls
Photos Displayed Here -
The Great Falls
development was commenced on December 7,
1915, near the town of Rock Island in Middle
Tennessee, 75 miles southeast of the city of
Nashville. A short distance below this
town the Collins River and just below their
confluence a gravity type dam was erected
across the Caney Fork. This dam built
of cyclopean concrete was at the time of
construction 740 feet long and 56 feet high,
with a spillway section of 540 feet and
surmounted by a 14 foot roadway throughout
its entire length. Just below the dam
there is a natural fall in the Caney Fork
River and the power house was constructed
below the "Great Falls" to utilize the
advantage of the additional head.
Another unusual condition exists at this
development in that the Collins River
parallels the Caney Fork for some distance,
separated only by a narrow mountain ridge,
with the streams flowing in opposite
directions. Advantage was taken of
this condition in the building of a concrete
lined tunnel, 13 feet square and 490 feet
long, from the Collins River through the
ridge to the Caney Fork. The
combination of the dam and natural falls
gave a head of 110 feet for the single
13,000 horsepower vertical turbine installed
in the power house.
Work on this development
was completed in December, 1916.
Altogether, 22,500 cubic yards of concrete
were used in the dam structure and 7,900
cubic yards of rock excavated for the
tunnel. The latter discharges into a
steel penstock, 12 feet in diameter and 174
feet long, that carries the water to the
power house. Equipment is of
Allis-Chalmers manufacture. The single
runner hydraulic turbine, rated at 13,000
horsepower, is connected to a 9375 kva
generator operating at 6,600 volts and 180
revolutions per minute.
In the spring of 1923 The
Tennessee Electric Power Company, in order
to provide for the ever increasing demands
for electricity, began the construction of a
23,360 horsepower addition to the Great
Falls plant. This work involved
building 35 feet more height onto the
existing dam, making the available head 150
feet, the drilling of a second tunnel
through the mountainside, and the building
of a new brick and steel power house to
replace the temporary structure erected in
1916. Work on this project was carried
on during 1923 and 1924 and the new turbine
was placed in service at the old operating
head in October, 1924. The original
unit was then removed from service to permit
the rebuilding of the tunnel intake so as to
conform to the new head water conditions.
The work of closing the dam was completed in
March, 1925. Some idea of the
magnitude of this undertaking may be gained
from the fact that the raising of the dam
and consequent flooding of land necessitated
the elevating or building of fifteen highway
and one railroad bridge, the farthest of
which was located 25 miles upstream.
The Great Falls reservoir now covers an area
of 2,250 acres and has a storage capacity of
6,000,000 kilowatt-hours, as compared with
900 acres and a storage of 648,000
kilowatt-hours formerly.
Source: "Organization, Development,
Forecasts for Future through Using Water
Power," 1925 article from a magazine
published by The Tennessee Electric Power
Company. Available at the TSLA in
Nashville, TN: V1-F-4, Box 2, Folder 1. |

[Note: This photo is from Mr. Crouch's materials at TSLA
in Nashville, but does not appear in his book.]
The Flood of 1929
Twenty seven years
had passed since the flood of Good Friday 1902. On
Good Friday 1929, following torrential rains feeding the
hundreds of tiny rivulets in the mountains as well as
the flat country drained by the Barren Fork River,
caused the Caney Fork River to go on a rampage such as
had never been known. The angry waters, sweeping
bridges, buildings, timbers and trees with them, swept
down towards Great Falls. The reservoir level rose
above the wing walls of the dam but it stood the test.
The Power House was flooded and the substation damaged
but for the first time the old river had met its master.
The Men Who
Operated the Plant
Fred Adkins, the
first Superintendent, was on hand when the plant started
operation on January 1, 1917. In the fall of 1918
Sam K. Thompson took charge and in the latter part of
1927 he was succeeded by W.P. Roddey. Robert (Bob)
Hash had the longest operating service record, having
served as operator and chief operator continuously since
the plant started up to the time this was written in
1933. Mr. Adkins became Superintendent of all
hydro-electric plants after leaving Great Falls.
