If you know of other important resources related to Hiestand/Haston research, please contact Wayne Haston. |
Arrangement of this Resource List For the first (and most extensive) section of the list, the arrangement is based on a chronological ordering of locations or events of significance to the Henry Hiestand > Daniel Hiestand/Haston families and Daniel Haston descendants. But, beginning with "Churches" the arrangement is basically topical, including families and states, etc. Europe and Emigration to America Bahm, Joan Landis. From Switzerland to America. Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press, 2005. Baughman, J. Ross. A Lake beneath the Crescent Moon: Some of the History, Legends & Folkart from around Zürich, Ranging from Prehistoric times through the 18th Century: Along with the Families Thereabout Named Bachman, Hiestand, Ringger & Strickler. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 2000. Baughman, J. Ross. Apart from the World: An Account of the Origins and Destinies of Various Swiss Mennonites Who Fled from Their Homelands in Remote Parts of Cantons Zürich, Aargau, and Bern ... Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 1997. Baughman, J. Ross. Harvest Time: Being Several Essays on the History of the Swiss, German & Dutch Folk in Early America Named Baughman, Layman, Moyer, Huff, and Others across New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Four Centuries. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 1994. Baughman, J. Ross. (2023). Legends Overlooked: During the Thousand Years War Dividing Pagans and Christians in Switzerland. (A special publication for the Haston/Hiestand Historical Tour in Switzerland and Germany, June 2023) Baughman, J. Ross. (1989). Some Ancestors of the Baughman family in America: Tracing back twelve generations from Switzerland through Virginia, etc., growing along with the nation, across its heartland. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 1994. Baughman, J. Ross. The Chain Rejoined: Or, The Bonds of Science and Mystery amongst Family, including Many Attempts to Recover Ties across the Atlantic Ocean to Ancestors and Cousins of Baughmans and Bachmans. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah History, 2005. Beidler, James M. The Family Tree Historical Atlas of Germany. Cincinnati, OH: Family Tree Books, 2019. Beiler, Rosalind J. Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. Bergmann, Cornelius. Die Tauferbewefung Im Kanton Zurich Bis 1660 (in Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Schweizerischen Reformationsgeschichte [Sources and Treatises on the History of the Swiss Reformation]), 1916. Bernier, Olivier. Louis XIV: A Royal Life. New York: Doubleday, 1987. Billeter, Nicole. Bezeugte Zeit: Kriegsalltag in Richterswil (1939-1945), 2012. Billeter, Nicole. Zwischen See und Berg: Chronik der Gemeinde Richterswil. Druck und Verlag bm Druck ag, Winkel Birmingham, David. Switzerland: A Village History. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 2004. Bitterli, Thomas and Daniel Grutter. Alt-Wadenswil Vom Freiherrenturm zur Ordensburg. 2001. Bockstruck, Lloyd deWitt. Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America, 1607-1775. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2005. Boldt, Andrea, Werner Enninger, and Delbert L. Gratz. Mennonites in Transition from Switzerland to America: Emigrant and Immigrant Experience: Anabaptist Documents. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 1997. Bonjour, Edgar, Hilary Seton. Offler, and G.R Potter. A Short History of Switzerland. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1985. Burgert, Annette Kunselman. Eighteenth Century Emigrants from German-speaking Lands to North America, Volume II: The Western Palatinate. Birdsboro, PA: Soc., 1985. Benno Camenzind. Gottschalkenberg...eine Atempause traumen. Bockstruck, Lloyd DeWitt. Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America, 1607-1775. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing, 2005. Burgert, Annette K. Palatine Origins of Some Pennsylvania Pioneers. Myerstown, PA: AKB Publications, 2000. Clasen, Claus-Peter. The Palatinate in European History, 1555-1618. Oxford, Great Britain: Basil Blackwell, 1966. Defoe, Daniel. A Brief History of the Poor Palatine Refugees. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1964. (Original publication, 1709) Diffenderffer, Frank Reid. The German Exodus to England in 1709. Lancaster, PA: The Pennsylvania-German Society, 1897. (Reprint by Forgotten Books) Diffenderffer, Frank Reid. The German Immigration into Pennsylvania: Through the Port of Philadelphia from 1700 to 1775 and the Redemptioners. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1977. Dowden, Ken. European Paganism. New York, NY: Routledge, 1999. Durnbaugh, Donald F. European Origins of the Brethren. Elgin, IL: The Brethren Press, 1958. Egge, Marion F. Pennsylvania German Roots across the Ocean. Philadelphia, PA: Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 2000. Esposita, Gabriele, Armies of the War of the Grand Alliance 1688-97. S.l.: RANDOM HOUSE, 2021. Faust, Albert Bernhardt, and Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh. Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub., 1968. Fletcher, Richard A. The Conversion of Europe: From Paganism to Christianity, 371-1386 A.D. London: Fontana Press (Harper Collins), 1998. Fogleman, Aaron Spencer. Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. Fox, Maxwell. Travel Life a Local: Map of Zug. 2019. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. Germania: A Captivating Guide to the History of a Region in Europe Where Germanic Tribes Dominated and How it Transformed into Germany. n.p., Captivating History, 2021. Grove, Myrna, and Peg Knueve. The Path to America: From Switzerland to Lancaster County. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2009. Grubb, Farley. German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709 -1920. New York: Routledge, 2014. Guth, Hermann and Gertrud, and J. Lemar and Lois Ann Mast. Palatine Mennonite Census Lists, 1664-1793. Morgantown, PA Masthof Press, 1987. Hall, Charles M. and Alice Woods Schiesswohl. The Atlantic Bridge to Germany: Volume II. Logan, UT: Everton Publishers, 1976. Haller, Charles R. Across the Atlantic and Beyond: The Migration of German and Swiss Immigrants to America. