The Heritage of Daniel Haston

Joseph Hasting of White County, TN
By Howard H. Hasting, Sr.

Later research, since Mr. Hasting wrote this report in 1980, has uncovered new information that clarifies and, in some cases, contradicts some of what was known about the Haston family at an earlier stage of our family's research.  Please cross reference information in this section with the other information available on this, The Heritage of Daniel Haston, web site.

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See also the Joseph Haston section in the main part of The Heritage of Daniel Haston site.

          JOSEPH HASTING (9 Jan 1780 to about 1830) son of Daniel Hasting (1735 to 1826) of White and Van Buren Counties, Tennessee, married Sarah Ann Creely (7 Nov 1788 to after 1855). The birthdays of Joseph and Sarah Ann were found in a family Bible now in the possession of Joe Walker of Van Buren County, Tennessee, a relative.
          In the Library at Nashville, Tennessee, may be found a copy of the Knox County Court Minutes, Vol. 3 dating from 1800 to 1802, and at page 101, in the case of Samuel Cowan v. Joseph Hastings, Oct. 1800, in a summary of the case, the following is found: " * * * leased the said lot of land to a certain Daniel Hastin, the father of said Joseph."
          John Sevier, Governor of Tennessee, on 27 Sept. 1808, executed a deed conveying to Joseph Hastings 50 acres in the 3rd District of White County, "on the Big Spring Branch." (Book "A" p. 219 of the State Land Records and Book "B" at p. 64 of the Deed Records of White County, Tenn.) That deed was executed at Knoxville. On the previous day, John Sevier executed a deed to Daniel Haston a tract of 150 acres described a "lying * * * on the Big Spring Branch of Cane Creek, on the main fork of Cany Fork: Beginning at a White Oak standing on the bank of Big Spring Branch, on a conditional line of "Joseph Hasting" and Jacob Mitchell's beginning corner, etc." The habendum claus was, "To Have and To Hold the said tract * * * to the said "Daniel Hasting" and his heirs forever." (Book "A" at p. 224 of the State Land Records and Book "C" at p. 108 of the Deed Records of White County, Tenn.) The lands so conveyed became part of the Van Buren County, Tenn., when that county was organized between 1840 and 1850 from parts of White, Warren and Bledsoe Counties. John Sevier was not the first governor of Tennessee. When the Territory became a state in 1796, William Blount continued to serve as governor of the territory and of the new state until John Sevier was elected governor in 1796 to serve until 1801. Then, Archibald Roan served from 1801 to 1803, and John Sevier was again elected and served as Governor of Tennessee from 1803 to 1809. The first constitutional convention for Tennessee was held at Knoxville and that city was the center of the State government until about 1812 when the state legislature began to assemble at Nashville.
           The first census taken in Tennessee which is available to us was that of 1820. Daniel Hasting and his family, David Hasting and his family, Isaac Hasting and his family and Joseph Hasting and his family were all listed in the 1820 census taken in White County, Tennessee, and all were listed in the same district. Joseph's family was shown, as follows:

Hasting, Joseph M 26-45 1775-1794
     Female F 45 + Before 1775
     Male M 10-16 1804-1810
     Female F 26-45 1775-1794
      Female F 10-16 1804-1810
      Two males M   0-10 1810-1820
      Three females F   0-10 1810-1820

          Joseph made his will on 23 July 1827, leaving everything to wife, Sarah Ann for use in raising his children. He evidently, died between 1820 and 1830. He was not listed in the 1830 census taken in White County. His will was admitted to probate in 1835 only after his son, Isaac brought an action to force Sarah Ann to present the will for probate. (See Probate Records of White County, Tenn.) (Will Record "B" at p. 191.). The Census for 1830 taken in White County, Tennessee, listed Joseph's family, as follows:


Hasting, Sarah Ann F 40-50 1780-1790
     male M 20-30 1800-1810
     female F 20-30 1800-1810
     male M 15-20 1810-1815
     male M 10-15 1815-1820
     two females F 10-15 1815-1820
     male M   5-10 1820-1825
     female F   5-10 1820-1825

          Sarah Ann, joined by her children, Malinda, James A. and Isaac, conveyed land--66 acres--to Charles T. Shockley and William Denny on September 10, 1837, and 20 acres to Charles Shockley on September 14, 1837.  (See Deed Record "B" at pp. 605 and 606, Van Buren County.)  The Census for 1840 taken in White County, Tennessee, lists Joseph's family as follows:


Hastin, James A. M 30-40 1800-1810
     female F 20-30 1810-1820
     two males M   0-5 1835-1840
     two females F   0-5 1835-1840
Hastin, Samy M 20-30 1810-1820
     female (Sarah Ann Creely Hasting) F 50-60 1780-1790

     female (Samy's wife?) F 30-40 1800-1810
     male M 15-20 1820-1825
     female F 15-20 1820-1825
     female F 10-15 1825-1830


Hastion, Sarah F 65 1785 Tenn.
     Sarah Jane F 23 1827 ..
     Amanda F 19 1831 ..
Hastion, James A. M 41 1809 Tenn.
     Viney F 31 1819 N.C.
     Elizabeth F 15 1835 Tenn.
     Willie M 12 1838 Tenn.
     Alziray F 10 1840 Tenn.
     Nancy F   7 1843 Tenn.
     John M   5 1845 Tenn.
     Almeda F   5 1846 Tenn.
     James W. M   1 1849 Tenn.
Hastion, Isaac M 38 1812 Tenn.
     Emeline F 37 1813 N.C.
     John E. M 18 1832 Tenn.
     James T. M 14 1836 Tenn.
     Martha A. F 12 1838 Tenn.
     Miles H. M   9 1841 Tenn.
     William M   7 1843 Tenn.
     Isaac M. M   4 1846 Tenn.
     Milton B. M 8/12 1846 Tenn.
Hastion, John C. M 29 1821 Tenn.
     Arnetta F 18 1832 Tenn.
     Helen F   1 1849 Tenn.
Howard, William M 30 1820 Tenn.
     Malinda (Dau of Joseph) F 31 1819 Tenn.
     Isaac M. M   7 1843 Tenn.
     Martha C. F   5 1845 Tenn.
     Joseph H. M   3 1847 Tenn.
     James A. M 7/12 1849 Tenn.
Hastion, Joseph C. M 27 1823 Tenn.
     Martha Ann F 20 1830 Tenn.
     Nancy Ann F   2 1848 Tenn.
     William M 6/12 1849 Tenn.

          Joseph and Sarah Ann are buried in Big Fork Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tennessee, but their graves are not marked.


James Alford Haston 25 Nov. 1809 to 1870-1880
Samy Haston 1815-1820 to 1840 plus
Isaac Haston 1812 to 1850 plus
Malinda Haston 26 Dec. 1819 to 23 Jan. 1892
John C. Haston 1821
Joseph C. Haston 1823 to 1850 plus
Sarah Jane Haston  1927 to
Amanda Haston 1831 to
Female 1804-1810 to 1840 plus
Female 1810-1820 to 1820 plus
Female 1810-1820 to

FAMILY OF JOSEPH HASTING (9 Jan. 1780 to about 1830) 

White County White County White County Van Buren County
1820- Hasting 1830- Hasting 1840- Hastin 1850- Hastion
Joseph 26-45 (1775-1794) Deceased Deceased Deceased
Sarah Ann 26-45 (1775-1794) 40-50 (1780-1790) 50-60 (1780-1790) 65 (1785)
James A. 10-16 (1804-1810) 20-30 (1800-1810) Married 41 (1809)
Samy 0-10 (1810-1820) 15-20 (1810-1815) 20-30 Not listed
Isaac 0-10 (1810-1820) Married Married 38 (1812)
Malinda 0-10 (1810-1820) 10-15 (1815-1820) Married 31 (1819)
John C. 10-15 (1815-1820) Not listed 29 (1821)
Joseph C. 5-10 (1820-1825) 15-20 (1820-1825) 27 (1823)
Sarah Jane 5-10 (1820-1825) 15-20 (1820-1825) 23 (1827)
Amanda 10-15 (1825-1830) 19 (1831)
Female 10-16 (1804-1810) 20-30 (1800-1810) 30-40 (1800-1810) Not Listed
Female 0-10 (1810-1820) 10-15 (1815-1820) Not listed Not listed
Female 0-10 (1810-1820) Not listed Not listed Not listed
Female 45+ 
Probably Sarah Ann's mother--Joseph's mother was listed with Daniel

James A. had a child born in 1835.
Isaac has a child born in 1832
Samy was listed as head of his father's family in the 1840 Census, but not found later. Sarah Ann, Joseph's widow was living in 1855, for in that year she transferred 9 acres of land to John Stewart on 6 Nov 1855. (See Record "B" at p. 496, Van Buren County)
Malinda married William Howard on 20 Sept 1839
John C. Married Arnetta Howard
Joseph C. married Martha Ann Denny on 3 July 1845
Sarah Jane married Jonathan Blankenship on 13 March 1853
Amanda married William Leonard Dale on 13 March 1858.


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          JAMES ALFORD HASTON (25 Nov. 1809 to 1870-1880) son of Joseph Haston (9 Jan. 1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (7 Nov. 1788) according to an entry in a family Bible in possession of Joe Walker of Van Buren County, Tenn., James was the son of Joseph and all three were born on the sates shown. James married on 9 Jan. 1830 to Lavina "Viney" King (1819). James was a sawmiller and a carpenter.

Hastin, James A. M 20-40 1800-1810
F 20-30 1810-1820
M   0-5 1835-1840
M   0-5 1835-1840
F   0-5 1835-1840
F   0-5 1835-1840
Hastion, James A. M 41 1809 Tenn.
     Viney F 31 1819 N.C.
     Elizabeth F 15 1835 Tenn.
     Willie M 12 1838 Tenn.
     Alzirey F 10 1840 Tenn.
     Nancy F   7 1843 Tenn.
     John M   4 1846 Tenn.
     James W. M   1 1849 Tenn.
Hastion, James A. M 52 1808 Tenn.
     Laviney F 44 1816 Va.
      Nancy F 18 1842 Tenn.
      John M 15 1848 Tenn.
      James W. M 10 1850 Tenn.
      Emly E. F   7 1853 Tenn.
Hastion, J. A. M 62 1808 Tenn.
     Lavina F 45 1825 N.C.
     John M 25 1845 Tenn.
     James W. M 21 1849 Tenn.
     E. E. F 18 1852 Tenn.

James A. and Viney lived out their lives in Van Buren County, Tenn., and are buried there.

Elizabeth Ann Haston 25 Oct. 1834 to 8 Oct. 1904
Wm. B. "Willie" Haston 12 Aug 1836 to 8 Oct 1862
Alzirey Haston 26 Jan 1838 to
Nancy Haston 24 Jan 1842 to
John T. Haston 25 Apr 1845 to 3 Jan. 1923
Almeda Haston 1848 to
James W. Haston 25 Apr 1819 to 3 Feb 1926
Emly E. Haston 1852 to

          ELIZABETH ANN HASTON (25 Oct. 1834 to 8 Oct. 1904) daughter of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819) was born in what is now Van Buren County, Tennessee. She married three times, and the names of her three husbands appear on her gravestone, in Cummings Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tennessee. She married Shepherd Coats on 1 Sept. 1850, and had at least two children by him. Then she married Dyer White and lastly Allen L. Brock.

Sarah Coats 1855 to
James W. Coats 1859 to

          WILLIAM "WILLIE" B. HASTON (12 Aug. 1836 to 8 Oct 1862) son of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819), married and had at least three children before he was killed at Perryville, in one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War on 8 October 1862. He served as a member of Company "I" 16th. Inf.

John Haston
Joseph Haston
James Haston
Editorial Note:  Some Haston family researchers have confused this "Willie B. Haston" with his uncle, David Haston's son, who had the same name.  This "Willie B." (Joseph's grandson) did die at the Battle of Perryville.  David's son, "Willie B. Haston," remained in TN into adulthood but, apparently, moved to Arkansas.  We assume that he died there.

          ALZIREY HASTON (26 Jan. 1838 to       ) daughter of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819) married James H. Myers (9 Jan. 1838)

Violet Ann Myers 19 May 1863 to 6 Jan 1948
Dion Myers
Harmon E. Myers 28 Jun 1859 to
Harvey Taylor Myers
Ira Foster Myers
Wiley B. Myers 25 Mar. 1865 to
Laura S. Myers
Florence Myers
Gertie Myers
Hortense Myers

           NANCY JANE HASTON (24 Jan. 1842 to      ) daughter of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819) married on 9 May 1861 to Joseph Walker, but her children are not known to us. It was a descendent of this Joseph Walker who produced the family bible in White County, Tennessee, in which the births of Joseph (9 Jan. 1780) and his wife, Sarah Ann Creely (7 Nov 1788) and their first born, James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) were recorded.

           JOHN T. HASTON (25 Apr. 1845 to 3 Jan. 1923) son of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819) on 8 Jan. 1871 married to Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852 to 13 May 1903). John enlisted in Colonel Murry's Fourth Tennessee Cavalry at Chattanooga on 14 June 1862. On 16 Sept. 1863, while attempting to visit his family, he was captured at Sparta, Tennessee, and sent to military prison, at Louisville, Ky. In October, 1863, he was transferred to Camp Morton in Indiana. He was paroled and released on 22 May 1865. His prison record shows that he was of dark complexion, with dark hair and eyes and 5 ft. 5 1/2 ins. tall.

Hastion, John T. M 35 Tenn. Farmer
     Nancy E. F 28 Tenn.
      Fidella F   7 Tenn.
      William W. M   5 Tenn.
      Dora F   1 Tenn.
Fidella Haston 9 Aug 1873 to 2 Dec. 1898
Wm. Woodrow Haston 27 Feb 1877 to 17 Dec. 1897
Dora Haston 17 Apr 1879 to
James M. Haston 8 Jan 1882 to 7 Jan 1947
Lavina Haston 28 Nov. 1884 to 27 Nov 1947
Casto Haston 10 Dec. 1887 to
John D. Haston 1 May 1891 to 10 Nov. 1915

           FIDELLA HASTON (9 Aug 1873 to 2 Dec. 1898) daughter of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) married W.B. McCormick and had two children by him. She died at Viola, in Warren County, Tenn. And is buried there.


John Taylor McCormick

Lela May McCormick 

          WILLIAM WOODROW HASTON (27 Feb 1877 to 17 Dec. 1897) son of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) was known as "Woody". He was shot and killed by one Ken Maynard in the road in front of William Carroll Haston's (1828) home. He ran into the yard and expired on the front porch. The killing was intentional and resulted from a love affair. He is buried in Spencer #1 Cemetery.

          DORA HASTON (17 April 1879 to        ) daughter of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) was born and raised in Van Buren County, Tenn. She married on 8 March 1989 to W. Reverdy Madewell. Her home was at Bone Cave, Tennessee.

Bryan Madewell
Lawrence Madewell
Landy Madewell 
Mamie Madewell Witt
Esker Jay Earl Madewell 1 August 1917

           JAMES M. HASTON (8 Jan 1882 to 7 Jan 1947) son of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852). He married Virgie Vance and his second wife was Ollie Mae Mills (15 Oct. 1898). They are buried in Spencer #1 Cemetery.

Virgie Vance
Robert Haston
J.L. Haston
Albert Haston
Ollie Mae Mills
James Haston
Ganes Haston
William Haston
Margaret Haston 

            LAVINA HASTON (28 Nov. 1884 to 27 Nov 1947) daughter of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) married W.R. Mills. She is buried in the Spencer Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tenn.