The Men
Who Built the Plant in 1923-25
The names of the
Engineers, Office Force, Foremen, Craftsmen and Helpers
who worked on the project between 1923 and 1925 are
listed on the following pages. They came from
Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia,
Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Titles and rates of pay have been included to give the
reader some idea of relative rates for the various jobs.
The common labor rate started at $0.25 per hour when the
job began but was raised to $0.275 per hour within six
months. This compared with $0.10 to $0.15 (per
hour) paid locally.
Farmers with mules were paid $0.50 per hour for a driver
and team. All work was on a 10-hour day.
Four to six teams were used on a heavy 10-ton wagon used
to haul heavy equipment. A 20-mule team was used
to move the water wheel and generator from the Depot to
the plant on rollers.
The Skilled Workers Who Built the Great Falls Power
Name |
Occupation |
Rate |
Home - Tenn. Unless Shown |
W.E. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
DeRossett |
Addison, A.D. |
" |
.50 |
Chickamauga, Ga. |
Alspaugh, J.H. |
" |
.50 |
Stevenson, Ala. |
Anderson, E.A. |
" |
.50 |
Rossville, Ga. |
Anderson, P.L. |
Fitter |
.30 |
Walling |
Arnold, H.A. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Smithville, Route 9 |
Arnold, W.I. |
" |
.40 |
Smithville |
D.H. |
" |
.50 |
Cleveland |
J.C. |
Fitter |
.35 |
Walling |
J.E. |
Rodman |
$3 Day |
Rowland, Route 1
Fine |
Barnes, J.L. |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Hill |
Barnett, E.E. |
Rigger-Carpenter |
.35 |
Island |
Barnett, J.P. |
Blacksmith |
.50 |
Cowan |
Barnett, Wheeler |
Compressor Oper. |
.35 |
Walling |
Bealdsoe, W.L. |
Mechanic |
.50 |
Chattanooga |
L.W. |
Driller |
.45 |
Hill |
M.M. |
Helper |
.35 |
Culberson, N.C., Route 2 |
J.C. |
Driller |
Town |
H.M. |
" |
.45 |
Hill |
Berger, J.L. |
Oper. |
.30 |
Hill |
Blackburn, J.C. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Morrison |
Boling, L.A. |
Engineer |
.50 |
Benton |
B.M. |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Sparta |
Willis |
" |
.50 |
Morrison |
Breding, W.A. |
Engineer |
.50 |
Benton |
Breedlove, C.E. |
Carpenter |
.35 |
Island |
I.B. |
Fitter |
.30 |
Twinton |
Mark |
Engineer |
.40 |
Ocoee |
Broyles, J.F. |
Carpenter |
Sparta |
Raymond |
Driller |
.45 |
Hill |
J.W. |
.40 |
Cleveland |
Burnett, J.D. |
Driller |
.45 |
Hill |
Cantrell, J.W. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Smithville |
Carmack, C.L. |
Mgr. |
Chattanooga |
Carter, Charlie |
Rigger |
.45 |
Walling |
Carter, D.E. |
Electrician |
.35 |
McMinnville |
Carter, Wallace |
Rigger |
.35 |
Walling |
Carter, W.C. |
Driller |
.45 |
Hill |
Grover C. |
Carp. Form. |
.80 |
Ocoee |
Marvin |
Carpenter |
.50 |
(& Truck Foreman) |
Center, William |
Keeper |
Hill |
Chambers, L.H. |
Room Keeper |
150 |
Cleveland |
Chisam, W.A. |
Electrician |
.45 |
Walling |
Christianson, Wm. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Gilman, Ala. |
Doc |
Carpenter Helper |
.35 |
Walling |
C.L. |
Mechanic |
.50 |
Epworth |
Cochern, Edgar |
Rigger |
.40 |
Payne, Ala. |
Cockrell, K.C. |
Carpenter Foreman |
.70 |
Miss. |
J.E. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Cleveland |
Copeland, John |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Chattanooga, 4119 42nd. Ave. |
Cotton, A.P. |
" |
.40 |
Walling |
Crouch, A. Weir |
Transitman |
East Aurora, N.Y. |
Cotton, C.B. |
Blacksmith Helper |
.35 |
Rock Island |
Couch, W.B. |
Driller |
.50 |
(Assist. Foreman) |
Counts, W.L. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Elora |
Crawford, M.A. |
Lineman Helper |
.30 |
Rock Island |
Crawford, Tullos |
Mach. Helper |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Cruse, J.D. |