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. Haller, Charles R. The ABCs of German-America Migration: Annotated Guide to German-American Migration Records. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2023. Jacobs, Henry Eyster. German Emigration to America: 1709-1940, Volume III. 1898, reprinted, Forgotten Books, 2016. Hiestand, Emil. Sagen, Erzählungen Sitten und Bräuche aus der Gegend von Richterswil. Richterswil, Switzerland: DR Druckeri, 1994. Jones, Prudence, and Nigel Pennick. A History of Pagan Europe. London etc.: Routledge, 1995. Johnson, Arta F. People of the Palatinate. Columbus, OH: Copy Shop, 1981. Jost, Marcus. Paths to Freedom. Trachselwald Castle Anabaptist History Exhibition, 2022. Kägi, Johann Heinrich. Geschichte Der Herrschaft Und Gemeinde Wädensweil: Eine Festgabe Zur Hundertjährigen Kirchweifeier Am 25, August 1867. Kläui, Geburt von Hans. Wappen Ore Namen Geschlechter (Coat of Arms Ore Names Genders). Switzerland, 1981 Knittle, Walter Allen. Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration; a British Government Redemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval Stores. With a Foreword by Dixon Ryan Fox. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2006. Knittle, Walter Allen. Early Palatine Emigration. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, Co., 1965. Krebs, Friedrich. Emigrants from the Palatinate to the American Colonies in the 18th Century. Kutztown, PA: Kutztown Publ., 1964. Lang, Christian and Irene Spille. Worms-Ibersheim: A Walking Tour through a Cultural Heritage Village. Hürth, Germany: printed by authors, 2018. London, Gentleman In. A View of the Queen and Kingdom's Enemies, in the Case of the Poor Palatines to Which Is Added a List of the Persons Appointed Commissioners and Trustees of That Charity by Her Majesty's Letters Patents: As Also of Those Members of the Late Parliament Voted for the Naturalisation-Bill. In a Letter from a Gentleman in London to His Friend in the Country. London: Sold by the Booksellers, 1711. (Reprint) Luck, James Murray. A History of Switzerland: The First 100,000 Years: Before the Beginnings to the Days of the Present. Palo Alto, CA: Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1985. McCusker, John J. Money & Exchange in Europe and America, 1600-1775. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1978. Menzel, Wolfgang. Germany: From the Earliest Period, Volume 3. (1849; reprinted, n.p., Ulan Press, 2012). Miller, Douglas, and G. A. Embleton. The Swiss at War, 1300-1500.. Oxford: Osprey, 2005. Mittleberger, Gottlieb. Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750 and Return to Germany in the Year 1754. Forgotten Books, 2012 reprint. Monter, E. William. Witchcraft in France and Switzerland. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1976 Newman, George Frederick., and Clyde L. Groff. Letters from Our Palatine Ancestors, 1644-1689: Pennsylvania 300th Anniversary Issue. Hershey, PA: G.T. Hawbaker, 1984. Oyer, John S., and John D. Roth. They Harry the Good People out of the Land: Essays on the Persecution, Survival and Flourishing of Anabaptists and Mennonites. Goshen, IN: Mennonite Historical Society, 2000. Reichmann, Eberhard, La Vern J. Rippley, and Jörg Nagler. Emigration and Settlement Patterns of German Communities in North America. Indianapolis, IN: Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1995. Rocker, Bernd, and Arnold Scheuerbrandt. Grenzraum Kraichgau. 1996. Roeber, A. G. Palatines, Liberty, and Property: German Lutherans in Colonial British America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Sauter, Marc R. Switzerland: From Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1976. Schobinger, Viktor, Alfred Egli, and Kläui Hans. Zürcher Familiennamen: Entstehung, Verbreitung Und Bedeutung Der Namen Alteingesessener Zürcher Familien. Zürich: Zürcher Kantonalbank, 1994. Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, and William John Hinke. Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Volume I (1727-1775). Norristown, Penn.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934. (1966 reprint by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD) Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, and William John Hinke. Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Volume II, Facsimile Signatures (1727-1775). Norristown, Penn.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934. (1966 reprint by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD) Smith, Henry C. The Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century. Norristown, PA: The Norristown Press, 1929. Spille, Irene. Worms-Ibersheim. Neuss: Neusser Dr. Und Verl., 1994. Stadlin, Paul, and Armin Haab. Zug. Zug, Switzerland, 1982. Staub, Alois. Menzingen, Die Gemeinde Am Berg: Erlebtes Und Geschichtliches Aus Meinem Heimatdorf. Menzingen: Einwohnergemeinde, 1993. Steele, Ian Kenneth., and Nancy L. Rhoden. The Human Tradition in Colonial America. Wilmington, DE: SR Books/Scholarly Resources, 1999. Sowerby, J. The Forest Cantons of Switzerland: Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, Unterwalden. With a Map. London, 1892. Tolzmann, Don Heinrich, Frank Ried Diffenderffer, and Henry Eyster Jacobs. German Immigration to America: the First Wave. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007. Tribbeko, John, and George Ruperti, compilers. Lists of Germans from the Palatinate Who Came to England in 1709. New York: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volumes XL and XLI, 1909-1910. (2003 reprint by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD) Vrooman, John J. The Promised Land: The Story of the Palatine Emigration from the Rhineland Homes to the Hudson and Schoharie Valleys. Johnstown, NY: Baronet Litho Company, 1958.
Wokeck, Marianne S.
Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass Migration to North
America. By Marianne S. Wokeck. University Park, PA:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Yoder, John Howard. Anabaptism and Reformation in Switzerland. Kitchener, Ontario: Pandora Press, 2005. Ziegler, Peter. Burgruine Wadenswil. Stutz and Company, 1981. Ziegler, Peter. Geschichte der Allmendkorporation Richterswil. Richterswil, Zurich: Herausgegeben von der Allmendkorporation, April 2008. (Also, have an English translation copy in MS Word. In notebook binder.)