Woodrow Mills
Claude Mills
Lane Mills
John S. Mills
Edna Mills
Ivory Mills
Elma Lou Mills
Ruth Mills

            CASTO HASTON (10 Dec 1887 to           ) son of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) married on 22 Dec. 1909 to Ida Grace Jordan (2 Jun 3 1893). in 1946, Casto went to Mansfield, Ohio, to work for Westinghouse Electric Corporation. His address was 383 Hannah Rd., RFD No.1, Mansfield. He is living there in 1952, and his son, Franklin, was a seaman in the  Navy, stationed at the Receiving Station, Supply Dept., Bldg. J-36, Norfolk 11, Virginia. In 1952, Casto was expecting to return to Spencer, Tenn., upon his retirement.

John T. Haston
Henry T. Haston
*Elwood Haston
Franklin D. Haston
Cooper H. Haston
Maybelle Haston
Ova Haston
Lina Haston
Ethel Haston
Joene Haston

           *Elwood Haston caused a DAR Plaque to be placed upon a tombstone at Daniel's (1735 to 1826) grave in Big Fork Cemetery. John T. Haston (25 Apr 1845 to 3 Jan 1923) had pointed out the grave to Casto (10 Dec. 1887) to that we are certain the grave is properly marked. John T. had also pointed out to Casto the graves of Joseph and Sarah Ann Creely graves and Daniel's wife's grave. Some say Elwood spells his name Elmwood. However, he lived in Spencer, Tenn.

           JOHN DALTON HASTON (1 May 1891 to 10 Nov. 1915) son of John T. Haston (25 Apr. 1845) and Nancy Ford (28 Feb. 1852) was known as "Dalton." He was born in Van Buren County, Tenn., however, he was living in Chattanooga, Tenn., when he died from causes unknown.

           ALMEDA HASTON (1848 to         ) daughter of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Sarah Ann Creely (7 Nov. 1788) married Hiram Harrison, but her children are unknown. She died in White County, Tenn.

           JAMES WOODVILLE HASTON (25 April 1849 to 3 Feb 1926) "Woody" the son of James Alford Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Sarah Ann Creely [sic] (7 Nov. 1788) married Cela J. ________ (8 Dec. 1845 to 6 Jul 1919). Both are buried in the Old Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tenn.

Haston, J.W. M 31 1849 Tenn. Overseer of the Poor
     Sely J. F 30 1850 Tenn.
     Minney T. F   6 1874 Tenn.
     John T. M 4/12 1880 Tenn.
     Luvina* F 55 1825 Tenn.
*This was "Viney", wife of James Alford Haston (25 Nov 1809), and mother of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 1849), but her age was misstated--she was not 55--because she was born in 1819.
Minnie L. Haston 1874 to
James W. Haston
John Taylor Haston 7 Mar. 1880 to 20 May 1955
Nettie Mae Haston 27 Dec. 1894 to 3 Mar 1973
Joseph Morgan Isaac Haston 6 Feb. 1884 to 25 May 1971

          MINNIE L. HASTON (1874 TO    ) daughter of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 1849 to   ) and Cela J. ________(8 Dec. 1845) married John Savage.

Audie Savage
Fairy Savage
Janey Savage
Lena Savage
Louise Savage

          JAMES W. HASTON (                     ) son of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 1849 to   ) and Cela J. ________(8 Dec. 1845) married Lula May Mooneyham, who was a daughter of Silas Goodall Mooneyham and Sarah Madewell Mooneyham.

Loren Haston, who married Bertha Brumbalough and had 
     a son, named James Everett Haston, who lived in
     Oakville, Indiana in 1974. James Everett Haston married
     Wanda Jackson and had two children: James Michael
     Haston and Lisa Ann Haston.
Jack Haston
James Johnnie Haston
Bill Haston
T.M. Haston

           JOHN TAYLOR HASTON (7 March 1880 to 20 May 1955) son of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 1849 to   ) and Cela J. ________(8 Dec. 1845) known as "Johnny" married on 25 Dec. 1900 to Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878 to 9 Oct. 1959) known as "Josie."

Altie Aurora Haston 26 Sept. 1901 to         1973
Paul Tricillion Haston 6 Jun. 1903 to 15 Jul. 1973
Ronald James Haston 16 Mar 1905 to
Fred Morgan Haston 12 Sept. 1906 to
Sarah Gertrude Haston 21 Jun. 1908 to 7 May 1922
Johny Rayburn Haston 4 Apr. 1910 to 16 Apr. 1966
Martha Blaine Haston 38 Oct. 1911
Mary Haston 28 Oct. 1911 to
Christine Haston 18 Dec. 1913 to 19 Aug. 1975
Thomas Clifford Haston 1 Nov. 1915 to 4 Jul. 1972
Jewel Beatrice Haston 5 May 1918 to
Martha Haston 38 Oct. 1921 to

          ALTIE AURORA HASTON (26 Sept. 1901 to       1973) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 March 1880) and Josie Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 24 Oct. 1920 to Samuel Rue (29 Aug. 1883). In 1973, they were living in Batavia, Ohio.

Samuel Rue 4 Apr. 1923 to
Wm. Edgar Rue
Barbara Josephine Rue 2 Apr. 1922 to

          PAUL TRICILLION HASTON (8 June 1903 to 15 July 1973) son of John Taylor Haston (7 March 1880) and Josie Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 20 Feb. 1926 to Florence Glasscock (14 Jun. 1909). Paul is buried in Old Bethlehem Cemetery, and Florence was living in Doyle, Tennessee, in 1978.

Paul Tricillion Haston, Jr. 7 Feb. 1926 to 19 Jan. 1970,
     who married on 23 June 1947 to Ellen Wyler. 
     Paul died Wooster, Ohio, and is buried there.
John Alford Haston 11 Oct. 1928 to
James Carroll Haston 16 Jan. 1931 to 8 Jun. 1974
Franklin Leon Haston 26 Oct. 1933
Robert Morris Haston 23 Nov. 1935

          PAUL TRICILLION HASTON (7 Feb. 1926 to 19 Jan.1970) son of Paul Tricillion Haston (8 June 1903) and Florence Glasscock (14 June 1909). Paul died in Wooster, Ohio, and he is buried there. He married on 23 June 1947 to Ellen Wyler, but they had no children.

          JOHN ALFORD HASTON (11 Oct. 1928 to           ) son of Paul Tricillion Haston (8 June 1903) and Florence Glasscock (14 June 1909) married Elise Franks (19 Mar. 1935) and they were divorced in 19976, after having a family.

James Haston who married a Gentry
Marylou Neoma Haston,
    who married a Cunningham
15 Jan. 1955
Janice Haston 17 Feb. 1952
Teresa Gay Haston, who married
    Donald Craig and had a child, 
    Rebecca Ann Craig 
    23 May 1974
Rickey Haston

          JAMES CARROLL HASTON (16 Jan 1931 to 8 Jun. 1973) son of Paul Tricillion Haston (8 Jun. 1903 to 15 Jul. 1973) and Florence Glasscock (14 Jun. 1909) was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, as was his brother, John Alford Haston (11 Oct. 1928). James married on 23 Dec. 1953 to Jesse Clark of Lindon, Tennessee. He died in California, but he is buried in Old Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tennessee.

James Carroll Haston, Jr. (1 Oct. 1954 to

          FRANKLIN LEON HASTON (26 Oct. 1933 to        ) son of Paul Tricillion Haston (8 Jun. 1903 to 15 Jul. 1973) and Florence Glasscock (14 Jun. 1909) married on 12 Jan. 1952 to Betty Holderbaum of Ohio, and they have a family.

Terry Wayne Haston 20 Apr. 1955 to
Dickey Leon Haston 4 Mar. 1952 to
Randy Haston
Joanne Haston
Sarah Haston

          ROBERT MORRIS HASTON (23 Nov. 1935 to        ) son of Paul Tricillion Haston (8 Jun. 1903 to 15 Jul. 1973) and Florence Glasscock (14 Jun. 1909) married Ellen Webb of Wooster, Ohio, and on 11 Feb. 1967 married to Ruth Unstutz.

Ellen Webb
Tunny Haston
Christopher Haston
Ruth Unstutz
Roberta Haston
Richard Haston

          RONALD JAMES WOODVILLE HASTON (16 Mar. 1905 to       ) son of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married Frances Horton (2 Nov. 1914). They were living in Batavia, Ohio, in 1976.

Betty Haston
Angela Lee Haston 2 Mar. 1949 to

          FRED MORGAN WOODVILLE HASTON (12 Sept. 1906 to       ) son of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 15 Oct. 1934 to Reba Cruise (8 Nov. 1915). They were living in Madison, Tenn., in 1978.

Fred Keith Haston (2 Jan. 1936 to
     At last account had two children: 
     Pamela Marie Haston (9 Oct. 1959) and 
     Dana Rene Haston (5 Apr. 1962)
Eugene Cruise Haston 5 Jul. 1939 to
Reba Blaine Haston 17 Aug. 1945 to

          SARAH GERTRUDE HASTON (21 Jun. 1908 to 7 May 1922) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) is buried in Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tennessee.

          JOHNNY RAYBURN HASTON (4 Apr. 1910 to 16 Apr. 1966) son of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 22 Oct. 1934 to Lela Bell Wallace (19 Apr. 1917). He is buried in Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tenn., and Lela Bell was living in Doyle, Tennessee in 1979.

Lyndell Ray Haston 30 Jan. 1937 to

          LYNDELL RAY HASTON (30 Jan. 1937 to        ) son of Johnny Rayburn Haston (4 Apr. 1910) and Lela Bell Wallace (19 Apr. 1917) married Linda Shockley. They were living in Estill Springs, Tenn., in 1977.

Lyndon Warren Haston 27 Apr. 1960 to
Glendon Ray Haston 31 Aug. 1961 to

          MARTHA BLAINE HASTON (28 Oct. 1911 to       ) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and his wife, Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878).

          MARY HASTON (28 Oct. 1911 to     ) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) on 14 Jan. 1929, married Joe Worley. She married a second time to Franklin Moore on 27 June 1935.


Joe Worley

Chester Wm. Worley 16 Feb. 1930 to
James Thomas Worley 14 Apr. 1931 to
Franklin Moore
Evelyn Moore

          CHRISTINE HASTON (18 Dec. 1913 to  19 Aug. 1975) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) on 14 Jan. 1929, married on 12 Jan. 1935 to Robert V. Smith (28 Mar. 1906 to 26 Jul. 1975). They are buried in Old Hickory Cemetery in                 Tenn.

          THOMAS CLIFFORD HASTON (1 Nov. 1915 to 4 July 1972) son of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) on 26 Dec. 1936 married Louise Lowery (17 Jan. 1920). Thomas is buried in Old Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tenn. In 1978 Louise was living in Doyle, Tennessee.

Tommy Gene Haston 23 Jun. 1938
Bobby Edgar Haston 2 Oct. 1942
Patricia Dianne Haston 27 May 1948

          BOBBY EDGAR HASTON (2 Oct. 1942 to          ) son of Thomas Clifford Haston (1 Nov. 1915) and Louise Lowery (17 Jan. 1920) married, but we do not have her name.

Bobby Edgar Haston married Jonanne Rice. b:9/25/1944 d:6/5/1990 [as per son, Donald Lee Haston]

Donald Lee Haston 11 Jun. 1963 to
Carolee Haston
Darrell Gene Haston 17 Dec. 1965 to
     Darrell was born in Germany

          JEWELL BEATRICE HASTON (5 MAY 1918 TO       ) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 28 Jun. 1940 to Theodore "Ted" Woosley. They were living in Old Hickory, Tenn., in 1975.

Sherman Woosley
Judy Marie Woosley 30 Nov. 1948 to
Sherman Gale Woosley 26 Apr. 1945 to

          MARTHA HASTON (28 Oct. 1921 to      ) daughter of John Taylor Haston (7 Mar. 1880) and Josephene Womack (12 Sept. 1878) married on 4 Jan. 1927 to William Johnson (23 Apr. 1908) and had a child by him. Then she married a second time, but we do not have the name of her second husband. Yet, she married a third time to Henry C. "Jack" Carter, who she married on 1 Oct. 1969. Then, finally, she married for the fourth time to William Zoluky of Detroit, Michigan. In 1973, she was living in Sterling Heights, Michigan, under the name of Martha Carter. Out of all this, she had one child.

Martha Isibelle Johnson 13 May 1928

          NETTIE MAY HASTON (27 Dec. 1894 to 23 Mar. 1973) daughter of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 184  ) and his wife, Cela J. (8 Dec. 1845) married on 25 Feb. 1910 to Jim Mayes (18 Jun. 1891 to 29 Aug. 1967). They are buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in White County, Tenn.     

James Wm. Mayes (22 Feb. 1914 to 1927)
     buried in Greenwood Cem.
Wm. Edward Mayes (         to 4 Feb. 1925)
     buried in Greenwood Cemetery in White County, Ten.
Elbert Jane Mayes (31 Mar. 1916)
     married on 16 Sept. 1938 to Harley Gains Swindell 
    (16 Sept. 1939)
Mary Louvina Mayes (19 May 1918)
     married Ralph E. Brown
Annie Lee Mayes (26 Jul. 1920)
     married on 15 Nov. 1945 at Sparta to Kendrick Render 
     (        to 1978) who is buried in Adams, N.Y., 
     where she was living in 1978.
Herbert Franklin Mayes (3 Feb. 1923)
     who married on 14 Sept. 1946 to Susan Keller 
    in Tullahoma, Tenn.
Nora Katherine Mayes (20 Mar. 1926)
     who married at Sparta on 28 Nov. 1944 to Jack Pearson.
Joe Ruth Mayes (13 Mar. 1929)
     who married at Sparta on 19 Aug. 1949 to 
     R.L. Willingham.

          JOSEPH MORGAN ISAAC HASTON (6 Feb. 1884 to 25 May 1971) known as "Ike" son of James Woodville Haston (25 Apr. 1840) and his wife, Cela J. (8 Dec. 1845) married on 4 June 1905 to Arria Swindell (9 Nov. 1888 to 30 Mar. 1974). They are buried in Bethlehem Cemetery in White County, Tennessee.

Joseph Howard Haston 28 Feb 1906
Frank Bradford Haston 14 Dec. 1907
     single, Doyle, Tenn.

          JOSEPH HOWARD HASTON (28 Feb 1906 TO          ) son of Joseph Morgan Isaac Haston (6 Feb. 1883) and his wife, Arria Swindell (9 Nov. 1888) married Nora Detrick (28 Nov. 1907 and in 1978, they were living in Akron, Ohio.

Nora Elizabeth "Betty" Haston 4 Sept 1929
     She married Donald Southworth
John Howard Haston, Jr. 22 Feb 1930,
    who was living at Rock Island, Tenn., and unmarried in 1978.
Willard Walter Haston 8 June 1933 to
Arrie Lorene "Sissy" Haston 18 June 1941 to
     Who married John Walters.

          EMLY E. HASTON (1852) daughter of James A. Haston (25 Nov. 1809) and Lavina King (1819) married High Worley, but their children, if any they had, are unknown to us. She died in White County, Tenn.     


