Daniel Hast/Haste and Daniel Hastings of Maryland |
Hast / Haste Daniel Hast is in the
records of Old Somerset County, MD, as having been transported on April
1, 1664. He married Sarah Rodgers on August 2, 1680 and died in
1701, in Wicomico Section. His known children were: (1)
Sarah, married Robert Dashiell and (2) Elizabeth, married Benjamin
Wailes. (Source: Maryland Calendar of Wills, III, p. 2; Dashiell Records,
III, p. 692, Somerset Rent Rolls, p. 33, in Maryland Historical Society)
He named no sons in his will. Hast (or Haste) is a German surname which originated in Haste, Germany. Additional research results regarding our Daniel Haston, and his family roots, make it highly unlikely that this Daniel Hast/Haste had any connection to the Swiss-German Daniel Hiestand/Haston who is the focus of this website. |
Hastings A Daniel Hastings lived in Maryland in an era that would fit the Daniel Haston who died in White County, TN in 1826. There is evidence, through connections with the Baltimore, MD Daniel McComiskey family, that the TN Daniel Haston might possibly have been in the Baltimore, MD area at some point prior to moving to North Carolina/Tennessee. This Daniel Hastings witnessed the will of James Dickson, as per this source: JAMES DICKSON (MD wills volume 37, folio 322; record appears on page 99 of volume 14 of the series called Maryland Calendar of Wills). The will was dated 9 Aug 1768 and proved 21 Aug 1769. It mentioned wife Margery and these children: David, John, Hugh, Joseph, Benjamin, Elizabeth Farr, and grandchild James, son of deceased Robert. The Executor was son David. Witnesses were Robert Mills, Peter Laughlin, and Daniel Hastings. Daniel Hastings - Born about 1735, according to Freeny researchers. Married daughter of Peter Freeny in Wicomico Hundred of Worcester County, MD. Disappeared from area records before 1775. Possibly the same Daniel Hastings as the one who witnessed the James Dickson will. Joshua Hastings - thought to have been born about 1755-60. Lived in Sussex County, DE, just across the border from Somerset County, MD. Thought by some researchers, but not proven, to be the son of Daniel Hastings and Miss Freeny. His will was made on 13 Oct 1794, in Sussex County, DE. Heirs: wife, Rhoda Hasting; sons, William, Job, Daniel, and Ezekiah Hasting; daughters, Elizabeth, Lydia, Nelly, Grace, and Levinia Hasting; granddaughter, Leah Hasting (of Ezekiah and wife Jane Hasting); Executor/Trustee, son William Hasting; Witnesses: John Williams, Elijah Hearn, Samuel Hearn. Will Probate date: 30 Apr 1799; Will Book: A74; Liber E, pages: 201-202; folios 218-219. John Hastings - Jno. Hastings was listed, on December 16, 1663, as one who was brought into Old Somerset County, MD by Randall Revell and Mrs. Ann Toft. He was entitled to 50 acres of land for coming into Maryland to settle. The records indicate that it is not proven that he actually did settle. It is thought that he might have turned over his land grant to the people who paid for his transportation. No other Hastings are found in the records of Old Somerset County, MD until 1717, when Robert Hastings surveyed 50 acres and named it "Betty Magery". [Source: Old Somerset of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Clayton Torrence, Family Line Publications, Westminster, MD, 1992, p. 474, refers to Land Patent Records, Liber 6, Folio 171, Maryland Archives.] Robert Hastings - born about 1695 and died 1752-3 in Wicomico Hundred of Old Somerset County, (Worcester County) MD. Children: William, b. about 1715; Benjamin, born about 1719; Robert, Jr., born about 1723; John, born about 1727; Isaac born about 1730; ?Daniel?, born about 1735; ?James Hastings? born about 1730-1740. In 1717 Robert Hastings surveyed 50 acres near Little Creek and named it "Betty Magery." Additional research results regarding our Daniel Haston, and his family roots, make it highly unlikely that this Daniel Hast/Haste had any connection to the Swiss-German Daniel Hiestand/Haston who is the focus of this website. |