Ziegler, Peter. Leben am Zurichsee. The Gut Verlag, 1999. Zschokke, Heinrich. History of Switzerland. New York: Albert Mason, 1875. 2013 reprint. |
Anabaptists/Mennonites Bangs, Jeremy Dupertuis. Letters on Toleration: Dutch Aid to Persecuted Swiss and Palatine Mennonites, 1615-1699. Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 2004. Baughman, J. Ross. Lessons from the Mirror. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2024. Bender, Harold Stauffer. Conrad Grebel, C. 1498-1526: The Founder of the Swiss Brethren Sometimes Called Anabaptists. Eugene, Or.: Wipf and Stock, 1998. Bender, Harold Stauffer, and C. Henry Smith. Mennonites and Their Heritage: a Handbook of Mennonite History and Beliefs. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1964. Bergmann, Cornelius. Die Täuferbewegung Im Kanton Zürich Bis 1660. Leipzig: M. Heinsius, 1916. Blackburn, Wm M. Ulrich Zwingli, the Patriotic Reformer: A History. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1868. Blanke, Fritz, and Joseph Nordenhaug. Brothers in Christ The History of the Oldest Anabaptist Congregation, Zollikon, near Zurich, Switzerland. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1961. Burrage, Henry S. A History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland. New York: B. Franklin, 1973. Braght, Thieleman J. Van, Joseph F. Sohm, and Jan Luyken. The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians: Who Baptized Only upon Confession of Faith, and Who Suffered and Died for the Testimony of Jesus, Their Savior, for the Time of Christ to the Year A.D.1660. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2012. Bush, Perry. Peace, Progress, and the Professor: the Mennonite History of C. Henry Smith. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2015. Cassel, Daniel Kolb. History of the Mennonites: Historically and Biographically Arranged from the Time of the Reformation: More Particularly from the Time of Their Emigration to America: Containing Sketches of the Oldest Meeting Houses and Prominent Ministers: Also, Their Confession of Faith, Adopted at Dortrecht in 1632. (1889; reprinted, Forgotten Books, 2015. Clasen, Claus-Peter. Anabaptism; a Social History, 1525-1618: Switzerland, Austria, Moravia, South and Central Germany. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1972. Davis, Kenneth Ronald. Evangelical Anabaptism and the Medieval Ascetic Tradition: A Study in Intellectual Origins. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1984. Dyck, Cornelius J. Mennonite History, 3rd Edition. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1993. Estep, William Roscoe. The Anabaptist Story. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. Gingerich, Hugh F., and Rachel W. Kreider. Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies. Gordonville, PA: Pequea Bruderschaft Library, 2007. Gleysteen, Jan. Mennonite Tourguide to Western Europe. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2007. Hartzler, J. S., and Daniel Kauffman. Mennonite Church History. 1905; reprinted, Forgotten Books, 2017. Heatwole, Lewis James. Mennonite Handbook of Information. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Pub. House, 1925. Horsch, John. Mennonites in Europe. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1942. Hostettler, Paul. The Anabaptist Fate of Christian Fankhauser Diary Farmer. Fankhaus, Switzerland, 2009. Kauffman,
Daniel, ed. Mennonite Cyclopedic Dictionary.
Teeswater, Ontario: Ira J. Huber, 1980 reprint. Original
publication: Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1937. Kaufmann, Thomas. Die Taufer: Von der Radikalen Reformation zu den Baptisten. Germany, 2019. Kimmel, Yvonne. Zwingli: The Key to Finding Your Amish/Mennonite and Church of the Brethren Ancestors. Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press, 2018. Landsel, Jason. By Water: The Felix Manz Story. Walden, NY: Plough Publishing House. Lowry, J. W., Ruth, J. L., & Smucker, D. J. Documents of Brotherly Love: Dutch Mennonite Aid to Swiss Anabaptists, Volume I, 1635-1709. Millersburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, 2007. Lowry, James W., and David J. Rempel Smucker. Documents of Brotherly Love: Dutch Mennonite Aid to Swiss Anabaptists, Volume II. Millersburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, 2015. Lowry, James W. Documents of Brotherly Love: Dutch Mennonite Aid to Swiss Anabaptists, Volume III. Millersburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, 2023. Lowry, James W., David J. Remple Smucker, and John L. Ruth. Hans Landis: Swiss Mennonite Martyr in Seventeenth Century Documents. Millersburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, 2003. Lowry, James W. The Martyr's Mirror Made Plain. Aylmer, Ontario: Pathway Publishers, 2017. MacMaster, Richard Kerwin., Samuel L. Horst, and Robert F. Ulle. Conscience in Crisis. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1979. Merle D'Aubigné J., and Mark Sidwell. For God and His People: Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 2000. Miller, J. Virgil. Both Sides of the Ocean: Amish-Mennonites from Switzerland to America. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2002. Moore, John Allen. Anabaptist Portraits. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1984. Müller Ernst, John A. Gingerich, and Joseph Stoll. History of the Bernese Anabaptists. Aylmer, ON: Pathway Publishers, 2010. Peden, Monty C. Anabaptist Families from Langnau, Switzerland (1759-1875). Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press,, 2003. Pike, Edward Carey. The Story of the Anabaptists. London: National Council of Evangelical Free Churches, 1904. Rediger, Markus, Erwin Rothlisberger. Walk in the Footsteps of the Anabaptists: A Guide to Discover Places and People That Formed the Anabaptist/Mennonite Movement in Switzerland from the Early Beginnings until Today. Langnau, Switzerland: Swiss Mennonite Conference, 2018. Roth, John D. Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2006. Ruth, John L. Conrad Grebel, Son of Zurich: Commissioned by Conrad Grebel College, Waterloo, Ontario, in Observance of the 450th Anniversary of the Mennonites. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1975. Ruth, John L. Twas Seeding Time: A Mennonite View of the American Revolution. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2000. Sierszyn, Armin. The Anabaptist Movement in the Zurich Oberland. Translated (German-English) from pdf in notebook binder. Smith, C. Henry. The Mennonites: A Brief History of Their Origin and Later Development in Both Europe and America. 1920; reprinted, Amazon.com Services, 2018. Smith, C. Henry. Mennonites in History. Scottdale Pa.: Mennonite Book and Tract Society, 1907. Smith, C. Henry. The Mennonites of America. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1909. Smith, C. Henry, and Cornelius Krahn. Smith's Story of the Mennonites. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1981. Snyder, C. Arnold. Anabaptist History & Theology: An Introduction. Kitchener, Ontario: Herald Press, 1995. Stayer, James M. The German Peasants' War and Anabaptist Community of Goods. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014. Stoll, Joseph. Fire in the Zurich Hills. Aylmer, Ont.: Pathway Pub., 1973. Weaver, Clair R. The Swiss Anabaptists: A Brief Summary of Their History and Beliefs. Lititz, PA: Eastern Mennonite Publications, 1990. Wenger, J. C. How Mennonites Came to Be. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1990. Wenger, John Christian. Glimpses of Mennonite History and Doctrine. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1947. Samuel E. Wenger. Anabaptist and Reformed Walking Tours of the Cities of Zurich and Bern, Switzerland. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2006. Williams, George Huntston. The Radical Reformation. Kirksville: Truman State University Press, 2000. Yoder, Marcus A. Cathedrals, castles, caves: The origins of the Anabaptist faith. Winesburg, OH: JVP Press, n.d. Zimmerman, Katharina. Furge. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2017. Zurcher, Isaac. Anabaptist-Mennonite Names in Switzerland. Lancaster, PA: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1997. |
Pennsylvania (And Early Germans Elsewhere in America) Aurand, A. Monroe. Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans. Place of Publication Not Identified: Forgotten Books, 2007. Bach, Jeff. Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. Bates, Marlene, and F. Edward Wright. York County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century, Volume 1. Lewes, DE: Colonial Roots, 2003. Bittinger, Lucy Forney. The Germans in Colonial times. New York: Russell & Russell, 1968. Bridgens, H. F. Bridgens' Atlas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: From Actual Surveys. Lancaster, PA: D.S. Barre, 1864. Bridgens, H. F. Index to the 1864 Bridgens' Atlas of Lancaster Co., Penna.: From Actual Surveys. Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press, 2000. Burgert, Annette K. Locating Your Pennsylvania German Ancestor in Europe (Pamphlet). No publication information. Carter, W. C., Adam John Glossbrenner, and A. Monroe Aurand. History of York County from Its Erection to the Present Time, 1729-1834. Baltimore: Reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc., by Genealogical Publishing Co., 2000. Chetham Society. Remains, Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. (Manchester), 1844. Cobb, Sanford H. The Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. Conyngham, Redmond. An Address on the Early Settlement of the Valley of Pequea. Hershey, PA: Gary T. Hawbaker, 2001. Davis, Richard W. "Swiss and German Mennonite Immigrants from the Palatinate, 1718-1726. Pages 82-85 of Mennonite Family History, Volume XIII, Number 2, April 1994. Davis, William Watts Hart and Warren Smedley Ely, History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania: From the Discovery of the Deleware to the Present Time, Volume 1. Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905. Day, Sherman, et. al. Pennsylvania: Lancaster County (Compiled from Historical Writings). Dix, Katharine F. 1771 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Archives. Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1990. Dull, Keith A. Early Families of Berks, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007. Dull, Keith A. Early Families of York County, Pennsylvania, Volume 1. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007.