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          ISAAC HASTON (1812 to 1850 or thereabouts) son of Joseph Haston (or Hasting) (9 Jan. 1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (7 Nov. 1788) was born in White County, Tennessee. The record of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions within and for White County, Tenn., held at Sparta on 13 Jul. 1835, shows that an action between Isaac Haston, heir at law of Joseph Haston, and Sarah Haston, widow of Joseph Haston, deceased, was determined and Sarah was ordered to probate the will of Joseph Haston. The will was duly probated on 12 October 1835. (See Inventories & Wills 1831-1840 p. 192). Isaac married Emeline King (1813 to            ). Their family was listed in the Federal Census taken in Van Buren County, Tennessee, as follows:

Hastion, Isaac M 38 1812 Tenn.
     Emeline F 37 1813 N.C.
      John E. M 18 1832 Tenn.
      James T. M 14 1836 Tenn.
      Martha A. F 12 1838 Tenn.
      Miles H. M   9 1841 Tenn.
      William M   7  1843 Tenn.
      Isaac M. M   4 1846 Tenn.
      Milton B. M 8/12 1849 Tenn.


Haston, Emly F 46 1814 N.C.
     M.H. M 19 1841 Tenn.
     William M 16 1844 Tenn.
      M.B. M 10 1850 Tenn.
      Martha A. 21 1839 Tenn.

          It appears that Isaac had died and John E. and James T. had married between the 1850 and 1860 Censuses. What became of Isaac M.? Well, he was working for and living with William Carroll Haston's family and was listed with that family. William Carroll Haston lived nearby, according to the numbers assigned to the houses by the census-taker to show the order in which they were visited. He numbered Emily's house 87 and W.C. Haston's house was 89. House Number 88 was that of Nancy Stipe, widow of Joseph Stipe, uncle of James T. Haston's wife, Elizabeth. Howard H. Hasting (23 Mar 1905) visited this community in July 1951. Joe Thompson, of Sparta, an old man who had been raised from a small boy by W.C. Haston, pointed out the "Sary Haston Home," the Stipe place, and home of W.C. Haston. They were all located in that order along the old original road. The "Big Spring" mentioned in the land grants to Joseph and Daniel Hasting (Haston) was also shown by Joe Thompson. It was on W.C. "Carroll" Haston's land, just off the road and between "Sary's," or Joseph's, and "Carroll's" home place. We know that Isaac married Emeline King because of a letter posted by Elizabeth Jane Stipe Hasting (his daughter-in-law) to Miss. Mary Goodwin at Bunker Hill, Ill., from Elmwood, Arkansas, on 25 Aug. 1902, in which Elizabeth said that Isaac "Hasting" and Emily King were the father and mother of her husband, James T. "Hasting." It appears that Miss Mary Goodwin, of Bunker Hill, Ill., addressed the letter to Elizabeth Jane Stipe Hasting, and requested, "Kindly fill blanks and return to (Miss.) Mary Goodwin, Bunker Hill, Ill." The blanks were filled as follows:
             Name-     "Elizabeth Stipe."   
             Born when-    "Feb. the 6th, 1836." 
                  This date should be 1835 according to the family bible.    
             Where-     "Van Buren County, Tenn."    
             Married when-    "Sept. 6th, 1856."
             Where-    "Van Buren County, Tenn."    
             Name of Husband-    "James T. Hasting."    
             Born when-        "June 8th. 1836."
             Where-    "Van Buren County, Tenn."
             Hus. Father's name- "Isaac Hasting."    
             Hus. Mother's maiden-    "Emily King."
             Husband died when-    "May 31st 1889."
                        Children-    "Three."
                 Name                Present Address
                 " 1. I.T. Hasting,        Elmwood, Boone, Ark."
                 " 2. M.F. Hasting,        Elmwood, Boone, Ark."
                 " 3. W. M. Hasting,    Elmwood, Boone, Ark."
                        Children-         Birth,     Death         Married whom.
                     "I.T. Hasting     Dec. 20, 1858        Florence Woodmore."    
                     "F.M. Hasting   Oct. 8, 1861 ­ Oct. 20, 1894- Belle Northcut."    
                     "W.M.Hasting   Jan. 9, 1869           Myrtle Davis."
The letter thus filled out was posted back to Miss. Goodwin on 25 Aug. 1902 at Elmwood.

John E. Haston 1832 to
James Thomas Haston 8 Jun. 1836 to 31 May 1889
Martha A. Haston 1838
Miles H. Haston 17 Mar. 1840 to 17 Feb. 1902
William Henderson Haston 4 Aug. 1844 to 12 mar. 1892
Isaac M. Haston  1846
Milton Brockett Haston Nov. 1849 to

          SAMUEL WOOD (      to         ) was an immigrant to this country. He married Sarah Reives. The youngest of their seven sons was George Wood, who was born 10 Sept. 1787 in Washington County, N.C., which is Washington County, Tennessee.  Samuel Wood is listed on page 758 of the Patriot Index, published by the N.S.D.A.R., and through the years many of his descendants have joined that patriotic organization. George Wood married Elizabeth Irwin, and one of their children was Nancy Wood, born in April 1809 in Cumberland County, Kentucky. Samuel Wood came to the Colonies from England in 1755.

          GEORGE WOOD (10 Sep. 1787 to 24 Feb. 1854) son of Samuel Wood and Sarah Reives Wood, was born in Washington County, North Carolina, which is now Washington County, Tennessee. He married Elizabeth Irwin, daughter of Squire Irwin. Elizabeth was born in Pennsylvania on 13 Oct. 1785 and died in Van Buren County, Tennessee, on 11 Mar. 1857. George and Elizabeth are buried in McElroy Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tenn.

William C. Wood 2 Nov. 1807 to 15 Sept. 1844
Nancy Wood Apr. 1809 to 22 Jan. 1854
ASA Woof 12 May 1811 to 6 May 1898
George Jr. Wood 29 Jul. 1813 to 28 Aug. 1880- in Ark. In Enon
John Irwin Wood 8 Aug 1816 to 14 Apr. 1892 Cem. Lead Hill
Elizabeth Wood 16 Feb 1818 to 25 Dec. 1909
E.R.Wood 22 Jul. 1821 to 18 Oct. 1905

          JACOB STIPE (1771 to 1858) was born in Virginia. His wife's name was Rebecca (1786 to     ) born in Tenn. They were shown in the 1850 Census for Van Burn County, Tenn.

Stipe, Jacob M 79 1771 Va.
     Rebecca F 64 1786 Tenn.

          They were the parents of Thomas J. Stipe, born in Tenn., in 1809, but we do not know for sure who their other children may have been.     

          THOMAS J. STIPE (        1809 to         ) son of Jacob Stipe (1771) and his wife, Rebecca (1786) was born in Tenn. And married in 1833-4 to Nancy Wood (      Apr. 1809 to 22 Jan. 1854) daughter of George Wood (1787) and Elizabeth Irwin (13 Oct. 1785).

Stipe, Thomas M 41 1809 Tenn.
     Nancy F 41 1809 Tenn.
     Glosney F 19 1831 Tenn.
     Elizabeth F 15 1835 Tenn.
     Rachiel F 14 1836 Tenn.
     Jacob M 12 1838 Tenn.
     George M 10 1840 Tenn.
     Thomas M   2  1848 Tenn.

          Wm.L. (Bill) Wood of Rt. 2 Box 89 Strafford, Mo., 65757 has furnished us a more detailed listing of the family of Thomas J. Stipe as follows:

Thomas J. Stipe 1809 Tenn.
Nancy Wood Stipe Apr. 1809 Tenn., White County,
      married Thomas in 1833-4
Elizabeth Jane 6 Feb. 1835 Tenn. White County,
     married James Thomas Haston (Hastin) 6 Sept. 1856
Rachel 25 Oct. 1836 Tenn.,
     Married Louis Shockly 12 Aug. 1853 and died 2 Feb. 1932
Jacob I. Feb. 1838 Tenn.,
      married Anjaline Sparkman on 21 Oct. 1855
George W. 1840 Tenn., 
     married Susannah Sparkman on 7 Aug. 1859
Francis M. 1844 Tenn.,
     unmarried--killed in Civil War
Thomas J. 14 Sept.1847 Tenn.,
     married Virginia Ashford on 5 June 1869 and died 5 Mar. 1937

   Other members of the Stipe family were shown in the 1850 Census.

Stipe, George M 56 1794 VA.
     Elizabeth  F 53 1797 Tenn.
      Alford M 20 1830 Tenn.
      David M 17 1833 Tenn.
     Sarah 10 1840 Tenn.
      Harry M   8  1842 Tenn.
Stipe, Joseph M 21 1829 Tenn. Head of Family
      Nancy L. F 19 1831 Tenn. Wife
      David M   1 1849 Tenn.
Stipe, Jacob A. M 21 1829 Tenn. Head of Family
      Louise F 17 1833 Tenn. Wife
       Katherine F 1/12 1850 Tenn.

          JOHN E. HASTON (      1832 to          ) son of Isaac Haston(1812 to 1850 or thereabouts) and Emeline King (1813), married Polly Ann Mooneyham (1855) but if they had any children they are unknown to us at this time.

          JAMES THOMAS HASTING (8 June 1836 to 31 may 1889) son of Isaac Haston (1812 to 1850 or thereabouts) and Emeline King (1813) was born in what is now Van Buren County, Tennessee.

Haston, James T. M 23 1837 Tenn. Farmer
      Elizabeth F 24 1836 Tenn.
         James Thomas Haston Married Elizabeth Stipe (6 Feb 1835) in 
         Van Buren County, Tennessee.  She was the daughter of Thomas Stipe
         (1809) and Nancy Wood (1809). They were married on 6 Sept. 1856.
     Isaac T. M 11/12ths 1860
Haston, James T. M 35 1835 Tenn. Farmer
      Elizabeth F 36 1834 Tenn.
      Thomas M 10 1860 Tenn.
      Marion M   9 1861 Tenn.
      William M   1 1869 Tenn.

          The records of Van Buren County, Tennessee, show that James was appointed a Road Overseer at the April Term of Court in 1870, and also show that he signed a marriage bond for his brother, Isaac M. Haston (1846) to marry Sarah Hootan. The date was 19 December 1869. Cora Hastings Finley (1975) recalled in 1950 that her "Uncle Jim" was living in Lincoln County, Tennessee, when she was born there on 7 Apr 1875. Therefore James moved his family to Lincoln County, Tennessee, between 1870 and 1875. James' oldest son, Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) married in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on 12 August 1877 (Lincoln County, Tenn., Marriage Record Book 1871-90 p. 160). Isaac's oldest son, James Isaac Hasting (1879) informed his son, Howard H. Hasting (1905) on many occasions that he was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on 26 Oct. 1879, "just ten days before the family left that county to go to Arkansas." According to Cora (above) the family lived on a farm about four miles South of Fayetteville, in Lincoln County, at that time. The Federal Census for Van Buren County, Tennessee, did not list James' family, and neither did that for Lincoln County, Tennessee, for 1880, but the census taken in Yell County, Arkansas, on 5 June 1880 for Galley Rock, Township of that County, did.

Haston, James T. M 46 1834 Tenn. Farmer
     Elizabeth F 46 1834 Tenn.
     F. Marion M 18 1862 Tenn.
     William M 12 1868 Tenn.
Haston, I. Thomas M 22 1858 Tenn.
     Lucy A. F 20 1860 Tenn.
    James I. M 7/12 1879

          James Thomas Hasting resided in Van Buren County, Tennessee, from his birth on 8 June 1836 until after the Census was taken there in 1870, but that sometime between that time and 1875, he moved to Lincoln County, Tennessee, where he lived until the early part of November, 1879, when he began his move to Yell County, Arkansas, where we find him June 1880 when the Census was taken there. As I have shown the family went by the name of "Haston," in Tenn., and for a time after arriving in Arkansas. James Isaac Hasting (1879) more than once, explained to his son, Howard H. Hasting (1905), that after arriving in Arkansas, the family held what he called "a family meeting," at which it was agreed that thereafter all would go by the name of "Hasting," because that was the correct name--as they understood--when the family first came to Tennessee. At any rate, the family--all those who came to Arkansas--thereafter have been known by the name of "Hasting," except that some have added an "s" making the name "Hastings."

          James Thomas Hasting (Haston, then) who was at the beginning of the Civil War (4:30 a.m. 13 April 1861, Ft. Sumter was fired upon) 24 years of age. He and his brothers, who were old enough "to go to war," along with his kind, John T. Haston, John L. Haston, Richmond Haston, and James Me. Haston, and others--some 14 in number--rode into Chattanooga on 14 June 1862 and enlisted in a body into the Confederate Cavalry then being organized by Colonel John P. Murry, which organization was known as "Murry's Cavalry." They saw considerable action, James became a corporal. The others were Privates. (Old Adjutant General's Files, Archives Building, Washington, D.C.). Elizabeth often mentioned the hardships which she was forced to endure during the absence of James. She told how she was obliged to guard her meager food supply with a rifle to prevent it from falling into the hands of "Bushwackers," and how she labored in the field to feed her children. Her description of James' homecoming is a vivid portrayal of the times. She was working in the field when James appeared. He walked up to her and took over her task. No word was spoken. She turned and walked away to her house.

          The lowlands of Yell County, Arkansas, which is in the valley of the Arkansas River, were very unhealthy in those days. James determined to and did move again and settled in Boone County, Arkansas, in the Ozark Mountains, on a farm at Cross Roads. This was sometime before 1887. The remainder of his days were spent as a farmer at that place. His tombstone may be found in the Cross Roads Cemetery, beside that of his wife, Elizabeth Stipe Hasting.

Isaac Thomas Hasting 20 December 1858 to 1 April 1917
Francis Marion Hasting 8 Oct. 1861 to 20 Oct. 1894
William Morton Hasting 9 Jan. 1859 to 9 Feb. 1928

          ISAAC NORTHCUTT (20 Mar 1833 to 24 Feb. 1898) was born in Warren County, Tennessee, near Jasper. His father was killed in a fight when Isaac was a small boy and he was raised by one of his uncles. Isaac married in Warren County, Tenn., on 3 January 1855 to Philia Ann Stotts (22 January 1837 to 10 January 1897). (See Warren County Marriage Record "A" at p. 22). Philia Ann was of Swiss descent. She descended from a member of a Swiss Colony in Grundy County, Tenn. Isaac enlisted in the Union Army in Company "E", 1st Regiment of Alabama and Tennessee Independent Vidette Cavalry, at Altmont, Tenn., on 6 October 1863 and served until 16 June 1864. His record shows that he was 5 ft. 10 ins., with blue eyes, sandy hair, and that he became a Corporal on 21 January 1864. (Old Adjutant General's Files, Archives Bldg., Washington, D.C.)

CENSUS FOR 1870, IN LINCOLN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, Lynchburg 20 Jul., 1870
Northcutt, Ike M 37 1833 Tenn.
     P.A. F 34 1836 Tenn.
     Elizabeth F 15 1855 Tenn.
      Eva F 14 1856 Tenn.
      L.A. F 12 1858 Tenn.
      Belle F   9 1861 Tenn.
      Margaret F   5 1865 Tenn.
      Caroline F   3 1867 Tenn.

          Ike and Philia Ann are buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in Yell County, Arkansas. We know that Isaac Thomas Hasting (20 Dec. 1858) married Ike's daughter, Lucy Ann (10 Oct. 1859) in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on 12 Aug. 1877. We also know that Ike had deeded to him the E1/2 Lot 2 NE 1/4 and W 1/2 Lot 2 NE 1/4 of Sec. T, Twp. T N., R.20 W in Yell County, Arkansas on 25 Dec. 1881. Thus, in the 4 year period 12 Aug 1877 to 25 Dec. 1881, Ike moved from Lincoln County, Tennessee, to Yell County, Arkansas. Ike also had deeded to him on 8 Dec. 188, 40 more acres, i.e. E1/2 Lot 1 NE1/4 Sec. 6, Twp. 5 N., R. 20 W, in Yell County, Arkansas. This land is now in possession of one of his grandchildren.
          It is said that Ike would not give his consent to the marriage to Isaac Thomas Hasting (20 Dec. 1858) of his daughter, Lucy Ann, because Isaac Thomas Hasting was the son of a "Rebel," and he referred to his grandson, James Isaac Hasting (26 Oct. 1879) as "my little Rebel."