Rigger |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Cruse, R.K. |
Carpenter |
.30 |
Doyle |
Daves, J.R. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Copper Hill |
Davis, W.W. |
Hoist |
.50 |
Rock Island |
Dedrick, G.S. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Denton, E.C. |
" |
.50 |
Quebeck |
Denton, E.M. |
Pipe Fitter |
.30 |
Quebeck |
Deaton, D.C. |
Blacksmith Helper |
.30 |
Quebeck |
Dilbeck, W.W. |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Blue Ridge, Ga. (A1) |
Dodson, G.W. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Eastland |
Donaldson, G.A. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.65 |
Elora |
Duncan, E.P. |
Driller |
.45 |
Quinton |
Duncan, L.H. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Campaign |
Dunham, Frank D. |
Saw Filer |
.50 |
Walling (Blacksmith) |
Dunlap, Simp |
Rigger |
.50 |
Rock Island (Driver) |
Eldridge, C.L. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Sparta |
Ellis, J.A. |
" |
.50 |
Rossville, Ga., 457
Chickamauga Ave. |
Eslick, C.H. |
" |
.50 |
Mulberry |
Eyler, Harry |
Gen. Labor Forem. |
.80 |
Rock Island & Everywhere |
Finnel, Ira |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Cleveland |
Finney, W.R. |
" |
.50 |
Tullahoma |
Fisher, Eston |
Machine helper |
.40 |
Walling |
Foote, C.E. |
Plummer |
.45 |
Cleveland |
Freemen, T.C. |
Air Compressor |
.35 |
Rock Island (R.R. Engineer) |
Fralley, A.L. |
Derrick |
.60 |
Rossville, Ga. |
Franklin, M.W. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Franklin, O.K. |
Rigger Forem. |
.80 |
Benton |
Franks, J.B. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Quebeck |
Fulmer, Paul |
Stenog. |
110 |
Centerville |
Geer, L.L. |
Quarry Forem. |
.60 |
McMinnville |
Gilbert, E.C. |
Rigger |
.35 |
McMinnville |
Gilbert, W.R. |
Pipe helper |
.30 |
Rock Island |
Gillian, T.D. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Chattanooga 1024 - 11th. St. |
Goforth, J.L. |
Pipe Fitter |
.30 |
Benton |
Green, E. |
Rigger |
.40 |
Campaign |
Green, E.D. |
Carpenter |
.35 |
Quebeck |
Green, G.J. |
Mechanic |
.60 |
Greer, S.C. |
Green, J.H. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Walling |
Green, J.T. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.55 |
Rock Island |
Green, W.M. |
Labor Foreman |
.70 |
Sheffield, Ala. |
Greer, J.R. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Copper Hill |
Griffin, R.V. |
Hoist Runner |
.60 |
Benton |
Grissom, R.J. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.65 |
Quebeck (Excellent) |
Gross, W.R. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Walling |
Haggard, Ellis C. |
Payroll |
150 |
Cleveland |
Hannley, C.E. |
Elec. helper |
.35 |
Doyle |
Halteman |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Quebeck |
Hamilton, R.H. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Quebeck |
Haston, R.L. |
" |
.35 |
Rock Island |
Haston, H.C. |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Sparta (Very Good) |
Henry, W.S. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.75 |
Chattanooga, 4207 Ave. F |
Hicks, N.P. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Boyles, Ala. |
Hinch, W.H. |
" |
.50 |
Winchester |
Hitchcock, H.E. |
" |
.50 |
Rock Island |
Hodges, E.H. |
Pipe Fitter |
.30 |
Cummingsville |
Hodges, T.M. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Howard, Hosey |
Lineman |
.30 |
Rock Island |
Huckabee, R.M. |
Carpenter Forem. |
160 |
Lockhart, S.C. |
Hudson, Marvin M. |
Hoist Engineer. |
.40 |
Walling |
Hudson, R.C. |
Carpenter |
.30 |
Walling |
Hudson, Tom |
Pipe Fitter |
.40 |
Walling |
Humphrey, James |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Boyles, Ala. |
Hyde, H.D. |
Driller |
.40 |
Copper Hill |
Hyde, J.H. |
Driller |
.40 |
Copper Hill |
Irby, J.C. |
Labor Foreman |
150 |
Alexandria, Va. 241 W. 10th.