Dull, Keith A. Early
Families of York County, Pennsylvania, Volume 2. Westminster, MD:
Heritage Books, 2006. Eshleman, H. Frank. Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania: Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and Their Remote Ancestors, from the Middle of the Dark Ages, down to the Time of the Revolutionary War. Baltimore: Genealogical Publ., 1991. Francis, Lee, Weshoyot Alvitre, and William D. Fenton. Ghost River: The Fall and Rise of the Conestoga. Philadelphia, PA: The Library Company of Philadelphia, 2020. Garber, Allan A. To God Alone The Honor: The Pioneer Mennonite Families of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press, 2017. Gilbert, Geri. The Warrant Maps of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: Including an Every-name Index. Morgantown, PA: Mastof Press, 2005. Grubb, Farley. Runaway Servants, Convicts, and Apprentices - Advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1796. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1992. Harris, A. (1872). A biographical history of Lancaster County ... being a history of early settlers and eminent men of the county; as also much other unpublished historical information, chiefly of a local character. Lancaster, PA: E. Barr &. Heckler, James Y. The History of Harleysville and Lower Salford Township: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Bedminster, PA: Harry C. Adams, 1992. (original publication, 1886) Hively, Neal Otto. The Manor of Springettsbury, York County, Pennsylvania: "It's History and Early Settlers" York County Original Land Records, Volume 6. U.S.A.: N.O. Hively, 1993. Hocker, Edward W., and Thomas L. Hollowak. Genealogical Data Relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania and Adjacent Territory from Advertisements in German Newspapers Published in Philadelphia and Germantown, 1743-1800. Baltimore, Md: Clearfield, 2003. Hocker, Kristen. Index to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Online Deeds, Books A-D, 1729-1760. Lulu.com, 2015. Klein, H. M., Williams, E. M. (1924). Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, a history. New York and Chicago: Lewis Historical Publishing, 1924. Kuhns, Oscar. "From the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland." Pages 291-292 in The Pennsylvania German, Volume 11; Editors Croll, Schuler, and Kriebel.
Kuhns, Oscar. "Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania, Families from the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland."
Pages 36-38 in National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume
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Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Publications, 2002. Funk, John F. The Mennonite Church and Her Accusers. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Publishing Company, 1878. Gooch, John O. Circuit Riders to Crusades: Essays in Missouri Methodist History. Franklin, TN: Providence House Publishers, 2000. Gorin, Sandra Kaye Laughery., and Eva Coe. Peden. Mill Creek Missionary Baptist Church of Barren, Now Monroe County, KY: Mill Creek #1 or Old Mulkey, 1798 Thru 1820. Glasgow, KY: Gorin Genealogical Pub., 1994. Gray, Marcus Lemon, and Ward McKim Baker. 1806-1906. The Centennial Volume of Missouri Methodism, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Kansas City, MO: Press of Burd & Fletcher printing Co., 1907. Grime, J. H. History of Middle Tennessee Baptists: With Special Reference to Salem, New Salem, Enon and Wiseman Associations. Nashville, TN: Baptist and Reflector, 1902. Guthman, Joshua. Strangers Below Primitive Baptists and American Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Harvey, W.P. "Sketch of the Life and Times of William Hickman, Sr.," Publications of the Kentucky Baptist Historical Society, Issue 1 (1910). Hassell, Cushing Biggs. History of the Church of God, from the Creation to A.D. 1885: Including Especially the History Of.. the Kehukee Primitive Baptist Association. London: Forgotten Books, 2017. Holcombe, Hosea. History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Alabama. 1840 Joint Committee of Hopewell Friends. Hopewell Friends History, 1734-1934, Frederick County, Virginia. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing House, 1936. Kincheloe, Marvin, and Robert L. Hilten. Bishop Asbury Comes to Holston. Commission on Archives and History of Holston Annual Conference, 1984. Leftwich, W. M. Martyrdom in Missouri: A History of Religious Proscription, the Seizure of Churches, and the Persecution of Ministers of the Gospel, in the State of Missouri during the Late Civil War, and under the "Test Oath" of the New Constitution. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan University Library, 2010. Lewis, William Henry. History of Methodism in Missouri for a Decade of Years from 1860 to 1870. Hansebooks, 2017. Logan, James B. History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Illinois. Hansebooks, 2017. Marvin, Enoch Mather. The Life of Rev. William Goff Caples. Hansebooks, 2019. McDonnold, B. W., and John M. Howard. History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Nashville, TN: Board of Publication of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1888. (Reprint by Forgotten Books) McFerrin, John B. History of Methodism in Tennessee, 1783-1804, Volume I. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1895. McFerrin, John B. History of Methodism in Tennessee, 1804-1818, Volume II. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1872. McFerrin, John B. History of Methodism in Tennessee, 1818-1840, Volume III. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1873. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South: 1844-1939. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1844. McGready, James, and James Smith. The Posthumous Works of the Reverend and Pious James M'Gready: Late Minister of the Gospel, in Henderson, Kentucky. Louisville, KY: Printed by W.W. Worsley, 1831. Milam, Loy R. Old Mulkey: A Pioneer Plea for the Ancient Order; History of the Mill Creek Church of Monroe County, Kentucky. Tompkinsville, KY: Pioneer Paths Pub., 1996. Norton, A.T. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Illinois. Alton, IL, 1879. Peacock, James L., and Ruel Tyson. Pilgrims of Paradox Calvinism and Experience among the Primitive Baptists of the Blue Ridge. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017. Peden, Eva Coe. Minutes of Pleasant Run Church, McFarland Creek, Monroe County, Kentucky, 1827-1844. Glasgow, Ky: E.C. Peden, 1974. Price, R.N. Holston Methodism: From Its Origin to the Present Time, Volume II. Nashville, TN: Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South, 1906. Price, R.N. Holston Methodism: From Its Origin to the Present Time, Volume III. Nashville, TN: Publishing House of the M.E. Church, South, 1908. Scott, Hervey. A Complete History of Fairfield County, Ohio. Columbus, OH: Siebert and Lilly, 1877. Simpson, J.F. Minor. Monocacy Valley Maryland Presbyterianism: A History. Frederick, MD: The Great Southern Prg. & Mfg. Co., 1955. Smith, James. History of the Christian Church, from Its Origin to the Present Time ; Compiled from Various Authors. Including a History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Drawn from Authentic Documents. Nashville, TN: Cumberland Presbyterian Office, 1835. (Reprint) Spencer, John H., and Burrilla A. Spencer. A History of Kentucky Baptists: From 1769 to 1885, Volumes I and II. Cincinnati: J.H. Spencer, 1885. Swope, Belle McKinney Hays. History of the Middle Spring Presbyterian Church, Middle Spring, PA (1738-1900). Delhi, India: Facsimile Publisher, 2015. (Reprint of 1900 original) Taylor, Jeffrey Wayne. The Formation of the Primitive Baptist Movement. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press, 2004. Taylor, O. W. Early Tennessee Baptists. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Baptist Convention, 1957. Taylor, William, and John Clark Ridpath. Story of My Life: an Account of What I Have Thought and Said and Done in My Ministry of More than Fifty-Three Years in Christian Lands and among the Heathen. New York: Hunt and Eaton, 1896. Tucker, Frank C. The Methodist Church in Missouri: 1798-1939, a Brief History. Place of publication not identified: F.C. Tucker, 1966. Waddey, John. Churches of Christ in East Tennessee. Winona: J.C. Choate Publications, 1988. Wardin, Albert W. Tennessee Baptists: A Comprehensive History, 1779-1999. Brentwood, TN: Executive Board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, 1999. Woodward, W.S. Annals of Methodism in Missouri. Place of publication not identified: FORGOTTEN Books, 2016. |
Hiestand (Hasting,
Hastings, Hastain, Haisten, Haston) Families Ancestry.com. The Haston Name in History. Ancestry.com, 2007. Best, Jane Evans. "Hiestand Family: An Update." Pages 58-62 of Mennonite Family History, Volume XII, Number 2, April 1993. Best, Jane Evans. "Swiss Reiff and Hiestand Families." Pages 4-9 of Mennonite Family History, Volume XI, Number 1, January 1992. See above for the update to this article. Buckminster, Lydia Nelson (Hastings). The Hastings Memorial: A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Thomas Hastings of Watertown, Mass. - From 1634--1864. Boston: Samuel G. Drake, 1866. Davis, Richard. Hiestand. Report. Provo, Utah: Mennosearch.com.* Gorin, Betty J. Jacob Hiestand (1710-1767) of York County, PA...and Their Descendants. Campbellsville, KY: McDowell Publishing, 2010. Haisten, Robert Wayne. Haisten: A 250-year History of the Haisten Family. Lilburn, GA: R.W. Haisten, 1983. (Not a Swiss-German descended family) Hasting, Howard H., Sr. "The Daniel Haston Family." 1954/1980. MS, San Antonio, TX. Haston, Donald Wayne. The Story of the Daniel Haston Family. Lewisberry, PA: self-published, 2022. Haston, Dougal. In High Places. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1972. Haston, J.D. Haston. Genealogical Records, Daniel Haston -- Isaac T. Haston. (Gift from J.D. Haston, December 22, 2000) Hiestand, Kent. "The Grand Chronicle of the Hiestand Family." Website: hiestand.tripod.com/chronik/ZEITTAFEL.HTML.* Haston, Mary Ruth. "Memories of Days Gone By - 1924-1960s." Unpublished MS. Sparta, TN. (Family memories, handwritten) Hiestand, Henry. Travels in Germany, Prussia and Switzerland. New York: J.S. Taylor, 1837. Jensen, Richard D. The Amazing Tom Mix: The Most Famous Cowboy of the Movies. New York, NY: IUniverse, 2005. Kockler, Eloyce Hubbard. Hiestand, Hestand, Hastings. Helena, MT (1116 Middlemas Rd., Helena 59601): E.H. Kockler, 1995. (South Central KY Hestand family) Mix, Paul E. The Life and Legend of Tom Mix. South Brunswick: A.S. Barnes, 1972. Mix, Paul E. Tom Mix: A Heavily Illustrated Biography of the Western Star, with a Filmography. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &, 1995. Moore, Barbara. "Hastant to Hystandt" on pages 71-73 of Mennonite Family History, Volume II, Number 2, April 1983. Mosemann, Ruth H. Family Directory of Samuel Swartz Histand and Susan Overholt Landis: Descendants and Ascendants. Goshen, Ind.?: Mosemann, 1969. Ritter, Jane. "Haston in Oklahoma & Texas." MS, Randlett, OK. (Descendents of Daniel > David > James W.) Tennessee Supreme Court. C.T. Haston, et. al. vs. Ella Haston, et. al. The Palatine Immigrant. Vol. XIV, No. 3, Autumn, 1989 (page 254). Trimble, David B. Hiestand Family of Page County, Virginia. San Antonio? Tex.: Publisher Not Identified, 1974. Trimble, David B. Hiestand of Virginia. Austin, TX: D.B. Trimble, 2002. USGS. U.S. (Swamp Spring - Haston Big Spring) Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, October 19-20, 2021. *Miscellaneous Hiestand documents by Richard Davis (Mennosearch.com) and by Kent Hiestand (The Grand Chronicle of the Hiestand Family) are in a (burgundy colored) notebook in the Hiestand/Haston section. |