Elizabeth Northcutt 1855 to
     Married Aquilla "Quill" Steelman and lived for a time near Everton, 
     in Boone County, Arkansas.
Evaline "Eva" Northcutt 26 Dec. 1856 to 12 Feb. 1923
      Married John W. Dunn and lived in Dardanelle, Arkansas, where she is
     buried on Moore's Hill. Buried Moore's Hill Cem., Yell Co. Ark.
Lucy Ann Northcutt 10 Oct. 1859 to 7 Jul. 1881
     Married Isaac Thomas Hasting (20 Dec. 1858) and died in Yell County,
     Arkansas, and is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in that county.
Belle Northcutt 1861 to 7 Jan 1918
     Married Francis Marion Hasting  (8 Oct. 1861) and died at Earlsbur, Okla.
     But is buried at Atwood, Okla.
Margaret Northcutt 1865 to
     Married on 20 May 1882 to one W.L.Greeley (See Marriage book "D" at 
     p. 172) and she is said to have married a Bailey and a Ward. She is buried at
     Cotton Town in Yell County, Ark.
Caroline Northcutt 1867
     Called "Callie" married a Whitford. She is buried at Cotton Town 
Sam Northcutt
     Married Alice Hames (19 Feb. 1878) a dau. Of Newt Hames, of Boone
     County, Ark., and they had a daughter named Ruthie (28 Oct. 1907 to 27
     Aug. 1910). Alice and Ruther are buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in 
     Yell County, Arkansas.
Adarah Northcutt
     Adarah is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in Yell County, Arkansas, 
     beside her sister, Lucy Ann Hasting and her mother and father. There is no

          ISAAC THOMAS HASTING (20 December 1858 to 1 April 1917) son of James Thomas Hasting (1836) and his wife, Elizabeth Stipe Hasting (1835) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee, on a farm near Bone Cave. His father moved the family to Lincoln County, Tennessee, between 1870 and 1875 and from there to Yell County, Arkansas, in late 1879. Isaac Thomas was known as "Tom," and that, probably, is the reason that his name is shown on his grave-stone in Cross Roads Cemetery in Boone County, Arkansas, as Thomas Isaac Hasting instead of his correct name of Isaac Thomas Hasting. "Tom" was approaching his 19th birthday when he went to the county seat of Lincoln County, Tennessee, at Fayetteville Tennessee, and obtained a license to marry Lucy Ann Northcutt (10 Oct. 1859 to 7 July 1881). They were married by a Justice of the Peace of Lincoln County on 12 August 1877. (Lincoln County, Tenn., Marriage Record, 1871-90, p. 160) Lucy Ann was the third child of Isaac Northcutt (1833) and Philia Ann Stotts (1837). Lucy Ann died on 7 Jul. 1881 and she is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery, 11 miles South of Dardanelle on the Old Danville Road in Yell County, Arkansas.

taken on 5 June 1880 in Galley Rock, Twp.
Haston, I. Thomas M 22 1858 Tenn. Farmer
     Lucy A. F 20 1860 Tenn.
      James I. M 7/12 1879 Tenn.

Shortly after the death of Lucy Ann, Isaac Thomas "Tom" moved with his infant son, James Isaac and probably other members of his family to Boone County, Arkansas, and settled in a little Community known as Cross-Roads, South of Harrison, where he bought a small farm on Crooked Creek.
          The Deed Records of Boone County, Arkansas, at the court house in Harrison, at p. 124 of Volume "H" show that I.T.Hastin purchased from B.B.Hudgins and wife, Josephine, a part of the NE1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec. 33 Twp. 18 N. Range 20 West on 25 Dec. 1884 for the sun of $215 cash and $35.00 to be paid later. The part so purchased contained 27 acres situated on Crooked Creek and described as the Louise Lane Tract. "Tom" built his residence on the mountain on the North of Crooked Creek and spent the remainder of his days there.
          On 9 October, 1887, Tom married again--this time to Florence Woodmore (21 Jan. 1866 to 22 Dec. 1930). (See Boone County, Marriage Record "C" at p. 13). Florence was born in Obion County, Tennessee, the daughter of Dr. F.Woodmore and his wife, Sarah. Florence had the following brothers and sisters:
          Inez Woodmore (1868)
          Nettie Woodmore (1869)
          Daisy Woodmore
          Jennie Woodmore
          Rose Woodmore
          Robert Woodmore
                     Woodmore, a sister, who married a Lytle.
          Tom received an injury from which he never recovered. He merely lingered and wasted away, finally dying years later from an hemorrhage. He and his wife, Florence, are buried in the Cross-Roads Cemetery, which is located on the farm purchased by Tom, as related above.


Lucy Ann Northcutt

James Isaac Hasting 26 Oct. 18879 to 22 Nov. 1947
Florence Woodmore
Thomas Clarence "Dick" Hasting 15 September 1894 to 5 Dec. 1961
William Andy "Bill" Hasting 1 January 1900 to
Effie Pearl Hasting 23 Feb. 1891 to

          JAMES ISAAC HASTING (26 Oct. 1879 to 22 Nov. 1947) son of Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) and Lucy Ann Northcutt (1859) was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., just ten days before his family began the move to Yell County, Arkansas.

taken on 5 June 1880 in Galley Rock, Twp.
Haston, Isaac Thomas M 22 1858 Tenn. Farmer
     Lucy A. F 20 1860 Tenn.
      James I. M 7/12 1879 Tenn.

"Jim's" mother, Lucy Ann Northcutt, died in Yell County, Arkansas, on 7 July 1881 and was buried in Shepherd Cemetery in that County. At her death Jim was only 1 year of age, going on 2. His father moved to the Cross-Roads Community sometime before 1884--as he purchased the 27 acre farm on which he made his home thereafter and where "Jim" grew to manhood in 1884.
          While in his "teens", Jim went to live with and work for Joel Hillman Wooley, a wealthy farmer of the Watkins Community of Boone County, Arkansas. He became enamored with "Hillman's" adopted daughter, Clarence Woolley (13 August 1883 to 21 Mar 1900). They were married on Jim's twentieth birthday. (Boone County Marriage Record "G" p. 183). However, Clarence died the following Spring, of pneumonia, without issue. She is buried in the Eoff Cemetery, 8 miles Southeast of Harrison. Jim and Hillman remained intimate friends and business partners until death. The marriage license for the marriage of "James Hasting of Elmwood" and "Clarence Woolley of Watkins" was received by Howard H. Hasting Sr. (23 Mar. 1905) from William Andy Hasting on 24 March 1954. The Boone County Clerk having kept it all those years. The license shows that "Milton Brockett Hasting" performed the marriage and made return of the license as Justice of Peace.
          After the death of Clarence, Jim moved to Bellefonte, which was only a few miles from the Woolley farm, and opened a general store there. Hillman Woolley had been a Mason for many years, as well as a Clansman, and a Confederate Soldier. Jim was initiated into the Bellefonte Masonic Lodge Number 265 on 10 January 1903.
          On 16 August 1903, Jim married Virgie Amelia Ruble (14 August 1887). (Boone County Marriage Record "I" at p. 35). Virgie was the sixth daughter of John Henry Wood Ruble (9 Jan. 1858 to 27 Dec. 1939), a Methodist Minister of Bellefonte.     
          Hillman Woolley had moved to Boone County from Jackson County, Arkansas, during the Reconstruction Period to evade the Yankee Militia, which sought his arrest because of his activities as a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He determined to return to the place of his birth. Jim decided to accompany him. On 7 December 1904, the two families departed from Bellefonte and arrived at Tupelo, Arkansas, on 15 December 1904. Hillman's wife, the former Shabie Jones, had inherited a part of the Jones Homestead upon the death of her father. Hillman purchased the remainder, and both families made their home there, until after the birth of Jim's oldest son, Howard Hillman Hasting (1905) who was named for "Grandpa" Woolley. Hillman and his wife are buried at "White Church Cemetery" located on a sand hill West of Tupelo. Hillman departed this life on 6 April 1922, to be followed by his wife, Shabie, exactly nine years later, on 6 April 1931.
          Jim reentered the mercantile business at Tupelo, Arkansas, first as a partner with John Gardner, then alone, and finally as a partner with Bryant Jones, under the firm name of "Hasting and Jones." In the Old County Court House, at Jacksonport, which has been converted to a museum, can be found some stationery bearing the firm name of "Hasting and Jones."
          In October 1912, Jim moved to Newport, Arkansas to accept a position as Chief Deputy Sheriff and Tax Collector, of Jackson County, Arkansas, which position he held until August 1916, when he moved to Weldon, Arkansas, to become a stock-holder and Secretary-Treasurer of the Weldon Merc. Co. After the latter company suffered financial reverses as a result of World War I, he moved to Diaz, Arkansas, where he was employed as a bookkeeper for Willmans Merc. Co. After being duly elected, he took office as County Clerk of Jackson County on 1 Jan. 1927. He served two terms in that office and held numerous appointed political jobs in Jackson County, Arkansas, until 1936, when he moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, to be employed by the Arkansas Highway Commission. For a time in 1943, he lived with his daughter, Elizabeth in San Antonio, Texas. During World War II, he was Accounting Clerk and General supervisor, Signal Corps, at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. While living in Pine Bluff, it became necessary for him to an operation for gall stones. He never recovered from the operation and died in a hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. His death was partially due to an old ailment. During his campaign for County Clerk I the Fall of 1926, he contracted blood poisoning in one of his feet. It spread rapidly and forced his hospitalization and violent treatment from which he never fully recovered. Jim is buried in the Graceland Cemetery at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, beside his wife. Virgie died on 1 February, 1976, at New Braunfels, Texas. Their tombstones may be located between two other prominent stones shaped as crosses--one of which is black and other white.

Howard Hillman Hasting 23 March 1905 to
Garland Marion Hasting 20 May 1908 to 29 Sept. 1974
Elizabeth Ann Hasting 17 July 1912 to
Virginia Cecil Hasting 14 Sept. 1914 to
James Isaac Hasting, Jr. 16 Nov 1918 to
Mary Alice Hasting 24 Oct. 1925 to 14 July 1978

          HOWARD HILLMAN HASTING (23 mar 1905 to            ) son of James Isaac Hasting (1879) was born at Tubelo, Arkansas. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, on 1 July 1924 and graduated from the Academy on 9 June 1928. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant and upon termination of his graduation leave, reported to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, as a member of the 6th Infantry. On 3 April 1930, he resigned from the Army.
          While stationed at Jefferson Barracks, he married Margaret Young Picker (1908) of 5515 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Missouri. A daughter, named Sarah Elizabeth Hasting (18 July 1930), was born to this marriage.
          Howard returned to Arkansas, where he accepted a position as Engineer with the Arkansas Highway Commission, but his wife remained in St. Louis, and they were divorced on 14 July 1931.
          Howard was granted a license by the State of Arkansas to practice law. His license was dated 30 March 1931, and he began his practice in Newport, Arkansas.
          He married at Batesville, Arkansas, on 12 April 1936, to Miss Mary Marguerite Collier, known as "Margaret", who was born at Batesville, Arkansas, on 24 Dec. 1927, as the third child of Eugene Lafayette Collier and Margaret Neomi, known as "Oma" Williamson.
          Howard and Margaret moved to Mena, Arkansas, on 10 Oct. 1937, where Howard formed a partnership for the practice of law. His practice there was cut short by the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor--three days later, he was on his way to the United States Military Academy, where he reported on 21 Feb. 1942, and was assigned to duty as an instructor.
          Howard, Jr., was born at the Cadet Hospital on 26 Oct. 1943.
          At the close of the war, Howard was given a commission as Captain in the Judge Advocate General's Department of the Regular Army and assigned to the Pentagon in the temporary grade of Lt. Colonel, A.U.S. He soon was reassigned to the Far East, as assistant to the American Judge on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which was-­at the time--engaged in the trial of Tojo and other high war criminals. At the conclusion of a long trial, Howard drafted the judgment for the tribunal. Judgment was entered by the Judges on 12 Nov. 1948, and the tribunal adjourned at 4:12 p.m., after sentencing 15 to imprisonment for life, 7 to death by hanging, 1 to imprisonment for 20 years and 1 to imprisonment for 7 years. The tribunal having completed its work, Howard was assigned as Judge Advocate of the Headquarters and Service Group of General McArthur¹s Headquarters. In that assignment, he was in charge of all court-martials for the Tokyo area as well as all Provost Courts which tried Japanese for violation of the regulations issued by the Supreme Commander.
          Margaret and Howard, Jr., arrived in Japan after about 17 months, and remained with Howard in Tokyo until his reassignment to the Continental United States. Howard and his family arrived in San Francisco on 3 Dec. 1949, and he was assigned as Judge Advocate of the Military District of Washington on or about 3 Feb. 1950. He served in that capacity and as Chief of the Government Appellate Division of the Judge Advocate General's Office of the Army until the summer of 1954.
          He and his family arrived in the Canal Zone on 11 August 1954, where he was assigned as Army Judge Advocate of the U.S. Army Caribbean and Legal Advisor to the Caribbean Command, in which capacity, he served until 12 May 1958.
          He and his family sailed out of Cristobel on 12 May 1958, bound for New York City and Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, where he was to serves as Army Judge Advocate of the Fourth Army.
          Howard retired for "
length of Service" at the age of 55 years on 30 April 1960, and entered the practice of law in civil life in San Antonio, Texas, where he continued to practice until ­

Sarah Elizabeth Hasting 18 July 1930 to
Howard Hillman Hasting, Jr. 26 Oct. 1943 to

            GARLAND MARION HASTING (20 May 1908 to 29 Sept. 1974) son of James Isaac Hasting (1879) and Virgie Ruble (1887) was born at Tupelo, Arkansas. He graduated from High School at Newport, Arkansas. Sometime in 1931, Garland accepted a position with the Army Engineers of the Memphis, Tennessee District.
          On 6 February 1938, he married at Newport, Arkansas, to Sylvia Greene (19 June 1918 to 21 Sept. 1975) the daughter of Clarence Marshall Greene and Susan Elizabeth Greene of Puxico, Missouri.
          After retiring from the Engineer Corps, Garland made his home at Puxico, Missouri, where he died and was buried. His widow continued to reside there until her death.
Stephen Marshall Hasting 15 June 1955 to

          ELIZABETH ANN HASTING (17 Jul 1912 to         ) daughter of James Isaac Hasting (1879) and Virgie Ruble (1887) was born at Tupelo, Arkansas. She married at Brinkley, Arkansas, on 31 October 1930, to E. Allan Mayor, Jr. (26 October 1897 to         ) of San Antonio, Texas. "Allan" was born at Waco, Texas, but spent most of his life in San Antonio, Texas. Allan's and Elizabeth's oldest son, James Miller Mayor, was born at Newport, Arkansas, but their other two sons, Richard and Thomas, were born in San Antonio, Texas. They resided at 1320 West Woodlawn, San Antonio, until the Fall of 1945, when they moved to 553 Grandview Rd., in Terrell Hills, San Antonio. In 1949, they moved to Houston, Texas, and made their home at 2501 Dryden Ave. After retirement, Allan and Elizabeth resided at Kerrville, Texas, for a time, but returned to Houston where they were living at 12996 Trail Hollow in 1980.