St. |
Jackson, C.M. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Walling |
Jaco, J.R. |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Smithville |
Jeffery, E.G. |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Gills |
Jerngan, C.D. |
Rigger |
.40 |
Walling |
Jones, S.J. |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Walling |
Kaplan, W.M. |
Transitman |
175 |
Brooklyn, N.Y., 863 deKalb
Ave. |
Kell, S.D. |
Ticket Puncher |
75 |
Spencer |
Knox, A.L. |
Mule Team Forem. |
.50 |
Stevenson, Ala. |
Knox, James L. |
Commissary Clerk |
150 |
Alton Park, Route 6 |
Kimsey, Henry |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Cleveland |
Kirksey, Hugo |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Cleveland |
Kimsey, J.C. |
Brick Mason |
1.50 |
Sparta |
Lawrence, A.J. |
Commissary & Mess Hall |
175 |
Edinburg, Va. |
Lewis, J. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Anderson, Ala. |
Lipps, S.M. |
" |
.50 |
Charleston |
Marer, J.P. |
Driller |
.35 |
Walling |
Martin, F.G. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Sparta |
Martin, R.L. |
" |
.50 |
Rock Island |
Martin, Green |
Mechanic |
.40 |
Sparta |
Mason, Arthur O. |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Quebeck (Fine man & Smithy) |
Mason, J.S. |
Foreman |
.50 |
Westboro, Mass., 4 John St. |
Mason, R.E. |
Rigger |
.35 |
Walling |
Mason, Ray |
Tool House Clerk |
.30 |
Quebeck |
Marcum, Sam |
Conc. Mixer Forem. |
.50 |
Walling |
May, J.W. |
Driller |
.35 |
Twinton |
McClure, James B. |
Hoist Engineer |
.60 |
Etowah |
McGibbony, Clinton |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Rowland |
McCormick, J.B. |
e |
.50 |
Quebeck |
McCormick, T.E. |
Labor Foreman |
.60 |
Rock Island |
McCormick, W.L. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Quebeck |
McCoy, J.F. |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Copper Hill |
McKay, J.C. |
Driller |
.35 |
Davidson |
McKamy, Sam |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Ocoee |
Mcmahan, J.A. |
Labor Forem. |
.70 |
Sparta |
McMahan, Milton |
Quarry Foreman |
.60 |
Rock Island |
McNabb, Harry |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Cullman |
McVey, W.G. |
Rigger |
.60 |
Campaign |
Mills, J.H. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Walling |
Meredith, J.E. |
Rigger |
.45 |
Walling |
Mitchell, Frank |
Carpenter Helper |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Montandon, Lester L. |
Truck Driver |
.30 |
Campaign (Was a Deputy
Sheriff) |
Mooneyham, L.L. |