Hiestand/Haston-Related Families Austin Austin, R. History of the Austin Cemetery, Lost Creek, Tennessee. Self-published, 1991. Boone Hawthorne, Bess L. Hannah Boone and Her Descendants. Burlington, VT: Self-published, 1960. Trimble, David B. American Origins. San Antonio, TX: Self-published, 1974. Davis Boyd, Larry Craig. Descendants of James Davis, 1762-1831 - White County, Tennessee Pioneer. Self-published, 1973. Denny Denny, Christopher Columbus. Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America: Descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suffolk, England in 1439. Leicester, MA: published by author, 1886. DeTurk DeTurk, Eugene Peter. History and Genealogy of the DeTurk, DeTurck Family: Descendants of Isaac DeTurk and Maria DeHarcourt. Pawtucket, RI: Quintin Publications, 2002. Dycus Patton, Matthew T. Dycusburg, Kentucky: A Glance at Her Past. Published by author, 1999. Finley Stout, Herald F. The Clan Finley. Reprinted in India, 2013. Gimlin Gimlin, Hoyt L. In Search of Gimlin Ancestors. Santa Fe:NM, Printed by author, 1998. Gochnauer Gochnauer, Harry W. Gochnauer 1660-1940. No date, no publisher. Hunsicker Hunsicker, Ronald J. 300 Years of Stories about the Hunsicker Family in America, 1717-2017. Pennsylvania?: Ronald J. Hunsicker, 2018. Kauffman (Coffman) Kauffman, Charles Fahs. A Genealogy and History of the Kauffman-Coffman Families of North America, 1584 to 1937, Parts One and Two; including Brief Outlines of Allied Swiss and Palatine Families Who Were among the Pioneer Settlers in Lancaster and York Counties of Pennsylvania from 1717 On; Viz., Becker, Baer, Correll, Erisman, Fahs, Kuntz, Kneisley, Hershey, Hiestand, Meyers, Musselman, Neff, Martin, Ruby, Snavely, Shenk, Shirk, Sprenkle, Witmer, and Others. York, PA, 1940. Koontz Koontz, Lowell Layton. History of the Descendants of John Koontz: John Koontz Was Born March 26, 1739 in Opequon, Virginia, in Frederick County, Virginia, and Died April 25, 1832, in Page County, Virginia (this Research Also Includes Partial Lineage of John's Brother, George) . Alexandria, VA: L.L. Koontz, 1979. Layman (Lehman) Layman, Earl R. A Lehman, Layman Genealogy Handbook. Knoxville, TN: E.R. Layman, 2006. Lewis Anonymous. Lewisiana or the Lewis Letter, Volume 1-17, no. 2. Lewis, William G. Lewis Family Pioneers of Eastern Tennessee and Indiana Territory. N.p., 1928. Longenecker Hiestand, Esther Mae Longenecker. Pitchforks and Pitchpipes: A Portrait of a Lancaster County Mennonite Family. Marietta, PA: Hiestand Publishers, 1990. Mitchell Mitchell, Van Hines. The "720" Descendants of Morris and Elizabeth Mitchell. LaFria, TX: Jean S. Mitchell, 1998. Neff (Näf, Nave) Collins, Arian E. The Nave Family: From Switzerland to Montana, 1590s to 1990s. San Diego, CA: Author, 2002. Crown, Philip. The Neff Gang Story. Edinburg, VA: Shenandoah County Historical Society, 2016. Mason, Floyd R. and Kathryn G. Henry & Margaret Knave of PA and Rockingham County, VA. Bridgewater, VA, 2002. Murray, John F. "The Doctor's Neffs of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania" on pages 68-72 of Mennonite Family History, Volume III, Number 2, April 1984. Neff, William Alfred. The Neff-Näf Family: A History of the Descendants of Henry Neff, Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: Who Immigrated from His Native Switzerland to the Colony of Pennsylvania Settling at Penn's Conestoga Manor, Chester (Lancaster) County. Princeton Junction, NJ: Neff & Associates, 1991. Newcomer Newcomer, Christian. The Life and Journal of the Rev'd Christian Newcomer: Late Bishop of the United Brethren in Christ, Written by Himself ; Containing His Travels and Labours in the Gospel from 1795 to 1850, a Period of Thirty-five Years. Hagerstown, MD: F.G.W. Kapp Book Printer, 1834. Reprints available. Powell Christy, M. L., & Powell, A. J. (1976). Authentic genealogical memorial history of Philip Powell of Mifflin County, Pa.: His descendants and others with miscellaneous items and incidents of interest, by Rev. John Powell, published for the author, Dayton, Ohio, 1880. Lima, OH: M. Christy. Riddle Ridlon, G. T. History of the Ancient Ryedales and Their Descendants: in Normandy, Great Britain, Ireland, and America, from 860 to 1884. Manchester, NH: Ridlon, 1884. Ruffner Atkinson, George Wesley. History of Kanawha County: From Its Organization in 1789 Until the Present Time. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Journal, 1876. Hale, J.P. "Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Great Kanawha and New River Valleys, from Point Pleasant to Hinto." West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly 1, no. 2 (April 1901): 5-21. doi: https://archive.org/details/westvirginiahist01west. Scoggins Scoggins, Margaret B. Scoggins Family: An American Saga, 1640-2002. Poplar Bluff, Mo. (P.O. Box 473, Poplar Bluff 63902-0473): M.B. Scoggins, 2002. Shockley Neises, Beverly J., and James Gates H. Richard Shockley and Elizabeth Adkins: Their Ancestors and Descendants, Volume I. Rainier, OR.: B.J. Neises, J.H. Gates, 2003. Neises, Beverly J., and James Gates H. Richard Shockley and Elizabeth Adkins: Their Ancestors and Descendants, Volume II. Rainier, OR.: B.J. Neises, J.H. Gates, 2003. Stauffer Bernd Kratz. "Hans Stauffer: A Farmer in Germany Before His Emigration to Pennsylvania," The Genealogist, XXII, no. 2 (Fall 2008). Sherk Sherk, Morris N. Christian Strickler Sherk: His Ancestry and Descendants. Mechanicsburg, PA (924 Williams Grove Rd, Mechanicsburg 17055) : M.N. Sherk, 1994. Strickler Strickler, Harry M. Forerunners: A History or Genealogy of the Strickler Families, Their Kith and Kin, including Kauffmans, Stovers, Burners, Ruffners, Beavers, Shavers, Brumbachs, Zirkles, Blossers, Groves, Brubakers, Neffs, Rothgebs and Many Other Early Families of Shenandoah, Rockingham, Augusta, Frederick and Page Counties of the Shenandoah Valley ; a Memorial to Those Who Have Gone before. Harrisonburg, VA: H.M. Strickler, 1925. Tipton Tipton, Charles D. Tipton, the First Five American Generations: A Short History of the Tipton Family. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1998. Waterhouse Layman, Elizabeth Waterhouse. Richard Green Waterhouse (1775-1827), Tennessee Pioneer. Missouri City, TX: E.W. Layman, 1996. Williams (and Wallace) Russell, Richard T. Wallace (Wallis) Family of White County, Tennessee. Unpublished. Williams, Joseph Vincent. James Tate Williams, His Family and Recollections. Kingsport, TN: Kingsport Press, 1938. |
Iowa Boyd, Gregory A. Family Maps of Cedar County, Iowa. Norman, OK: Arphax Publishing Company, 2011. |