James Miller Mayor 6 Nov. 1932
Richard Blair Mayor 27 Mar. 1934
Thomas Hasting Mayor 5 Mar. 1939

          VIRGINIA CECIL HASTING (14 Sept. 1914 to         ) daughter of James Isaac Hasting (1879) and Virgie Ruble (1887) was born at Newport, Arkansas. She married at Searcy, Arkansas, to Ernest Vernon Burkett (25 Jan. 1904 to          ) on 6 December 1930. Shortly after their marriage, they made their home at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where they have resided ever since. Ernest operated a very successful wholesale and retail fruit and vegetable business there for many years. After retiring from that business, he resided for a short time in Dallas, Texas but returned to Pine Bluff, where he and Virginia were residing in 1980.

          JAMES ISAAC HASTING, JR. (16 Nov. 1918 to            ) son of James Isaac Hasting (1879) and Virgie Ruble (1887) was born at Weldon, Arkansas. Upon graduation from high School at Little Rock, Arkansas, "J.I." enlisted in the Air Corps and served throughout World War II. His SN was 0-683131. He was a member of the 385th Bomb Group (H) Army air Forces, as a Pvt. Of the Eighth Air Force. While on a mission, known as a heavy bombardment mission, over Germany, his plane was shot down and he was captured. He remained a POW from 29 Apr. 1944 to 29 Apr. 1945 and was imprisoned in STLAG LUFT 3. He received the air Medal, with Three Oak-leaf Clusters, for his participation in these bombardment missions over enemy occupied Europe.
          After having been liberated by American Armor, he was eventually returned to Arkansas. He married on 3 October 1945, at Clarendon, Arkansas, to Little Sue Parke (22 Sept. 1925) the daughter of Frank Randolph Parke, of Harrison, Arkansas. Shortly after his graduation from the University of Texas, J.I. accepted a job with the Shell Oil Co. and served that company as Chief of an exploration team and on other important assignments. His son, James Isaac Hasting III, was born at Douglas, Wyoming, on 1 Sept. 1956, and his other son, Jonathan Parke Hasting, was born at Corpus Christi, Texas, on 18 Sept. 1958. In 1978, J.I. was residing at 7811 Paint St., in San Antonio, Texas, and he was there in July 1980., and he was employed as an electrical engineer at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, were he had been employed for a number of years.

James Isaac Hasting III 1 Sept. 1956
Jonathan Parke Hasting 18 Sept. 1958

          MARY ALICE HASTING (24 OCT. 1925 to 14 July 1978) daughter of James Isaac Hasting (1879) and Virgie Ruble (1887) was born at Diaz, Arkansas. Mary Married  at Austin, Texas, on 28 April 1951, to Clarence Edwin Madden (9 March 1902 to 15 Apr. 1968). To this marriage, three children were born: Michael, born in England, and Virginia and Kevin, born in the United States. Mary died at Wilford Hall Hospital, at Lackland AfB, Texas, where she was being threated [sic] for cancer. At the time of her death, she was a resident of Austin, Texas. She is buried in the Fort Same Houston Cemetery at San Antonio, Texas, along with her husband.

Michael Ja Madden 23 Feb. 1955
Virginia Lynn Madden 25 Jul. 1960
Kevin Webster Madden 10 Jan. 1962

          EFFIE PEARL HASTING (23 Feb. 1891 to        ) daughter of Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) and Florence Woodmore (1855) was born at Cross Roads, in Boone County, Arkansas. Effie taught school in Boone County for a time and then accepted a position, teaching in the common school at Tupelo, Arkansas a. While so employed, she met and married on 2 June 1918 to Augustus Lee "Lee" Jones (20 June 1884 to        ) who was a relative of Shabie Jones Woolley. Lee was employed as a clerk in the Hasting & Jones tore at Tupelo for a number of years, and later purchased the store, which he operated until his death.

Oscar Hasting Jones 28 March 1919
Mary Odell Jones 2 Nov. 1920
Allen Lonzo Jones 1 Apr. 1926
Florence Jeannette Jones 18 Oct. 1931

          THOMAS CLARENCE HASTING (15 September 1894 to 5 Dec. 1961) son of Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) and Florence Woodmore (1855) was born at Cross Roads, in Boone County, Arkansas.
          "Dick" married in Boone County on 1 January 1915 to Essie Davidson, the 16 year old daughter of a farmer of that county. Dick continued as a farmer for several years after his marriage, but quit the farm to accept a position with the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad Co., in Harrison, Arkansas. Dick's marriage was an unhappy one and it finally ended in divorce. Dick left Boone County in 1949. He lived in Kalamoth [sic] Falls, Oregon, for a time--until his death there, where he is buried. (For is marriage, see Marriage Record "M" at p. 83 of the Boone County, Marriage Records).

          WILLIAM ANDY HASTING (9 JAN. 1900 to        ) son of Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) and Florence Woodmore (1855) was born at Cross Roads, in Boone County, Arkansas.
          While employed as a postal clerk at Tulsa, Oklahoma, "Bill" married on 2 Feb. 1929, to Shirley Marie Murgatroyd (17 Dec. 1899 to         ) who was born at Jacksonville, Illinois, the daughter of John W. Murgatroyd.     
          "Bill" worked the old farm at Cross Roads until about 14 May 1924, when he moved to Tulsa to be employed as a clerk in the post office. In 1950, he was made assistant superintendent of the Donaldson Post Office, 1142 W. Harvard St., Tulsa. He is a member of the Elks Club. He lived at 111 South Indianapolis Ave. until 1951. In 1980, he was residing at 3304 E. 45th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.
           FRANCIS MARION HASTING (8 Oct. 1861 to  26 Oct. 1893) son of James Thomas Hasting (1836) and Elizabeth Stipe (1835) was born Francis Marion Haston in what is now Van Buren County, Tennessee. He moved with his father to Lincoln County, Tennessee, and then to Yell County, Arkansas.
          "Marion" married Belle Z. Northcutt (1861 to 7 Jan. 1918) on 3 August 1881, in Yell County, Arkansas. (See Marriage Record "C" p. 438, Yell County, at Danville, Ark.).           Belle was a daughter of Isaac Northcutt (1833) and Philia Ann Stots (1846) who last resided in Yell County, Arkansas. She was sister of Lucy Ann Northcutt (1858) who married Isaac Thomas Hasting (1858) Marion¹s brother.
          Marion was a farmer all his life and breeder of fine horse. After his marriage, he moved his family to Boone County, Arkansas, where he lived until his death. He is buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery, but his headstone is no longer legible.
          After his death, Marion's family moved to Holdenville, in Hughes County, Oklahoma, sometime in September 1901. Belle died at Earlsbur, [sic] Oklahoma, and is buried in the cemetery at Atwood, Oklahoma.

Houston Henry Hasting
Oscar Marion Hasting 24 Aug 1882 to
Claude Henry Hasting 7 Mar 1888 to
Emma Stella Hasting 1 Dec. 1883 to 28 Dec. 1929
Nina Hasting

          HOUSTON HENRY HASTING (            ) son of Francis Marion Hasting (1861) and Belle Northcutt (1861) was born in Boone County, Arkansas. He married in 1906 to Rhoda Moody, of Arkansas, the daughter of George Moody. They lived at Atwood, Calvin and Holdenville, Oklahoma, at various times. In 1917, they moved to Sanger, California. Houston died and was buried at Sanger. Roda [sic] died at San Francisco, Calif., in 1949, and she is buried at Sanger.

Vanita Hasting

          OSCAR MARION HASTING ( 24 August1882 to         ) son of Francis Marion Hasting (1861) and Belle Northcutt (1861) was born in Boone County, Arkansas.
He married on 14 October 1903 to Lou Durbin (7 March 1883), the daughter of Silas Durbin. They lived in Holdenville, Calvin, Wetumka, and Weweka, Oklahoma, at various times. In 1940, they moved to Chula Vista, Oklahoma, where they were living at 3124 Main St., in 1952.

Clarence Wm. Hasting 16 Aug. 1904 to 30 Oct. 1941
Harlan Hasting 38 Mar. 1909 to
Virgle Hasting 1 Jan. 1915 to
Zella Hasting 12 Aug. 1917 to
Hilda Vanita Hasting 28 Jan. 1921 to
Eulis Eugene Hasting 23 Jul. 1924 to

          CLARENCE WILLIAM HASTING ( 16 Aug. 1904 to 30 Oct. 1941) son of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma.
          Clarence married on 7 October 1923 at Holdenville to Opal Evett, of that city. They lived at Holdenville where Clarence operated a Tax and Municipal Accounting Agency and worked with the County Treasurer from 1923 to 1940. On 30 October 1941, during a flood on the Canadian River, Clarence and his wife, Opal were on a bridge, which was washed out by the flood and both were drowned. They are buried in the Cemetery at Holdenville, Oklahoma.

William Frank Hasting 1 Sept. 1934    (adopted)
Helen Marie Hasting 16 Oct. 1931    (adopted)

          HELEN MARIE HASTING (16 Oct. 1931 to            ) adopted daughter of Clarence William Hasting (1904) married in 1947 to Milard E. Kelley.

          HARLAN HASTING ( 28 March. 1909 to            ) son of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma. "Harley" married in 1929 at Holdenville to Esther Thomas (24 Oct. 1909) daughter of Andy Thomas of Batesville, Arkansas. In 1952, they were living at 135 National Ave., Chula Vista, California.

Harlene Belle Hasting 22 Apr. 1930
Ronald DeWayne Hasting 10 Oct. 1932
Joe Dean Hasting 22 Nov. 1937
Donald Wayne Hasting 13 Aug. 1942
Larry Hurley Hasting 12 March 1940

          VIRGLE HASTING ( 1 Jan. 1915 to            ) son of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma. He married Thelma Hodge, daughter of Ben Hodge, of San Diego, Calif., on 3 July 1937. They were living at 357 Oxford St., Chula Vista, Calif., in 1952.

Roxie Ann Hasting 23 Nov. 1942              twins
Paula Rae Hasting 23 Nov. 1942

          ZELLA HASTING ( 12 Aug. 1917 to            ) daughter of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma. She married George J. Monroe, of Shawnee, Okla., the son of George Monroe, Sr., of Holdenville, in 1939. They were living at 1404 F. St., National City, California, in 1952.

Carol Lee Monroe 22 April 1946

          HILDA VENITA HASTING ( 28 Jan. 1921 to            ) daughter of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma. She married on 1 Nov. 1942 to James Roy Sommers of Riverside, California, the son of Jim Sommers, of San Diego, Calif. They were living in 1952 at RFD No. 1, Heavener, Oklahoma.

Jerry Ray Sommers 25 Dec. 1947

          EULLIS EUGENE HASTING ( 23 Jul. 1924 to            ) son of Oscar Marion Hasting (1882) and Lou Durbin (1884) was born in Holdenville, Oklahoma. He married in 1948 to Borthey Lee Merrel at Yuma, Arizona. In 1952, they were living at RFD No. 1 Box 508 Chula Vista, Calif.

          CLAUDE HENRY HASTING ( 7 March 1888 to             ) son of Francis Marion Hasting (1861) and Belle Northcutt (1861) was born in Boone County, Arkansas. He married on 22 Dec. 1912 at Atwood, Okla., to Clara Bell Parham (1 June 1891) the daughter of John William Parham of Atwood. They were living in 1952 at Allen, Oklahoma.

Leon Pershing Hasting 12 Dec. 1918
Estalene Hasting 26 May 1924
Wanda Lee Hasting 24 Apr. 1927

          LEON PERSHING HASTING (18 December 1918 to        ) son of Claude Henry Hasting (1888) and Clara Bell Parham (1891) was born at Atwood, in Hughes County, Oklahoma. He was not married in 1952 and was employed by the Rhor Aircraft Plant.

          ESTALENE HASTING (26 May 1924 to        ) daughter of Claude Henry Hasting (1888) and Clara Bell Parham (1891) was born in Hughes County, Oklahoma. She married on 6 June 1943 to Leonard Vincent Thomas, son of Oscar Edmond J. Thomas. They were living in 1952 at 3608 NW 26th.St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was, at that time, shop superintendent for Carson Machine & Supply Co., Box 4547, 202 SE 29th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Donna Ruth Thomas 23 Sept. 1945
Janice Sue Thomas 6 Jan. 1948

          WANDA LEE HASTING (25 Apr. 1927 to        ) daughter of Claude Henry Hasting (1888) and Clara Bell Parham (1891) was born in Pontatac County in the town of Allen, Oklahoma. She married on 13 Sept. 1945 to Robert Allen Crawford, son of Homer Crawford of Allen, Oklahoma. They were living in 1952 at Box 365, Chula Vista, Calif., where he was employed by the Municipal Department of City Maintenance.

Judy Ann Crawford 12 Jul. 1946
Linda Lee Crawford 12 Jul. 1946

          EMMA STELLA HASTING ( 1 Dec. 1883 to 29 Dec. 1929) daughter of Francis Marion Hasting (1861) and Belle Z. Northcutt (1861) was born in Boone County, Arkansas. She married in 1903 to Sam Trivitt (29 Dec. 1870 to 13 Jan. 1944) of Lead Hill, Arkansas. They lived at Holdenville, Oklahoma, (sic) for a time, until the death of Emma. She is buried in the cemetery at Atwood, Oklahoma. Sam Trivitt was born at Mountain Home, Arkansas.

Robert Houston Trivitt 5 Nov. 1905 at Artesia, N.M.
Roy Claude Trivitt 5 Dec. 1907 at Bakersfield, Calif.
Nina Gertrude Trivitt 4 mar. 1910 at Paoli, Okla.
Ralph Wm. Trivitt 25 Aug. 1912 at Allen, Okla
Ruben Trivitt 19 Jan. 1914 to 4 Sept. 1915
Ima Belle Trivitt 23 Aug. 1916 at Bakersfield, Calif.
Carl C. Trivitt 31 Dec. 1919 at Oklahoma City, Okla.
Melva Joice Trivitt 5 Apr. 1921 at Oklahoma City, Okla.

          Nina married a Mouldin; Ralph unmarried, Ima Belle married an Anderson, Melva Joice married a Moore.

          NINA HASTING (                    ) daughter of Francis Marion Hasting (1861) and Belle Z. Northcutt (1861) was born in Boone County, Arkansas. She married John Cobb of Arkansas, the son of George Cobb. They lived at RFD No. 1, Bakersfield, Calif. from 1930 to 1952.

Buster Cobb
Opal Cobb
Ima Cobb

          WILLIAM MORTON HASTING (9 Jan 1869 to 9 Feb. 1928) son of James Thomas Hasting (1836) and Elizabeth Stipe Hasting (1835) was born in Van Buren County, Tenn., and christened James Thomas "Haston", but after moving to Arkansas, around 1800, he along with other members of the family changed the name to "Hasting" which they considered to be the original and correct name of the family. He moved with his father, first to Lincoln County, Tennessee, then to Yell County, Arkansas, and finally to Boone County, Arkansas.
          William Married in Boone County on 17 August 1890 to Myrtle Davis--her full name was Myrtle Emily Davis--(15 April 1869). (See Boone County Marriage Record "D" at p. 26). Milton "Brockett" Hasting performed the marriage ceremony for Myrtle and William Morton Hasting--he was a Justice of Peace of Boone County at the time. Myrtle outlived William. She died on 2 Nov. 1960. She and her husband are buried in Cross Roads Cemetery.
          William was a farmer all his life. Shortly before his death, he sold his farm and moved to Harrison, Arkansas, where he and Myrtle lived at 217 E. Spring St.