Flagman |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Mooneyham, I.D. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Rock Island |
Moore, Jack C. |
Mechanic |
.70 |
Rock Island (A-1) |
Mooneyham, O.M. |
Rigger |
.40 |
Rock Island (Material
Checker) |
Muskelly, J.L. |
Clerk |
110 |
Doyle |
Morris, O.T. (Abe) |
Transit Man |
150 |
Nashville, 12 Noel Bldg |
Myers, S.A. |
Mill Foreman |
.50 |
Doyle (Saw Mill) |
Newton, George |
Mechanic |
.60 |
Sparta |
Odell, Algie |
Driller |
.45 |
Doyle |
Odell, Elmer |
Driller |
.35 |
Doyle |
Orr, J.A. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Owens, G.P. |
" |
.50 |
Sheffield, Ala. |
Owens, Kimsey |
Machinist |
.30 |
Parksville |
Patterson, N.M. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Copper Hill |
Patton, Roy |
Rigger |
.45 |
Rock Island |
Patton, R.M. |
Rigger |
.40 |
Campaign (Hoist Engineer) |
Patton, W.J. |
Carpenter |
.55 |
Walling |
Patterson, M.H. |
Drill Helper |
.35 |
Mascot |
Phifer, C.B. |
Rigger Helper |
.35 |
Doyle |
Poe, B.E. |
Driller |
.45 |
Copper Hill |
Poe, W.C. |
Drill Forem. |
.70 |
Copper Hill |
Poe, W.M. |
Driller |
.40 |
Copper Hill |
Posey, M.B. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
East Lake, 33 10th. Ave. |
Ramsey, J.H. |
Pipe Fitter |
.30 |
Chattanooga, 614 Cherry St. |
Ray, Floyd |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Smithville |
Ramsey, J.L. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
East Lake |
Rascoe, Edgar |
Rigger |
.40 |
Spencer |
Rascoe, Fred |
Rigger |
.50 |
Walling |
Reams, Chatham |
Field Engineer |
Memphis |
Reams, R.M. |
Rodman |
75 |
McMinnville |
Reed, Redge C. |
Rodman |
.25 |
Jacksonville, Ill. |
Reed, Robert C. |
Electrician |
.35 |
Jacksonville, Ill. |
Reed, Walter C. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Chattanooga |
Reese, Aaron |
" |
.50 |
Higdon, Ala. |
Richards, C.P. |
" |
.50 |
Walling |
Roberts, H.H. |
" |
.40 |
Walling |
Robinson, L.D. |
Driller |
.25 |
Twinton |
Rogers, W.L. |
Driller |
.45 |
Twinton |
Roberts, J.C. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Campaign |
Roller, W.M. |
" |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Robertson, J.V. |
" |
.50 |
Elora |
Robinson, Frank |
Mechanic |
.65 |
Greenville |
Rosenbaum, Earl |
Car Mechanic |
.40 |
Twinton |
Ross, A.D. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Campaign (Hoist Engineer) |
Rowland, H.H. |
Foreman |
.40 |
Bone Cave |
Rozzell, Frank |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Russell, Jerry G. |
Typist, Clerk |
.25 |
Rock Island |
Russell, W.L. |
Compressor |
.40 |
Stevenson, Ala.