Missouri Anonymous. General Ordinances of the City of New Franklin, Howard County, Missouri. n.p.: MOML (Makers of Modern Law). Ballard, Loring, and Kenneth C. Thomson and James E. Vandike. The Springs of Greene County, Missouri. Rolla, MO: Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 2001. Boyd, Gregory A. Family Maps of Benton County, Missouri: With Homesteads, Roads, Waterways, Towns, Cemeteries, Railroads, and More. Norman, OK: Arphax Pub. Co., 2008. Boyd, Gregory A. Family Maps of Dade County, Missouri. Norman, OK: Arphax Publishing Company, 2006. Boyd, Gregory A. Family Maps of Dallas County, Missouri. Norman, OK: Arphax Publishing Company, 2008. Brown, Rex, and Mike Jones. Polk County Court Docket. Bolivar, MO: Polk County Genealogical Society, 2006. Burton, David L. A History of the Rural Schools in Greene County, Missouri. 2017. Campbell, Robert A. Campbell's New Atlas of Missouri with Descriptions Historical, Scientific, and Statistical. Forgotten Books reprint. Dallas County Historical Society. Dallas County, Missouri History. Buffalo, MO: 1974. Dallas County Historical Society. Dallas County, Missouri Marriage Records, Book 5 (1886-1894). Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1990. Dallas County Historical Society. A Reading of Dallas County, Missouri Cemeteries: 1834-1991, Volume 1. Buffalo, MO: 1992. Dade County, Missouri Records. Signal Mountain, TX: Mountain Press, 2013 reprint. Dawson, Joseph G., III. Doniphan's Epic March: The 1st Missouri Volunteers in the Mexican War. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1999. Douthat, James L. Tennesseans to Missouri, 1810-1875. Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 2011. Dunaway, Maxine. Some Early Residents of Polk County, Missouri. Bethesda, MD: Published by author, 1978. Duncan, R. S. A History of the Baptists in Missouri. Reprint; Andesite Press, imprint of Creative Media Partners. Dyson, Verne. Picturesque Fayette and Its People: A Review of Fayette, Howard County, Missouri. Reprint. Eaton, David Wolfe. How Missouri Counties, Towns and Streams Were Named. Columbia, MO: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 1916. Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather. Webster County, Missouri - Will Records, 1857-1880, Marriage Records, 1855-1867. Chillicothe, MO: Published by author, 1961. Fairbanks, Jonathan and Clyde Edwin Tuck, Ed. Past and Present of Greene County Missouri: Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records of Many of the Citizens, Volume 1. Indianapolis, IN: A.W. Bowen and Company, 1915. George, Floy Watters. History of Webster County. n.d. Gibbons, Carolyn N. Howard County, MO Marriage Abstracts Book 4 (White), 1860-1881). Fayetteville, NC: Published by author, 2014.
Goodspeed. Goodspeed's
Washington County History: Washington County, Missouri, Nashville,
TN: Goodspeed Publishing, 1888. Goodspeed Brothers. Pictorial and Genealogical Record of Greene County, Missouri: Together with Biographies of Prominent Men of Other Portions of the State, Both Living and Dead. Chicago, IL: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers, 1893. Goodspeed, Westin A. Goodspeed's History of Hickory County, Missouri - 1889. Polk County, MO reprint, 2004. Historical Society of Polk County, Missouri. Missouri Militia Slicker War, 1843 (copies of court documents). Polk County, MO: Historical Society, 2010. Hemphill, Elva Murrell. Early Days in Dallas County. N.p., Published by author, 1954. Holcombe, R. I., and Robert Neumann. History of Greene County, Missouri: Written and Compiled from the Most Authentic Official and Private Sources, Including a History of Its Townships, Towns and Villages. Springfield, MO: Greene County Archives and Records Center, Office of the County Clerk, 1998. Howard County Homemaker Extension Clubs. School Days, Howard County, Missouri. 1984. Howe, Leni. Dallas County, Missouri Marriage Records, Book 6 (1894-1900). Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1998. Howe, Leni. Dallas County, Missouri Assessor's Book, 1867-1868. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1995. Howe, Leni. Reading of Dallas County, Missouri Cemeteries - 1834-1996, Volume III. (Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1996). Howe, Leni. Reading of Dallas County, Missouri Cemeteries - 1834-1996, Volume IV. (Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1996). Hubble, Martin J. Personal Reminiscences and Fragments of the Early History of Springfield and Greene County Missouri. Springfield, MO: Inland Printing Company, 1914. John T. Hughes. Doniphan's Expedition; Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's Overland Expedition to California; Doniphan's Campaign ... Durango; And the Operations of General Price. Scholar Select Reprint. Two copies. Johnson, Ron. Panther Valley Pathways: An Historical and Genealogical Sketch of Early Settlers of Panther Valley, Webster County, Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Printed by Pioneer Printing Co. for the author, 1998. Jones, Bunny Sawyer, et. al. History & Families - Polk County, Missouri. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Company, 2004. Kurtz, Thelma E. A Concise History of Charity and Jackson Township. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 2021. Kurtz, Thelma E. Rural Schools of Dallas County, Volume II. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1992. Kurtz, Thelma E. Rural Schools of Dallas County, Volume III. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1995. Kurtz, Thelma E. Rural Schools of Dallas County, Volume IV. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1996. Lamkin, Uel W. History of Henry County, Missouri. Clinton, MO: Historical Publishing Company, 1919. Lay, James Henry. Sketch of the History of Benton County, Missouri. Nabu Press, 2010. Leftwich, W. M. Martyrdom in Missouri, 1870. Lewis, William Henry. History of Methodism in Missouri for a Decade of Years from 1860 to 1870, 1890. Marvin, Enoch Mather. Life of Rev. William Goff Caples. Hansebooks, 2019. McCandless, Perry. A History of Missouri, Volume II - 1820-1860. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1972. Meyer, Duane. The Heritage of Missouri, a History. Saint Louis: State Pub., 1963. Nagel, Paul C. Missouri, a History. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, 1988. National History Company. History of Howard and Cooper Counties, Missouri. St. Louis: National Historical Co., 1883. Parrish, William Earl. A History of Missouri, Volume III - 1860-1875. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1973. Penick, James Lal. The Great Western Land Pirate, 1981. Penick, James L. The New Madrid Earthquakes. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1981. Polk County Genealogical Society. History & Families: Polk County, Missouri. Padukah, KY: Turner Publishing Company, 2004. Richardson, William H. The Mounted Volunteer: A Diary of a Private of Missouri Mounted Volunteers on the Expedition to California, 1846. Oakpast, Ltd., 2010. Schroeder, Walter A. Opening the Ozarks: A Historical Geography of Missouri's Ste. Genevieve District, 1760-1830 (Volume 1). Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 216. Sechler, Earl T. Our Religious Heritage. Springfield, MO: Westport Press, 1961. Sechler, Earl T. Leaves from an Ozark Journal, 1927-1936. Springfield, MO: Westport Press, 1969. Smith, Donald J. Dallas County, Missouri History Index. Buffalo, MO: Dallas County Historical Society, 1998. Springfield Area Council of Churches. The History of the Churches in Greene County, Missouri - Sesquicentennial, 1833-1983. Stanley, Lois, George F. Wilson, and Mary Helen Wilson. Death Records from Missouri Newspapers (The Civil War Years), 1861-1865. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1990. Stanley, Lois, George F. Wilson, and Mary Helen Wilson. Missouri Taxpayers (1819-1826). Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1990. (two copies) Stanley, Lois, George F. Wilson, and Mary Helen Wilson. More Death Records from Missouri Newspapers, 1810-1857. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1990. Stevens, Walter B. Missouri the Center State, 1821-1915, Volume 1. Chicago-: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1915. Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State): One Hundred Years in the Union, 1820-1921. St. Louis: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1921. Stringfield, E.E. Presbyterianism in the Ozarks, 1834-1907. (N.p, MO: Presbytery of Ozark, 1909). Thomas, Clark, and Jack Glendenning. The Slicker War. Aldrich, MO: Bona Publishing Company, 1984. Tucker, Frank C. The Methodist Church in Missouri, 1789-1939. Joint Committee of the Historical Societies of the Missouri East and the Missouri West Annual Conferences, 1966. Weant, Kenneth E. Civil War Records: Missouri Confederate Infantry, 12th and 16th Regiments, Volume 3. Arlington, TX: Published by author, 2009. Weant, Kenneth E. Civil War Records: Union Troops, Missouri Volunteer Calvary 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Regiments, Volume 5. Arlington, TX: Published by author, 2007. Weant, Kenneth E. Civil War Records: Missouri Enrolled Militia Infantry Regiments, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Provisional Regiments. Arlington, TX: Published by author, 2011. Weant, Kenneth E. The Mexican War: The Missouri Volunteers, Volume 1. Arlington, TX: K.E. Weant, 2004. Wetmore, Alphonso. Gazetteer of the State of Missouri: with a Map of the State from the Office of the Surveyor-General, Including the Latest Additions and Surveys: to Which Is Added, an Appendix, Containing Frontier Sketches and Illustrations of Indian Character. 1837; reprinted, Santa Maria, CA: Janaway Publishing, 2012. Wilson, F. Marion. Wilson's History of Hickory County, Missouri. Hermitage, MO. Williams, Walter, ed. The State of Missouri; and Autobiography. 1904. Wood, Larry. Lynchings, Murders, and Other Nefarious Deeds: A Criminal History of Greene County, MO. Joplin, MO: Hickory Press, 2021. Woodard, W.S. Annals of Methodism in Missouri. 1893, reprinted Alpha Editions, 2019. Woodruff, Mrs. Howard W. Marriage Records, Dallas County, Missouri: Marriage Records, Books "A" and "B". Kansas City, MO: Published by author, 1972. Woodruff, Mrs. Howard W. Marriage Records, Greene County, Missouri: Marriage Records, Books "A" and "B". Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 2000. Books on Compact Discs - Hearthstone Legacy Publications
Arkansas Book on Compact Discs - Hearthstone Legacy Publications
Georgia Graham, Paul K. Georgia Courthouse Disasters. Decator, GA: The Genealogy Company, 2013. Igmire, Frances T. Citizens of Walker County, Georgia: 1860 Census Index. Signal Mountain, TN: The Mountain Press, 1986. Sartain, James Alfred. History of Walker County, Georgia, Volume 1. 1932 reprinted; Carrollton, GA: Thomasson Printing, 1972. Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery, With an Engraved map of Each District. New York, NY: Harper and Brothers, 1838. Walker County - Memoirs of Georgia. 1895; reprinted, Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, n.d. South Carolina Simpson, R.W. History of Old Pendleton District & Genealogy of Leading Families. Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1913.
Miscellaneous Altman, Nathaniel. Sacred Trees: Spirituality, Wisdom and Well-Being. New York: Sterling, 2001. Anderson, T. Neill. Horrors of History: City of the Dead. New York: MTM Publishing, Inc., 2013. Dangelis, Letisha. Chickamauga's Indian Trails Of Appalachia: Historical American Indian Settlements Of The Southeast. No place or publisher, 2021. Dollarhide, William, and Leland K. Meitzler. American Migration Routes. Otting, WA: Family Roots Publishing Company, 2022. Dow, Lorenzo. The Eccentric Preacher. 1841 (Reprinted by Forgotten Books). Eakle, Arlene H., and Johni Cerny. The Source: a Guidebook of American Genealogy. Ancestry Publishing Company, 1984. Ehle, John. Trail of Tears: the Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation. New York: Anchor Books, 1989. Fitzpatrick, Colleen, and Andrew Yeiser. DNA and Genealogy. Fountain Valley, CA: Rice Book Press, 2005. Floriani, Peter J. An Introduction to Heraldry. Reading, PA: Penn Street Publications, 2014. Harper, Josephine L. Guide to the Draper Manuscripts. Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2004.
Hiestand, Orville O. See America First.
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Scots-Irish and
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