Zula Savana Hasting 30 Oct. 1891
Beulah Victoria Hasting 26 Jan. 1894
Bessie Eunice Hasting 28 Sept. 1898 to 23 Dec. 1936
Ralph Roscoe Hasting 27 Oct. 1900
William Roey Hasting 17 Mar. 1903 to 28 Jul. 1905

          ZULA SAVANA HASTING (30 Oct. 1891 to        ) daughter of William Morton Hasting (1859) and Myrtle Davis (1869) was born and raised in the Cross Roads community of Boone County, Arkansas. She married there on 27 March 1910 to William Pearl Beavers (16 Oct. 1885) who was also born and raised in that community. (Boone Marriage Record "K" at p. 147). In 1952, they were living at 1304 S. 40th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Roy Howard Beavers 4 May 1911
Goldie Lucile Beavers 7 Aug. 1912
Carl Lavern Beavers 12 Jul. 1916

          Roy married Margaret Regan on 19 May 1936 and they were living in 1952 at 3517 Silver Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. Goldie married on 22 Nov. 1931 to George W. Van Brunt, and was living at 2958, 21st St. San Francisco, Calif. Carl married on 14 Feb. 1936 to Norma Baker and was living at 1300 S. 40th St. Kansas City, Missouri.

          BULAH VICTORIA HASTING (26 Jan 1894 to        ) daughter of William Morton Hasting (1859) and Myrtle Davis (1869) was raised on a farm in Boone County, Arkansas, in the Cross Roads Community.  She married there on 7 November 1915 to Carl Erwin Ivie (Her daughter, Willodean, says his name is Earl Carlton Ivie). Bulah had a heart attack in December, 1950, and in May 1950 she was reported in poor health. Mr. Ivie also had a heart attack in September 1949 from which he had not fully recovered in 1950. They were living in 1950 at P.O. Box 151, Whittier, California. However, they were building a new home at Montebello, a suburb of Los Angeles, to which expected to move. He can be addressed in care of Standard Oil Company.

Pauline Ivie 3 Nov. 1916
Catherine Ivie 23 Jun. 1918
Willodean Ivie 18 Jun. 1920

          Pauline married on 15 June 1936 to Jack Rucker Seaman, and was living in 1950 at P.O. Box 151, Whittier, Calif. She has two boys: Gary Carlton (1944) and Michael Bruce (1947). Catharine married on 28 Jul 1936 to Richard Thomas Clem, and was living in 1950 at 2418 Cleveland Ave., Montebello, Calif. She has two boys: Richard Thomas (1945) and Stephen Anthony (1948). Willodean married on 16 July 1938 to Claude Ervin Meeks, and was living in 1950 at 519 Narcissus St., Corona del Mar, Calif. She has a daughter: Linda Kayleen (1943) and another born at 1 a.m. on Wednesday, 18 May 1950, named Joanne.

          BESSIE EUNICE HASTING (28 Sept. 1898 to 23 Dec. 1936) daughter of William Morton Hasting (1859) and Myrtle Davis (1869) was born and raised in Boone County, Arkansas.  Bessie married in Boone County on 3 Sept. 1921 to Lon Hubert Simpson (18 Sept. 1890). Bessie died in Everton, Missouri, but she is buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery, in Boone County, Arkansas. Her husband is buried at Ash Grove, Missouri. (Marriage Record "O" p. 244 of Boone County, Arkansas).

Ruby Jane Simpson 25 May 1922
Imogene Simpson 29 Feb. 1928

          Ruby became a nurse at the Baptist Hospital, Little Rock, Ark. She was living in 1949 at 1012 W. 6th St., Little Rock, Arkansas.
          Imogene married on 23 Jan. 1948 to Willis W. Westfall. She was living in 1950 at 1405 A. Ruby Ave., Kansas City, Missouri.

          RALPH ROSCOE HASTING (27 Oct. 1900 to 5 Jul. 1957) son of William Morton Hasting (1859) and Myrtle Davis (1869) was raised on a farm in Cross Roads Community of Boone County, Arkansas.  He married on 10 August 1929 to Irene Gibson (19 Jan. 1907). (Boone County Marriage Record "Q" at p. 607). For several years, he worked for the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad Company at Harrison. In 1949, he was general manager of the Hurley Tractor & Implement Co. of Harrison. In 1952, he moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ralph died of a heart attack and is buried in the Eagle Heights Cemetery at Harrison. After his death, his widow married Dr. Tom N. Moss, an optometrist, or 717 W. Nicholson St., Harrison, Ark., on or about August 1961.
          WILLIAM ROEY HASTING (17 March 1903 to 28 Jul. 1905) son of William Morton Hasting (1859) and Myrtle Davis (1869) was born in Boone County, Arkansas. He is buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery.

          MARTHA A. HASTON (1838              ) daughter of Isaac Haston (1812) and Emeline King (1813) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. She is listed with Isaac's family in both the 1850 and 1860 censuses in Van Buren County. It is said she married a Huddleston, and there is a tombstone in the Long Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tennessee, inscribed "Martha, wife of W.M. Huddleston, 1 Mar. 1838 to Sept. 1904."

          MILES H. HASTINGS (17 Mar. 1840 to 17 Feb. 1902) son of Isaac Haston (1812) and Emeline King (1813) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. The dates of his birth and death are shown upon his gravestone in the Brearley Cemetery, located on the edge of the town of Dardanelle, in Yell County, Arkansas.
          While living in Tennessee, Miles married Mary A. Shepherd (27 Sept. 1844 to 14 Jan. 1918). Her birth and death are inscribed on her tombstone in Brearley Cemetery.
          Miles and his brothers, James, William and Brockett, were inseparable, and therefore, he probably moved his family to Lincoln County, Tennessee, along with James, William and Brockett. It is certain that he moved to Yell County, Arkansas, with them in 1879. The Federal Census taken in Van Buren County, Tennessee, in 1860, is the last to list Miles. Apparently, he married between the Census for 1860 and 1870. His oldest son, Joseph, was born in 1875. We have not found his marriage record.

Haston, M.H. M 39 1841 Tenn. Farmer
     Mary F 34 1846 N.C.
      Joseph M 15 1875 Tenn.
      S.J. F 13 1877 Tenn.
      V. F 12 1878 Tenn.

          Miles and his brothers and other of thir [sic] kin from Van Buren County, Tenn., rode into Chattanooga, Tenn., on 14 June 1862 and enlisted in "Murry's Cavalry," officially known as the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A. (Old Adj. Gens. Records, Archives Bldg., Washington, D.C.) They saw considerable action. Miles enjoyed "Court Service," and the records of Van Buren County show that he was a Constable of the Jury at the April term of the court held in that county in 1868. He is also mentioned as Road Overseer. Although Miles operated a store in Dardanelle, Arkansas, he found time to serve as a Deputy Sheriff of that County and Deputy United States Marshall.
          There was a "family meeting", held by the Haston family shortly after their arrival in Yell County, at which it was agreed that the name should be changed to "Hasting," which was considered to have been the correct name, originally. Miles went a bit further and put an "s" on his name.
           According to Pamelia "Pammie," widow of Joseph, Miles' son, Miles died of Tuberculosis at the age of 61 only one month before his next birthday.
         Mary A Shepherd, as well as Paralee Shepherd (1855) were daughters of John Shepherd, Jr. (10 May 1810 to 2 July 1880). Paralee married William Henderson Hastings (1844). Thus, Miles and his brother married sisters.

Joseph Burnett Hastings 15 Sept. 1865 to 29 Feb. 1920
Victoria S. Hastings 9 Jan. 1869 to 3 Jul. 1887
Sarah Jane Hastings 21 May 1867 to 4 Nov. 1916

          JOHN SHEPHERD (10 May 1810 to 2 Jul. 1880) was born in Virginia. On 15 April 1832, he married Temperance Epps (23 May 1813 to 20 Feb. 1891). Temperance was born in North Carolina. The Census taken in White County, Tenn., lists the family of John Shepherd, Jr.

Shepherd, John R. M 56 1814 Tenn. Farmer
     Temperance F 56 1814 N.C.
     Tilman M 19 1851 N.C.
     Paralee F 15 1855 Tenn.
     Martha C. F 15 1855 Tenn.

          It would appear that John Shepherd moved from North Carolina to Tenn.  Between 1851 and 1855, but this not necessarily so; for that part of Tenn. Which was later incorporated into White County, Tenn., was, in face, a part of the North Carolina Territory in those early days up until Tennessee was admitted into the Union in 1796.
          A History of Yell County, Arkansas, by Wayne Banks, contains the following:

"G.M. Shepherd, a long time resident of Magazine Township  was born in North Carolina in 1847.  His father, John Shepherd, was born in Virginia, 10 May 1810, and his mother, Temperance Epps Shepherd, was born in the Old North State on 23 May 1814--they being united in marriage 16 April 1832, to become the parents of eleven children.  Mr. Shepherd followed farming as a business being located in what is now known as the Old Omega Community.  The name of Shepherd, will forever be identified with this place for it was along Shepherd Ridge that the family began to bury its dead, and together with other neighbors who suffered losses of loved ones a large cemetery has been set aside.
"Mr. Shepherd entered into Holy Wedlock with Miss. Margaret Haston 17 January 1869.  She was born in Tennessee 5 December 1850, as a daughter of W. C. and Jane Denny Haston, who were natives of Tennessee. Her father being successful in various enterprises in Van Buren County, Tennessee, being sheriff four years, also county judge and magistrate. To this union of Mr. And Mrs. Shepherd were born the following family: Martha J., wife of J.A. Blankenship, Temperance, Dalton, Fannie M., John C. and William C."

          A "sketch" of William Carroll Haston taken from a Biographical Record of the Cumberland Region by George A. Ogle & Co., of Chicago, now on file in the Library of Congress under No. F 443 C8 M5, published in 1898, contains the following:

"The only educational advantages William C. Hastons received were such as the local schools of his day afforded; but his training at farm work was not so meager, and he early became a thrifty and industrious farmer. He was married, Dec. 3, 1848, to Miss Jane Denny, who was born in Van Buren County, April 27, 1829, a daughter of William and Patty Burnett Denney. They became the parents of the following children:
     Charles T., who married Miss. Ellet Morgan and lives in 
          White County, Tenn.;
     Maggie, wife of Dr. Shepherd, of Yell County, Ark.;
     David L, who married Miss. Tabitha Davis and lives in Hickory, 
          White County;
     William C., who married Lobelia Morgan and is now deceased;
     Sarah and John, both deceased;
     Sophia, wife of Frank Davis of Van Buren County, living near her 
          father's old home and
     Mollie, deceased."

          "Dr." Shepherd was Green Madison Franklin Alexander Shepherd who was known as "Doc" for short. He was not a doctor.  He married Margaret "Maggie" Haston on 17 Jan. 1860.  She was born 5 Dec. 1850 and died 11 Jan. 1924.  Her full name was Margaret Ann Haston before marriage.  George Madison Shepherd "Doc" was born 1 June 1847 and died 17 Nov. 1938.  Both are buried in the Brearley Cemetery and the dates were taken from their grave-stones.

          John Shepherd, Jr. was born 10 May 1810 and died 2 Jul. 18180. He wife, Temperance, was born 23 May 1814        and died 20 Feb. 1891. They are buried in the Shepherd Cemetery on Shepherd Ridge, about 11 miles South of Dardanelle on the Old Danville Rd. in Yell County, Arkansas.
          A word about "Dalton" Shepherd. He went back to Tennessee to visit his grandparents and died while on that visit. Joe Thompson, who claimed to have been "raised by the Hastons," pointed out Dalton's grave to Howard H. Hasting (23 mar. 1905) and explained that Dalton died from eating "too many green plums." The grave, properly marked with a good headstone, is back of William Carroll Haston's home house on his farm in a private cemetery in Van Buren County, near Sparta, Tennessee.

          JOSEPH BURNETT HASTINGS (15 Sept. 1865 to 29 Feb. 1920) son of Miles Hastings (1840) and Mary Shepherd (1844) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. He was very young when his father moved to Lincoln County, Tennessee, and only 14 years of age when the family moved to Yell County, Arkansas. He married in Yell County, Arkansas, on 16 Jan. 1889, to Pamelia "Pammie" Moore (1 Feb. 1870 to 5 Nov. 1956) (See Yell County Marriage Record "F" at Dardanelle)
   Joe moved his family to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was living at the time of his death, but both he and Pammie are buried in Brearley Cemetery in Dardanelle, Arkansas.

Joseph Sigeil "Sig" Hastings 5 April 1889 to 12 Mar. 1951
Leon Burnett Hastings 30 May 1893
Paul M. Hastings 20 Sept. 1895 to 3 Aug. 1921
Lewis E. Hastings, Sr. 2 July, 1900
Harry L. Hastings, Sr. 2 Feb. 1903
William Isaac Hastings 13 Dec. 1905
Mary Victoria Hastings Died at age of 2 years

          JOSEPH SIGIEL HASTINGS (5 April 1889 to 12 Mar. 1951) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born in Yell County, Arkansas, probably in the town of Dardanelle. He married at Memphis, Tenn., on 5 Nov. 1917, to Louella Viola Carter (26 Sept. 1884) daughter of J.T. Carter. She was born at Cole Creek, Mississippi. Sig was an employee of the Railway Express at Memphis and was living at 1243 Englewood St., Memphis, Tenn., when he died suddenly of a heart attack.

Mary Evelyn Hastings 5 March 1921

          MARY EVELYN HASTINGS ( 5 Mar. 1921 to           ) daughter of Joseph Sigiel Hastings (1889) and Louella Carter (1884) was born at Memphis, Tenn. She married a Pickthorn and in 1951 she was living at 94 Morton Way, Palo Alto, California.

          LEON BURNETT HASTINGS (30 May 1893 to           ) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born in Yell County, Arkansas, at Dardanelle. He married Esther Galvin (27 Nov. 1895 to         ) the daughter of Joe Galvin. She was born in Stuttgart, Arkansas. In 1952, Leon was living with his wife at 2100 W. 17th St. Little Rock, Arkansas.

Billy Jean Hastings 22 Feb. 1922

          PAUL M. HASTINGS (20 Sept. 1895 to 3 Aug. 1921) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born at Dardanelle, Arkansas.

          LEWIS EDWARD HASTINGS (2 Jul. 1900 to           ) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born at Dardanelle, Arkansas. He married at Lonoke, Arkansas, to Juliette Hood (19 Jan 1900 to          ) who was born at Bowling Green, Kentucky, the daughter of William Tandy Hood. In 1952, they were living at 2509 W. 16th St., Little Rock, Arkansas.

Lewis Edward Hastings, Jr. 20 Aug. 1921 to 28 Dec. 1943

          LEWIS EDWARD HASTING, JR (20 Aug. 1921 to  28 Dec. 1943) son of Lewis Edward Hastings (1900) and Juliette Hood (1900) was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was an Ensign of the Navy Air Arm when he was reported "Down at Sea" near Kwajalein Island in the Pacific during World War II, and he must be presumed dead on that date.