Sales, S.B. |
Concrete Forem. |
.60 |
Rock Island (Home -
Chattanooga) |
Sanquist, A.C. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Maryville |
Scott, N. |
" |
.45 |
Walling |
Seals, A.M. |
Rigger |
.45 |
Walling |
Seals, Ed |
Rigger Forem. |
.60 |
Walling |
Seals, Ernest |
Pipe Fitter |
.35 |
Walling |
Seals, J.R. |
Carpenter Helper |
.35 |
Walling |
Seals, L.L. |
Pipe Fitter |
.40 |
Walling |
Seals, W.C. |
Mechanic |
.35 |
Walling |
Selby, A.A. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Sparta |
Self, C.R. |
Watchman |
150 |
McMinnville |
Simmons, Charlie |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Campaign |
Simmons, M.A. |
" |
.50 |
Rowland Rt. 1 |
Simmons, M.S. |
" |
.45 |
Walling |
Simmons, M.S. |
" |
150 |
Manchester |
Simmons, S.S. |
" |
.50 |
Manchester |
Simmons, W.L. |
" |
.50 |
Campaign |
Simrell, E. |
Flagman |
.35 |
Walling |
Slack, Tom |
Rigger Forem. |
.60 |
Cleveland |
Slack, W.E. |
Rigger |
.50 |
Calhoun |
Slatton, Joe |
Rodman |
$3 Day |
Rock Island (A-1) |
Sparkman, A.D. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Sparkman, Charlie |
Rigger |
.40 |
Walling |
Sparkman, D.S. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Doyle |
Sparkman, Herman |
Rigger |
.35 |
Walling |
Sherrill, G.W. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Chattanooga, 501 Boyton
Terrace |
Speck, Elmer |
" |
.50 |
Tullahoma |
Standifer, W.C. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.70 |
East Lake, 45 6th. Ave. |
Stanley, M.C. |
Drill Helper |
.35 |
Copper Hill |
Stenett, V.A. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Florence, Ala., 522 E. Tuska
St. |
Steakley, J.C. |
Guard |
150 |
Spencer |
Still, B.M. |
Mechanic |
.50 |
Barnsville, S.C. |
Stone, C.S. |
Driller |
.35 |
Dowelton |
Stoval, J.A. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Huntland |
Swaah,B.C. |
Hoist |
.30 |
Walling |
Swaah, R.L. |
Hoist Engineer |
.50 |
Campaign Joelton |
Swift, E.A. |
Carpenter |
.45 |
Walling |
Stebbins, F.B. |
Mechanic |
.30 |
Chattanooga, 1706 Holtzclaw
Ave. |
Templeton, E.P. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Quebeck |
Underwood, Carl |
Blacksmith |
.60 |
Duck Town |
Upchurch, Crockett |
Rigger |
.40 |
McMinnville (Compressor) |
Ward, L.H. |
Labor Forem. |
.70 |
Decherd |
Ward, Lester |
Commissary Clerk |
115 |
Decherd |
Watling, J.G. |
Foreman |
.70 |
Newport, N.H., 26S Main St. |
Watters, Clarence |
Hoist Engineer |
.60 |
Morganton, N.C. |
Webb, L.R. |
Rodman |
$75 |
Rock Island (Son of john
Webb) |
Weese, C.W. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Epworth, Ga. |
Weese, H.L. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.65 |
Epworth, Ga. |
Wheeler, Luke |
Mechanic |
.30 |
Spartanburg, S.C. |
White, A.L. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Ocoee |
White, W.P. |
Carpenter Forem. |
.70 |
Tasso |
Wilcox, J.L. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Cleveland |
Williams, Norman F. |
Transitman |
175 |
Brooklyn, N.Y., 175 Columbia
Hgts. |
Wilson, John J. |
Clerk |
110 |
Spencer |
Winstead, Ray |
Machinist |
.40 |
Walling |
Witt, A.P. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
Quebeck |
Witt, A.L. |
Labor |
.30 |
Quebeck |
Wolf, Harry |
Master Mechanic |
250 |
Marietta, Pa. |
Womack, Clarence |
Rigger |
.35 |
Rock Island |
Womack, J.H. |
Carpenter |
.40 |
Rock Island |
Womack, J.L. |
Rigger |
.50 |
Rock Island |
Wooden, J.H. |
Driller |
.35 |
Mount Pleasant, Rt. 3 |
Wright, Robert |
Rigger |
.40 |
Sparta |
Wyatt, J.S. |
Carpenter |
.50 |
East Lake, 26:4 4:st/ St. |
Not listed. |
labor |
Start .25
Then .275 |
Mule Team & Driver |
Hauling by wagon
& grading scoops |
.50 |