          HARRY LEE  HASTINGS (2 Feb. 1903 to           ) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born at Dardanelle, Arkansas. He married at Little rock, Arkansas, on 8 June 1922 to Marre Sherry (31 Dec. 1902) who was born at Little Rock, Ark., the daughter of Tracy M. Sherry and Abe J. Sherry. In 1952 they were living at 2000 Gains St., Little Rock, Arkansas.

Harry Lee Hastings, Jr. 24 May 1927
Marre S. Hasting 15 May 1931- died in infancy
Paul E. Hastings 31 Oct. 1945- adopted

       WILLIAM ISAAC HASTINGS (13 Dec. 1905 to             ) son of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870) was born at Dardanelle, Arkansas. He married at Benton, Arkansas, on 29 Jul. 1926 to Lora Annie Corrigan (5 Jan. 1910 to       ) who was born at Little Rock, Arkansas, the daughter of Mrs. Fred Gillespie. They were living in 1952 at 3302 West 10th St., Little Rock, Ark.

William Isaac Hastings, Jr. 18 Oct. 1934
Joseph Coleman Hastings 10 Jul. 1948

          MARY VICTORIA  HASTINGS (Died at age of 2 yrs.) daughter of Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865) and Pammie Moore (1870)

          SARAH JANE HASTINGS (21 May 1867 to 4 Nov. 1916) daughter of Miles Hastings (1840) and Mary Shepherd (1844) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. She moved with her father to Lincoln County, Tenn., and then to Yell County, Arkansas, in 1879. Sarah married in Yell County, on 20 Jan. 1887, to James Monroe Cole (    to Aug. 1922). (See Yell County Marriage Record "F" at Dardanelle). Sarah is buried in the Mt. Holley Cemetery, located at 13th. and Broadway, Little Rock Arkansas. James is buried in the Brearley Cemetery at Dardenelle, Ark.

Lina Victoria Cole 8 Jan. 1889

          LINA VICTORIA COLE (8 Jan. 1889           ) daughter of Sarah Jane Hastings (1867) and James Cole (            ) was a nurse. It is recalled that she was in attendance at the birth of Virginia Cecil Hasting (1914).

          VICTORIA S. HASTINGS (9 Jan. 1869 to 3 Jul. 1887) daughter of Miles Hastings (1840) and Mary Shepherd (1844) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. She moved with her father to Lincoln County, Tenn., and then to Yell County, Arkansas. Victoria married in Yell County on 1 June 1887, to W.F. Sigle LeBow. (Yell County Marriage Record "F" at Dardanelle.) She is buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery, at Harrison, Arkansas.

          WILLIAM HENDERSON HASTINGS (4 Aug. 1844 to 12 Mar. 1892) son of Isaac Haston (1812) and Emeline King (1813) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. His birth and death are recorded on his gravestone in the Cross Roads Cemetery, in Boone County, Arkansas.
          "Billy" married in Tennessee to Paralee F. Shepherd (11 April 1855 to 21 Jan. 1887). Her birth and death are recorded upon her gravestone in the Shepherd Cemetery, located on "Shepherd Ridge" about 11 miles South of the Town of Dardanelle, in Yell County, Arkansas, on the Old Danville Road. Paralee was the daughter of John Shepherd, Jr., and was a sister to Mary A. Shepherd (1844) the wife of Billy's brother, Miles H. Hastings (1840). See the commentary on Miles for further information on the Shepherd family.
          Billy lived in Lincoln County, Tennessee, for a time with his brothers, James, Miles and Brockett. His daughter, Cora Finley, recalled in 1950 that they visited Fayetteville, the county seat, to see a circus. According to her, they lived four miles southeast of Fayetteville and that it was necessary to cross the Elk River to get to Fayetteville. She claimed to have been born in Lincoln County. On 14 June 1862, Billy and his brothers enlisted in "Murry's" Cavalry, officially known as the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A. (Old Adjutant General's Records, Archives Building, Washington, D.C.)
          After moving to Yell County, Arkansas, with his brothers, Billy changed his name from Haston to Hasting--as it was agreed at a "family" meeting that Hasting was the original name--and he later added an "s" to make it Hastings.

Taken at Dardanelle Twp. On 3 June 1880
Haston, William M 34 1846 Tenn.
     Perlee F 22 1856 Tenn.
     Cora F   4 1876 Tenn.
     I.F. M   2 1878 Tenn.
      Mary F 1/12 1880 Ark.

          After the death of Paralee, Billy moved to Boone County, Arkansas, where he died of cancer.

Cora Hastings 7 Apr. 1875
Isaac Franklin Hastings 12 Sept. 1877 to 26 Dec. 1903
Mary Hastings 5 May 1880
Miles Erwin Hastings 18 Jan. 1884 to 25 Sept. 1890

          CORA HASTINGS (7 Apr. 1875 to              ) daughter of William Henderson Hastings (1844) and Paralee Shepherd (1855) was born in Lincoln County, Tenn. She moved with her parents to Yell County, Arkansas, in the Fall of 1879. Cora married in Yell County, Ark., on 7 April 1896 to Joel Moses Finley (13 Jul. 1870). (Yell County Marriage Record "K" at Dardanelle). Joel died 9 Jan. 1917. He is buried in the Oak Lawn Cemetery at Russellville, Arkansas. In 1950, Cora was living at 201 East "C" St., Russellville, Arkansas. Cora furnished much of the information recorded in this work.

          ISAAC FRANKLIN HASTINGS (12 Sept. 1877 to 26 Dec. 1903) son of William Henderson Hastings (1844) and Paralee Shepherd (1855) was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Isaac never married. He died of a heart attack at Russellville, Arkansas, and he is buried in the Brearley Cemetery at Dardanelle, Arkansas.

          MARY HASTINGS (5 May 1880 to              ) daughter of William Henderson Hastings (1844) and Paralee Shepherd (1855) was born in Dardanelle, Arkansas. She married in Yell County, Arkansas on 4 September 1907 to Chester Finley (24 Jul. 1884 to 9 Jul. 1908) who was a nephew of Cora's husband, Joel. In Jan. 1950, Mary was living in Russellville, Arkansas.

          MILES ERWIN HASTINGS (18 Jan. 1884 to 26 Sept. 1890) son of William Henderson Hastings (1844) and Paralee Shepherd (1855) was born at Cross Roads, Boone County, Arkansas. He died at Dardanelle at the age of 6 years, and he is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery, 11 miles from Dardanelle on the Old Danville Road.

          ISAAC M. HASTINGS (1846          ) son of Isaac Haston (1812) was born in Van Buren County, Tennessee. He married in Van Buren County in 1869 on 19 December, to one Sarah Hootan. His brother, James Thomas Hasting (1836) signed his bond. (See Van Buren County, Tenn., Marriage Records). He had a son and died and his widow remained in Tennessee when the other members of the family moved to Arkansas.

William Haston

          MILTON BROCKETT HASTINGS ( Nov. 1849 to             ) son of Isaac Haston (1812) and Emeline King (1813) was born in Van Buren County, Tenn. He married in Tennessee to Parzettie J. Stipe (1853) daughter of William Stipe (1815) and his wife, Malinda (1819). Parzettie was a granddaughter of Jacob Stipe (1770) who is buried in the Gravel Hill Cemetery in Van Buren County, Tennessee. She was, therefore, a cousin to Elizabeth Stipe (1835) who married James Thomas Hasting (1836) a brother to "Brockett".
Brockett served in the Confederate Cavalry along with his brothers and other kin, being a member of "Murry's Cavalry". After the war, he moved with his brothers to Lincoln County, Tennessee, and then to Yell County, Arkansas. He later moved to Boone County, Arkansas, and lived near Cross Roads in that County. Parzettie¹s mother, Malinda (1819) came to live with Brockett, while he and Parzettie were living in Yell County, Arkansas.

Taken 5 Jun. 1880 in Galley Rock Twp.
Haston, M. Brockett M 29 1851 Tenn.
     Pharietta J. F 27 1853 Tenn.
Stipe, Malinda F 60 1820 Tenn.
Kingkade, Charles.............................................................a boarder

          Malinda moved wit Brockett to Boone County, Arkansas, and she is buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery in that County, and her tombstone shows that she was born 22 March 1819 and died 23 March 1883. Parzettie was also buried at Cross Roads.
          Charles Kingkade (1871) was adopted by Brockett. Cora Hastings (1875) says "Brockett raised him a Hasting." The marriage records of Boone County, Ark., shown in Book "E" at page 84, show that Charles Hasting married Dona Jackson on 31 December 1893. There is a gravestone in the Cross Roads Cemetery inscribed. "Parzettie C. dau. Of Charles and Dona Hasting," and the dates shown are "19 September 1894 to 5 Oct. 1895."
   Brockett lived in Harrison, Arkansas, in Boone County for a time. He served as a Justice of the Peace within and for Boone County. After the death of Parzettie, he married Lillian Flemming and moved to Springdale where he operated a store. Later, he moved to Hugo, Okla. It is said that a son was born to Brockett while he was living in Springdale, Ark. Brockett died at Shawnee, Oklahoma, on 24 June 1935 and he is buried at Hugo, Oklahoma, in Mount Olive Cemetery in Lot 189 in the N1/2 S1/2 Sec.2. Lillian is buried in Shawnee.

Charles Kingkade Hasting 1871
Fleming Hasting, who was living at 2316 Ocean View Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., in 1955.


Editorial Comment:  Was there really a Samuel "Samy" Haston who was the son of Joseph?  Joseph's wife (Sarah) was known as "Sary."  Perhaps Mr. Hasting misread a reference to "Sary" as "Samy."

          SAMUEL HASTINGS (                  1881 ) son of Joseph Haston (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) was born in that part of White County which became a part of Van Buren County, Tennessee. He was listed in the Census for 1840 taken in White County as the head of his father's family, which means that he was unmarried at that time. We have no further information on "Samy".


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          MALINDA  HASTINGS (26 Dec. 1819 to 23 Jan. 1892) daughter of Joseph Haston (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) Married William Howard (1820 to about 1860) on 20 Sept. 1839 in white County, Tenn. William Howard was killed by bushwhackers in Tennessee. After the death of her husband, Malinda moved with some of her children to Yell County, Arkansas. She is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in Yell County, Arkansas.

Jane Howard 1842
Isaac M. Howard 1844
Martha C. Howard 1845
Joseph H. Howard 31 Jan. 1849 to 16 Jan. 1903
James A. Howard 1849
Virginia Howard 1853
John Howard 1856
Thomas F. Howard 1858 to 29 Nov. 1929
William Mort. Howard 29 Jul 1854 to 23 Nov. 1909

          WILLIAM MORT HOWARD (29 Jul. 1854 to 23 Nov. 1909) son of Malinda Haston (1819) and William Howard (1820) married Harriet Driver Sizemore. He is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery in Yell County, Ark.

          JOHN HOWARD (1856              ) son of Malinda Haston (1819) and William Howard (1820) married Florida Wyatt Phillips.

          THOMAS HOWARD ( 1858to 29 Nov. 1929) son of Malinda Haston (1819) and William Howard (1820) Married Marry Ann Greenwood on Dec. 23 1884. (Yell County Marriage Record "D" at p. 511, Danville, Arkansas) Mary Ann Greenwood (4 Oct. 1867 to 4 May 1902) wife of T.F. Howard, is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery. After her death, Thomas F. married Cocia Haston, the widow of Nathan Lorensa Haston.


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          JOHN C. HASTON (1821 to                  ) son of Joseph Haston or Hasting (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) married Arnetta Howard (1832) in Van Buren County, Tenn.

Helen Haston 1849
Editorial Comment:  (from Lyn Jacimore)

I believe I can safely add the following information to yours:

John C. Haston married to Aranetta Howard.  They had three children.
  • Helen was born in 1849.
  • Franklin L. Hastings was born October 22, 1854.
  • Sarah Almeda Hastings was born August 19th, 1855.

John C Hastings / Haston died between their last child Sarah Almeda in 1855 and 1857 when Aranetta (Netty, Ninetta) remarried a William Phillips. I have much to add to this line if you are interested. We come into the family through Franklin L. Hastings.


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          JOSEPH C. HASTON (1823 to after 1850) son of Joseph Haston or Hasting (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) was born in that part of White County later transferred to Van Buren County, Tenn. He married Martha Ann Denney on 3 July 1845.

Nancy Ann Haston 1848
William Haston 1850


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          SARAH JANE  HASTON (1827              ) daughter of Joseph Haston (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) was born in that part of White County later transferred to Van Buren County. On 13 March 1853, she married Jonathon Blankenship.

Hastion, Sarah F 65 1785 Tenn.
     Sarah J. F 23 1827 Tenn.
     Amanda F 19 1831 Tenn.
Thus, we find Sarah Ann Creely (1788) the widow of Joseph Haston or Hastion or Hasting, living with her youngest, Sarah Jane and Amanda.
Hastion, John M 29 1821 Tenn.
     Azentta F 18 1832 Tenn.
     Helen F   1 1849 Tenn.
Sarah Ann Creely Hastion's youngest son, John, was living in the same county with his wife and 1 year old daughter.
Howard, William M 30 1820 Tenn.
     Malinda F 31 1819 Tenn.
      Isaac M. M   7 1843 Tenn.
      Martha C F   5 1845 Tenn.
      Joseph H. M   3 1847 Tenn.
      James A M 7/12 1949 Tenn.
Which shows that Sarah Ann Creely Hastion's daughter Malinda was living with her husband and family in the same county in 1850, therefore William did not die until after that Census.

          Seems that a lot of things happened after the 1850 Census was taken as shown above. Sarah Jane marred on 13 Mar. 1853. We do not find Sarah Ann Creely Hastion in the 1860 Census, so we presume she had passed away. We know she was alive in 1855 because she executed a deed, 6 No. 1855, transferring 9 acres of land to John Stewart. (See Deed Record Book "B" at p. 496, Van Buren County, Tenn.) Amanda Hastion married William Leonard Dale on 13 Mar 1858.


See Joseph Haston Timeline for More Info.

          AMANDA HASTON (1831              ) daughter of Joseph Haston (1780) and Sarah Ann Creely (1788) was born Amanda Creely Haston, in that part of White County, Tenn., later transferred to Van Buren County, Tenn. She married on 13 Mar. 1858 to William Leonard Dale (1837 to 1864). William Leonard Dale was killed by Bushwackers [sic] in 1864.
          Just when Malinda and her sister Amanda brought their families to Yell County, Arkansas, we do not know at this time--but they did so. They have descendants living at this time in and around Danville, Ola [sic] and other parts of Arkansas.

John Henry Dale 1859     disappeared while living in 
Boone County, Arkansas.
Sarah Margaret Dale 19 Jan. 1861 to 16 Dec. 1893
          Mar. 5 Jul 1877 to Richard Lafayette Le May
William Leonard Dale, Jr. 30 Jun. 1863 to 15 Jan. 1918

        Mar. 25 Dec. 1884 to Olive Viola Strait (15 Aug. 1868 to 7 Sept. 1954)   See Yell County Marriage Record "E" at p. 181 at Danville. That record shows: "Straite, Miss Ollie V 16 yrs to W.L. Dale 21 Yrs. 12-23-1884." They raised a big family of Dales. Powhatan N. Strait and his wife, Olive Whatley, had 11 children, of which Viola was the second. There is a lawyer practicing in Danville, Arkansas, this year, 1980, by the name of Strait.



Joseph Hasting (1780) 
Sarah Ann Creely (1788)

       James Alford Haston (1809) 
Lavina King (1819)
Elizabeth Ann Haston (1834) 
Shepherd Coats
Sarah Coats (1855)
James W. Coats (1859)
Dyer White
Allen L. Brock
William B. Haston (1836) 
John Haston
Joseph Haston
James Haston
Alzirey Haston (1838) 
James H. Myers (1863)
Violet Ann Myers (1863)
Dion Myers (
Harmon E. Myers (1859)
Harvey Taylor Myers
Ira Foster Myers
Wiley B. Myers (1865)
Laura S. Myers
Florence Myers
Gertie Myers
Hortense Myers
Nancy Jane Haston (1842) 
Joseph Walker
John T. Haston (1845) 
Nancy Ford (1852)
Fidella Haston (1873) 
W.B. McCormick
John Taylor McCormick
Lela May McCormick
William Woodrow Haston (1877) 
Dora Haston    (1879)  
W. Reverdy Madewell
Bryan Madwell
Lawrence Madwell
Landy Madewell
Landy Madewell
Mamie Madewell
Esker Jay Earl Madewell
James M Haston (1882) 
Virgie Vance
Robert Haston
J.L. Haston
Albert Haston
Ollie Mae Mills (1898)
James Haston
Ganes Haston
William Haston
Margaret Haston
Lavina Haston (1884) 
Woodrow Mills
Claud Mills
Lane Mills
John S. Mills
Edna Mills
Ivory Mills
Elma Lou Mills
                               Ruth Mills
Castro Haston (1887) 
Ida Grace Jordan (1893)
John T. Haston
Henry T. Haston
Elwood Haston
Franklin D. Haston
Cooper H. Haston
Maybelle Haston
Ova Haston
Lina Haston
Ethel Haston
Joene Haston
John Dalton Haston (1891) 
Almeda Haston (1848) 
Hiram Harrison
James Woodville Haston (1849) 
Cela J.    (1845)
Minnie L. Haston (1974) 
John Savage
Audie Savage
Fairy Savage
                               Janey Savage
Lena Savage
Louise Savage
James W. Haston (        )  
Lula May Mooneyham
Loren Haston
Bertha Brumbalough
James Everett Haston 
Wanda Haston
James Michael Haston
Lisa Ann Haston
Jack Haston
James Johnnie Haston
Bill Haston
John Taylor Haston (1880) 
Josephine Womack (1878)
Altie Aurora Haston (1901) 
Samuel Rue (1883)
Samuel Rue, Jr. (1923)
William Edgar Rue
Barbara Josephine Rue (1922)
Guy Zimmerman
Paul Tricillion Haston (1903) 
Florence Glasscock (1909)
Paul Tricillion Haston, Jr. (1926) 
Ellen Wyler
John Alford Haston (1928)  
Elsie Franks (1935)
James Haston
Marylou Neoma Haston (1955)
Janice Haston (1952)
Teresa Gay Haston
                                                     Donald Craig
                                                             Rebecca Ann Craig
Rickey Haston
James Carroll Haston (1931)  
Jesse Clark
James Carroll Haston (1954) 
Franklin Leon Haston (1933)  
Betty Holderbaum
Terry Wayne Haston (1955)
Dickey Leon Haston (1952)
Randy Haston
Joanne Haston
Sarah Haston
Robert Morris Haston (1935) 
Ellen Webb
Tunny Haston
Christopher Haston
Ruth Unstutz
Robert Haston
Richard Haston
Ronald James Woodville Haston (1905) 
Frances Horton (1914)
Betty Haston
Angela Lee Haston (1949)
Fred Morgan Haston (1906) 
Reba Cruise (1915)
Fred Keith Haston (1936) 
Paula Haston (1959)
Dana Rene Haston (1962)
Eugene Cruise Haston (1939)
Reba Elaine Haston (1945)
Sarah Gertrude Haston (1908)  
Johnny Rayburn Haston (1910)  
Lela Belle Wallace (1917)
Linda Shockley
Lyndon Warren Haston (1960)
Glendon Ray Haston (1961)
Martha Blaine Haston (1911) 
Mary Haston (1911) 
Joe Worley (1929)
Chester William Worley (1930)
James Thomas Worley (1931)
Joe Dennis Worley (1954)
Hugh Thomas Worley (1959)
Franklin Moore (1935)
Evelyn Moore
Christine Haston (1913)  
Robert V. Smith (1906)
Thomas Clifford Haston (1915)  
Louise Lowery
Tommy Gene Haston (1938)
Bobby Edgar Haston (1942)
Donald Lee Haston (1963)
Carolee Haston
Darrell Gene Haston (1965)
Patricia Dianne Haston (1948)
Jewell Beatrice Haston (1918)  
Theodore "Ted" Woosley
Sherman Woosley
Ted Crawford Woosley
Judy Marie Woosley (1948)
Thomas Leon Smith (1944)
Sherman G. Woosley (1945)
Martha Haston (1921) 
William Johnson (1908)
Martha Isabelle Johnson (1928)
Unknown 2nd husband
Henry C. "Jack" Carter 3rd husband
William Zoluky 3rd husband
Nettie May Haston (1894) 
Jim Mayes (1891)
James William Mayes (1914)
William Edward Mayes (1925)
Elberta Jane Mayes (1916)
Harley Gaines Swindell (1939)
Gerald Swindell (1939)
Gail Rice
Jeffery Swindell
Judy Swindell
Mary Louvina Mayes (1918)
Ralphy Brown
Annie Lee Mayes (1920)
Kendrick Render
Jimmy Render
Jo Anne Render
Herbert Franklin Mayes (1923)
Susan Keller
Sharon Mayes
Steve Mayes
Ronnie Mayes
Nora Katherine Mayes (1926)
Jack Pearson
Michael Pearson
Terry Pearson
Joe Ruth Mayes (1929)
Lee Willingham
Jo Ann Willingham
Christopher Willingham
Joseph Morgan Isaac Haston (1884) 
Arria Swindell (1888)
Joseph Howard Haston (1906)
Nora Detrick (1907)
Nora Elizabeth Haston (1927)
Donald Southworth - divorce
Nora Margaret Southworth (1947)
John Howard Haston (1930)
Willard Walter Haston (1933)
Freda Perry
Diana Lou Haston (1955)
Clifford Crocker
Willard Walter Haston, Jr. (1957)
Timothy Howard Haston (1963)
James Haston (1965)
Arrie Lorene Haston (1941)
John Walters
Frank Bradford Haston (1907)  
Emily Haston (1852) 
High Worley




Samuel Wood  
Sarah Reives
George Wood (1787) 7th son      
Elizabeth Irwin (1807)
Nancy Wood (1809)     married Thomas Stipe.
Asa Wood (1811)
George Wood, Jr. (1813)
John Irwin Wood (1816)
Elizabeth Wood (1818)
E.R. Wood (1821)

      Jacob Stipe (1771)   
Rebecca ______  (1786)
Thomas Stipe (1809)   
Nancy Wood (1809)
Glosney Stipe (1831)
*Elizabeth Jane Stipe (1835)  31 married James T. Hasting.
Rachel Stipe     (1836)
Jacob I. Stipe (1838)
George W. Stipe (1840)
Francis M. Stipe (1844)
Thomas J. Stipe (1847)


               Isaac Haston (1812)   
Emeline King (1813)
John E. Haston (1832)   
Polly Ann Mooneyham (1855)
James Thomas Hasting (1826)  
Elizabeth Jane Stipe (1835)
Isaac Thomas Hastin (1858)  
Lucy Ann Northcutt (1859)
James Isaac Hasting (1879)  
Clarence Wooley (1883)
Virgie Amelia Ruble (1887)
Howard Hillman Hasting (1905) 
Margaret Young Picker (1908)
Sarah Elizabeth Hasting (1930)
Mary Margaret Collier (1917)
Howard H. Hasting, Jr. (1943)
Garland Marion Hasting (1908) 
Sylvia Greene (1918)
Stephen Marshall Hasting (1955)
Elizabeth Ann Hasting (1912) 
E. Allan Mayor (1897)
James Miller Mayer (1932)
Richard Blair Mayor (1934)
Thomas Hasting Mayor (1939)
Virginia Cecil Hasting (1914) 39
Ernest Vernon Burkett (1904)
James Isaac Hasting, Jr. (1918)  
Lillie Sue Parke (1925)
James Isaac Hasting III (1956)
Jonathan Parke Hasting (1958)
Mary Alice Hasting (1925)  
Clarence Edwin Madden (1902)
Michael J. Madden (1955)
Virginia Madden (1950)
Kevin Webster Madden (1962) 
Florence Woodmore (1866)
Effie Pearl Hasting (1891)  
Augustus Lee Jones (1884)
Oscar Hasting Jones (1919)
Mary Odell Jones (1920)
Allen Lonzo Jones (1926) 
Florence Jeannette Jones (1931)
Thomas Clarence "Dick" Hasting (1894) 
Essie Davidson (1896)
William Andy "Bill" Hasting (1900) 
Shirley Marie Murgatroyd (1899)
Francis Marion Hasting (1861)  
Belle Z. Northcutt (1861)
Houston Henry Hasting   
Roda Moody
Vanita Hastings
Oscar Marion Hasting (1882)  
Lou Durbin (1884)
Clarence William Hasting (1904)  
Opel Evett
Wm. Frank Hasting (1934)
Helen Marie Hasting (1931)
Harlan Hasting (1909)  
Esther Thomas (1909)
Harlane Belle Hasting (1930)
Ronald DeWayne Hasting (1932)
Joe Dean Hasting (1937) 
Donald Wayne Hasting (1942)
Larry Hurley Hasting (1940)
Virgle Hasting (1915)  
Thelma Hodge
Roxie Ann Hasting (1942)
Paula Rae Hasting (1942)
Zella Hasting (1917)  
George J. Monroe
Carol Lee Monroe (1946) 
Hilda Vanita Hasting (1921) 
James Roy Sommers
James Ray Sommers (1947)
Eulis Eugene Hasting (1924)  
Dorothy Lee Merrell
Claude Henry Hasting (1888)  
Clara Bell Parham (1891) 
Leon Pershing Hasting (1918) 
Estalene Hasting (1924)  
Leonard Vincent Thomas 
Donna Ruth Thomas (1945) 
Janice Sue Thomas (1948) 
Wanda Lee Hasting (1927)  
Robert Allen Crawford 
Judy Ann Crawford (1946) 
Linda Lee Crawford (1946) 
Emma Stella Hasting (1884)  
Sam Trivitt (1870) 
Robert Houson Trivitt (1905) 
Roy Claude Trivitt (1907) 
Nina Girtrude Trivitt (1910) 
Ralph William Trivitt (1912) 
Ruben Trivitt (1914) 
Ima Belle Trivitt (1916) 
Carl C. Trivitt (1921) 
Melva Joice Trivitt (1921) 
Nina Hasting 
John Cobb 
Buster Cobb 
Opal Cobb 
Ima Cobb 
William Morton Hasting (1869)  
Myrtle Emma Davis (1869)   
Zula Savana Hasting (1891) 
William Pearl Beavers (1885) 
Roy Howard Beavers (1911) 
Goldie Lucille Beavers (1916) 
Carl Lavern Beavers (1916) 
Bulah Victoria Hasting (1894)  
Carl Erwin Ivie (Earl Carlton Ivie) 
Pauline Ivie (1918) 
Jack Rucker Seaman 
Gary Carlton Seaman (1944) 
Michael Bruce Seaman (1947) 
Catharine Ivie (1918) 
Richard Thomas Clem 
Richard Thomas Clem, Jr. (1945) 
Stephen Anthony Clem (1948) 
Willodean Ivie (1920) 
Claude Erwin Meeks 
Linda Kaylene Meeks (1950)
Joanne Meeks (1950) 
Bessie Eunice Hasting (1898) 
Lon Hubert Simpson (1890) 
Ruby June Simpson (1928) 
Imogene Simpson (1928) 
Willis W. Westfall 
Ralph Roscoe Hasting (1900)  
Irene Gibson 
Martha A. Haston (1838) 
W.M. Huddleston 
Miles Hasting (1840) 
Mary A. Shepherd (1844) 
Joseph Burnett Hastings (1865)  
Pamelia "Pammie" Moore (1870) 
Joseph Sigiel "Sig" Hastings (1889)  
Louella Viola Carter (1884) 
Mary Evelyn Hastings (1921)  
William E. Pickthorn 
Leon Burnett Hastings (1893)  
Esther Galvin (1895) 
Billy Jean Hastings (1922) 
Paul M. Hastings (1895)  
Lewis Edward Hastings (1900)  
Juliette Hood (1900) 
Lewis Edward Hastings, Jr. (1921) 
Harry Lee Hasting (1903)  
Marre Sherry (1902) 
Harry Lee Hastings, Jr. (1927) 
Marre S. Hastings (1931) 
Paul E. Hastings (1945) Adopted 
William Isaac Hastings (1905)  
Lora Annie Corrigan (1910) 
William Isaac Hastings, Jr. (1934) 
Joseph Coleman Hastings (1948) 
Mary Victoria Hastings 
Sarah Jane Hastings (1869)  
James Monroe Cole 
Lina Victoria Cole (1889) 
Clinton Raymond Cronk 
Victoria S. Hastings (1869) 
W.R. Sigle LeBow 
William Henderson Hastings (1844) 
Paralee F. Shepherd (1855) 
Cora Hastings (1875) 
Joes Mose Finley (1870) 
Isaac Franklin Hasting (1877)  
Mary Hastings (1880) 
Chester Finley (1884) 
Miles Erwin Hastings (1884) 
Isaac M. Haston (1846) 
Sarah Hootan 
William Haston 
Milton Brockett Hasting (1849) 
Parzettie J. Stipe (1853) 
Charles Kingkade Hasting (1871) Adopted 
Dona Jackson 
Parzette C. Hasting (1894) 
Lillian Flemming Hasting 
Unknown Male

Samuel "Samy" Haston (1815) 

       Malinda Haston (1819)  
William Howard (1820) 
Jane Howard (1842) 
Isaac M. Howard (1844) 
Martha C. Howard (1845) 
Joseph H. Howard (1847) 
James A. Howard (1849) 
Virginia Howard (1853) 
John Howard (1856)  
Florida Wyatt Phillips
Thomas F. Howard (1858)  
Mary Ann Greenwood (1867) 
William Mort Howard (1854) 

       John C. Haston (1821)  
Arnetta Howard (1832) 
Helen Haston (1849)

       Amanda Creely Haston (1831) 
William Leonard Dale (1837) 
John Henry Dale (1837) 
Sarah Margaret Dale (1861) 
Richard Lafayette LeMay 
William LeMay (1881) 
Della LeMay (1878) 
Wilce Hensley 
Etta LeMay (1885) 
Jesse Elrod 
William Leonard Dale, Jr. (1863) 
Olive Viola Strait (1868) 
Ernest Dale (1886) 
Maggie Ann Gandy 
Rosey Ellen Dale (1889) 
Roddy Forrest Sandlin 
Leonard Powhatte Dale (1891) 
Daisy George 
Ruby Monroe 
Zular Jerushe Dale (1895) 
Celia Steward Dale (1902) 
Garnett McDonald 
Tom Bradford 
Cecil Rhodes Dale (1902) 
Mildie Pennington 
John Willie Dale (1906) 
Selma Rushing 
2 daughters 
Syble Floyd 
1 son 
1 daughter

       Joseph C. Haston (1823)  
Martha Ann Denny (1830) 
Nanney Ann Haston (1848) 
William Haston (1850)

       Sarah Jane Haston (1827)
Jonathon Blankenship (1853)